Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

The piledriver spot last night was kept secret between just Punk and Cena (and maybe the agent who laid out the match).  Vince supposedly lost it backstage when they did the spot because the piledriver is, and still is, a banned move.  There won't be any significant punishment for either guy, but they may be fined.
The piledriver spot last night was kept secret between just Punk and Cena (and maybe the agent who laid out the match).  Vince supposedly lost it backstage when they did the spot because the piledriver is, and still is, a banned move.  There won't be any significant punishment for either guy, but they may be fined.

Ballsy move by those involved if Vince didn't really approve of it. Any chance this is just a work? Or Vince just sending a message to the locker room?
The piledriver spot last night was kept secret between just Punk and Cena (and maybe the agent who laid out the match).  Vince supposedly lost it backstage when they did the spot because the piledriver is, and still is, a banned move.  There won't be any significant punishment for either guy, but they may be fined.
Thanks for the update regarding the piledriver.  So I guess that means there is no subliminal connection between that and a soon to be Taker match correct??
Thanks for the update regarding the piledriver.  So I guess that means there is no subliminal connection between that and a soon to be Taker match correct??

I wouldn't think so. I highly doubt they would do a program over a piledriver.

I can see Punk coming out and doing the god thing next week then the DONG.
I wish they'd just let Ziggler hold the MITB case until the MITB PPV to let it stick out more than they others. That way you know he's coming. :smokin
Nah it wast just a swing and miss

Wrestlemania looks all over the place when it comes to the midcard
Cesaro vs. Miz US Title
Barrett vs. Sheamus IC Title?
Zig Zag missing
Mark Henry needs a spot
What happens to the Tag Champs
Shield vs. a random trio again?
MEH's all around

At this rate there may be a 10 on 10 match between Booker t and Vickie :smh:
I really wanted to see Rhode Scholars VS Hell No @ WM, have Rhode Scholars win on the big stage and then have Kane VS D.Bry @ Extreme Rules.
wheres this goofball Jewbacca to tell us (again) that this blood was fake? 

12 staples, yowza

Ok ok... Maybe I was wrong haha

Just didn't seem real to me with the quickness he was just drenched, but if he did get 12 staples, it's obviously real lol my bad
They used to be perfect size for syringes


I think it was because they're just very practical for a wrestlers lifestyle. You're on the road everyday. In a car for HOURS every night. I wouldn't want to be dressed up. I would want to be in sweat pants or zubaz like the old wrestlers always wore too. Just made it easy to carry everything you would need on the road, i.e (ID, money, keys, pill rattlers, joints and syringes as mentioned)
I don't understand if they are going to do a taker fued with punk they didn't start last night. Guess they could have punk come out like oh hes God blah blah blah fluke victory then taker comes out but how can we believe punk is going to beat taker if he can't beat taker. down the line Also this means less time for the angle to develop. Also I can't see punk beating undertaker at all so theres really no point. So unless they swerve us mania looks OD predictable.

Cena over Rock

HHH over Lesnar

Taker over Punk


Also what are they going to do have some crappy 6 man tag match again with the shield

Wheres Ziggler

Wheres Mark Henry

Wheres Jericho

I'm just not excited for this mania at all
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