Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

The fact that he won off that terrible hurricanrana.. (i think he did the AA right after but still) is worse.. but hey, I can't blame the dude for trying.. was a hell of match these two put on. Definitely bring out the best in each other so it was good to see.
I don't think Cena brings out the best in Punk, but I definitely think Punk brings out the best in Cena.
I don't think Cena brings out the best in Punk, but I definitely think Punk brings out the best in Cena.
If it has been discussed before I apologize, but is there a reason why Ricardo Rodriguez has not been able to wrestle?

Stone Cold ET vs Chris Masters
I love Stone Cold ET. Dude is GOLD, a lot better than some of the "promos" some of the guys in the locker room put on today
- The feeling at Monday's RAW was that The Undertaker will be back on next week's old school themed show. Some of the words used in CM Punk's promo like being immortal, an icon and God are believed to be setting up the feud with Taker. 

- Speaking of Punk, he worked Monday's excellent RAW main event against John Cena while sick. Punk and some other WWE stars picked up a bug while in the Middle East last week but Punk apparently caught it worse than others. 

- The idea to bring in Dutch Mantel as Zeb Colter came from Vince McMahon and the WWE writing team. There has been a feeling that some guys just can't talk to get themselves over and need managers who can talk for them. This was discussed a few months ago and at the time, Dutch and former WCW, ECW and TNA manager Jim Mitchell were brought up in WWE creative meetings. Dutch ended up being brought in for Jack Swagger and it's said that Mitchell still could be used in the future. - See more at: http://nodq.com/wwe/363980674.shtml#sthash.8lHYTqoP.dpuf
Extremely extremely off topic but this is the only thread on NT where the dudes appreciate a good laugh:

Those Vince and Nash clips :rofl: I remember facepalming badly and attempting not to laugh when that happened live. Nash didn't even get one offensive move in :lol: :smh:
Cena and Punk put on a PPV worthy match. I kept expecting Undertaker to come in like most in this thread.

What was the point of announcing he came back during a house show? Most of the WWE Universe doesn't care for wrestling outside of Raw and Smackdown.

With that said, I'm tired of posts directed toward "smarks". As of late, you guys have been doing most of the complaining compared to us.

I don't care about the WWEs bottom line, who sells the most merchandise and who draws. If I did, I would own stock in the company. I care about good cards, character development and story development. Like a TV show, it benefits the short and long term health for the latter of the two to happen. The lack of it is why, like the Walking Dead, it stinks now. Seeing that I will be attending Wrestlemania, I am not only skeptical, but my anger grows by the week seeing that the card features predictable lineups and what is going to be filler. That's the reason for my "smarky" comments recently.
Cena and Punk put on a PPV worthy match. I kept expecting Undertaker to come in like most in this thread.

What was the point of announcing he came back during a house show? Most of the WWE Universe doesn't care for wrestling outside of Raw and Smackdown.


To Troll Clearly....

These Weed The People YouTube Promos are comical. It's amazing to see the WWE use the Zack Ryder formula to get others over. Ryder has to be fuming watching alll of these YouTube videos.
Still can't get over Cena being on the outside of ring on life support at the 9 count, rising from the dead and lunging into the ring, then laying dead again :lol: him selling that second or third GTS as a light cool breeze followed by an immediate AA damn near brought me to tears though. Still a very good match, and still exceeded the high expectations I had for it.
Tensai's New Name is...

Sweet T

- The idea to bring in Dutch Mantel as Zeb Colter came from Vince McMahon and the WWE writing team. There has been a feeling that some guys just can’t talk to get themselves over and need managers who can talk for them. This was discussed a few months ago and at the time, Dutch and former WCW, ECW and TNA manager Jim Mitchell were brought up in WWE creative meetings. Dutch ended up being brought in for Jack Swagger and it’s said that Mitchell still could be used in the future.

- PWInsider is reporting that creative is scrambling to fast-track the CM Punk/Undertaker storyline.

WWE creative is concerned with Punk losing the last two WWE pay-per-views and then again to John Cena. They feel a lost to The Undertaker at WrestleMania could really damage one of the two names who draw on the road currently, the other being John Cena.
Tensai's New Name is...

Sweet T

- The idea to bring in Dutch Mantel as Zeb Colter came from Vince McMahon and the WWE writing team. There has been a feeling that some guys just can’t talk to get themselves over and need managers who can talk for them. This was discussed a few months ago and at the time, Dutch and former WCW, ECW and TNA manager Jim Mitchell were brought up in WWE creative meetings. Dutch ended up being brought in for Jack Swagger and it’s said that Mitchell still could be used in the future.

- PWInsider is reporting that creative is scrambling to fast-track the CM Punk/Undertaker storyline.
WWE creative is concerned with Punk losing the last two WWE pay-per-views and then again to John Cena. They feel a lost to The Undertaker at WrestleMania could really damage one of the two names who draw on the road currently, the other being John Cena.

I think by having Punk lose 3 PPV's in a row could help in the future if they spun it the right way. Throwing the "I am god" thing back at him considering his status as a heel - it will only fuel the fire for him to bounce back. We'll just have to see...
Look at this ******g movie star

View media item 291118
On my second day on set, we were filming the first of my many lengthy monologues in the film. After nailing my performance on the first take, I was walking off set when suddenly a hand extended out in front of me, followed by the words “Mr. Barrett… that was the most incredible piece of acting I have seen in my entire career.” I looked up and couldn’t believe my eyes; it was none other than ‘Mr. E.T.’ himself, Steven Spielberg! I thought to myself: “You couldn’t make this up!” Spielberg proceeded to tell me how he was about to start shooting a major feature film about the Greek God ‘Adonis’, and how I would be perfect for the role. At this point he offered me a tremendous amount of money to take the part – I’m blushing thinking about it. The only problem: I would need to leave Dead Man Down immediately, thus ruining the film.

I told Spielberg where he could shove his offer. I explained to him that I became an actor because of my passion for the art - not for the money and fame - and I wasn’t about to sell out to anyone. Spielberg left the set like a scalded cat, and I decided to put the matter to the back of my mind. As I returned however, the entire cast and crew were staring open-mouthed at me. That’s when it clicked: I’d completely forgotten that I still had my mic on – they had heard the whole thing go down! Dead Man Down’s lead producer came up to me and exclaimed that he couldn’t believe one person could possess so much integrity! Before I could respond, the cast hoisted me onto their shoulders once again, and a chorus of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” rang out across the set.

I don’t consider myself a hero for my actions that day, but everyone else certainly does. Hero or not, that was the day that Steven Spielberg realized there was a new megastar in Hollywood, and his name was Wade Barrett.

I never had faith in a movie star bring WWE Intercontinental Champion, but I'm now a believer.
Excerpts from a recent interview with the best wrestler in the company[emoji]8482[/emoji].
Daniel Bryan recently spoke about why the NXT concept was disrespectful and more. Here are the highlights…

Comparing WWE to the Indys: "I miss the intimacy of the fans in independent scene. They have their pluses and minuses but I can say I miss the fans there."

Disliking WWE's Original NXT TV Concept: "NXT was disrespectful to wrestling in general. The entire show. When Undertaker debuted, he didn't have to climb ladders or carry kegs. I trained to be a wrestler for a long time, so let me go out and wrestle. If you have me go out and do these stupid contests, you make me look stupid and it's very difficult to make stars when you already made them look stupid on television"

His "The Future is Bright for Bryan Danielson" Promo on NXT: "One of the things people don't know about NXT is that we were never told what to say, and we never knew the questions people were asking us. When the interviewer asked me "You were a big fish in a small pond and now you seemingly drowned in the sea that is the WWE", my response was "No, this character that you created for me, he's failed, because you created him to fail. But me, as a person, I'm better than this. I can go out and do, I can do what I'm doing right now, which is capturing the imagination of the crowd."

The Choking Justin Roberts Incident: "I did what I felt was natural, but I am not used to wrestle in a confined environment. WWE has to be very carful about being PG. I wasn't used to that at the time. I was an independent wrestler, Sometimes I would do things because it just felt right, and when it felt right, it wasn't right for the company."

Being a World Heavyweight Champion: "Being a world champion is cool, but you don't just wanna be the champion, you want to be the man, you wanna be the guy they rely on for everything. Even though I was the world champion, I never was the man. John Cena, even though he isn't the champion, he's the man, and that's what you aspire to be. At the and of the day, you wanna be the man"

Wanting To Do More Serious Work In WWE: "I was able to do lots of comedy stuff on Pro Wrestling Guerilla and shows like that, it's been fun to do that to a wider audience. But now, I'm starting to feel like aching for the more serious stuff, being able to go out there and just wrestle. "
Maybe he feels better about his character once the HEEL TURN goes into full effect.
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Tensai's New Name is...
Sweet T

you have no idea how angry a bunch of American Top Team guys are because of it.

one of the bookers created a gimmick for a new guy that i was supposed to go over later this month.

he was supposed to be an ice-cream man, which wouldve gotten over with the kids in the audience.

his name? Sweet T

he was gonna come in and cut a brief promo and say "and if i win tonight: FREE ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE!"

at which point i would've squashed him.

they came up with this a couple of months ago, so to see the name come about is hilarious 
WWE creative is concerned with Punk losing the last two WWE pay-per-views and then again to John Cena. They feel a lost to The Undertaker at WrestleMania could really damage one of the two names who draw on the road currently, the other being John Cena.

FINE...so let Punk beat Taker. He's the only one who really deserves it and they can run with it as his heel character becomes that of EPIC proportions
Absolutely not.

If we're talking about guys deserving things...Undertaker should, and most likely will, retire with his streak intact. There isn't a single wrestler on the roster right now who should get that type of rub. Or maybe that guy is on the roster but he's just not at that level yet. Regardless, someone as established as Punk CERTAINLY doesn't need it.

Why can't people be satisfied with what Punk's been able to do in the last 2 years? Instead of celebrating his recent success and the 'E finally acknowledging his greatness, it's more about how he's been "stiffed" and "disrespected". Like he didn't just come off the longest WWE Title reign in 25 years.
Y'all realize if he gets a main event W over Taker at Wrestlemania...there's NOTHING left for him to accomplish and he's done, right? Done as in...not wrestling anymore. Those aren't my words, those are his.
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