Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match




Any wrestler coming up needs to find his way into HHH's pocket :lol:
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WWE so smart. Used a usually rowdy crowd in their favorite. They worked all the marks and they got what they wanted.

Last night really did it. He just needed that little twist to make him more ruthless. In ring work is definitely up there now and his promos leave something to be desired but man, to see how much he has progressed over the last year
his promos are trash bro.. but i think that has more to do with the script than the actor
Yep, just like other people on the roster, it's like they're writing stuff for a role he shouldn't be playing.
I dunno man

I know WWE creative is bad

But I refuse to believe they fed him that "sniveling little suck up sell out full of suffering suchotash son" line

sick fargo is done.. need new show asap.. fargo actually made me like tv again.. i watch sports, wrestling, shark tank, and kid cartoons with my daughter ahah thats it.. fargo has me wanting more though. props to the guys in here who talked about it so much. thats what made me finally watch it.. reps are warranted
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Just finished watching RAW on DVR. Best RAW in a long time. Would say year but I'm blanking on the rest of the good episodes and know I'm forgetting one.

:lol: at Vince being dead on the edge of the ring for a good 5 minutes beforr Roman kicked him off.
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@Degenerate423 you watch the men in Blazers show?? Better than ESPN fc imo
Nah, I'm gonna start DVR'ing it.  I wish ESPN FC would consistently have Thomas, Moreno, Hislop, and Burley though.

All this talk about Fargo has piqued my interest.  I'm gonna check out the first episode and see what's good.
Figures the "family" would show up when he wins
I made a thread for the first season and just continued it for the second. Both were great, this ones just that much better though. Very well done show.
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