Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

Looking at those Lesnar pics brought me back to this comment
Can you imagine if they had one of their geek doctors come out and try and clean Lesnar up? 
The thought of this had me
. Son would've snapped his neck in the heat of the moment.
The piledriver spot last night was kept secret between just Punk and Cena (and maybe the agent who laid out the match).  Vince supposedly lost it backstage when they did the spot because the piledriver is, and still is, a banned move.  There won't be any significant punishment for either guy, but they may be fined.
Basically the same thing as the HHH vs. Undertaker chair spots to the head at WM. Made even worse considering that neither guy bothered to use their hands to protect themselves (which was also deliberate).

They planned it and no one else knew it was gonna happen. Vince was livid and fined them.

It's just one of those things certain guys can get away with without it affecting their status. Punk, Cena, HHH, Taker, Rock, Jericho. That's the list.
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Imagine Zack Ryder doing a piledriver on Otunga. Vince would sprint to the ring and slide under the ropes like Paul London and fire him on the spot :lol: :lol:
I went back and watched the beginning of Raw to see how that cut got on the back of Brock's head like that. He hit his head on the where the turnbuckle meets the post. There's an edge that sticks out.
Looking at those Lesnar pics brought me back to this comment

The thought of this had me :lol: :lol: :lol: . Son would've snapped his neck in the heat of the moment.

Basically the same thing as the HHH vs. Undertaker chair spots to the head at WM. Made even worse considering that neither guy bothered to use their hands to protect themselves (which was also deliberate).

They planned it and no one else knew it was gonna happen. Vince was livid and fined them.

It's just one of those things certain guys can get away with without it affecting their status. Punk, Cena, HHH, Taker, Rock, Jericho. That's the list.

If you're talking bout the head shot at WM27, Taker actually gets his hand up a the last second.
Has anyone else read the ESPN Power Rankings for this week? The writer seems like one of the many people in here :rofl:

"John Cena’s character is about as cool as the bent brim in his size-too-small hat, but I have to give props where props are due, and his match against CM Punk on Raw was a fantastic showing that proved he can still deliver entertainment and athleticism at the highest level."


- He also touched on something that I thought about when Y2J kept urging Sheamus and Ryback to fight the Shield. As he was talking to them I thought they would have a match at WM and Y2J would turn on them. But with Orton's involvement I don't see that happening.
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Kevin Steen is in my fave five right now. Dude is so talented but I don't think he'll ever get a chance in the WWE because of his look, but he deserves a chance imo.
As Mania gets closer I could see WWE having a battle royal  to start Mania and having the winner become the number 1 contender for the Heavyweight or WWE Title.   It looks like these matches are locks so far.

Del Rio vs Swagger for the Heavyweight title

Cena vs the Rock for the WWE title

Undertaker vs CM Punk

Brock vs Triple H

The Shield vs Orton, Sheamus, and Ryback

Diva title match

I'd hope they would put Y2J, Ziggler, DB, Kane, Cesaro, Big Show,  Miz, Sandow, Rhodes, Mark Henry, Wade Barrett, and a few others in in the battle royal.
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