Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match

Fun times in Cleveland today.


video from 8 years ago.

Not even all in Cleveland either.

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Based on Reigns overcoming the odds, League Of Nations might be a worse stable than Nexus and the Corre :lol: they were assembled and basically dismantled in less than a month

Had to clutch my stomach at Reigns celebrating and casually shoving Vince out the ring :rofl: too funny
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Based on Reigns overcoming the odds, League Of Nations might be a worse stable than Nexus and the Corre :lol: they were assembled and basically dismantled in less than a month

Barely hit two weeks.

7th Grade Relationships have lasted longer.
League of Nations was formed just to put Reigns over.. I think that's why Barrett no show last night and raw.. J.O.B done..
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Yeah it's horrible man. I have alot of tired days at work because of it :lol:

Dam that sucks. Tnt double headers are usually from 8pm-12am means you gotta be up from 2am - 6am and work at 9am (guessing since I know the work day starts later in the uk then it does here in NYC 7-8am) :smh: na I'll pass and catch that on dvr unless it's the finals.
Dam that sucks. Tnt double headers are usually from 8pm-12am means you gotta be up from 2am - 6am and work at 9am (guessing since I know the work day starts later in the uk then it does here in NYC 7-8am) :smh: na I'll pass and catch that on dvr unless it's the finals.

Yeah when the Knicks play in the West side, I don't tend to stay up for them games because as you say I get virtually no sleep at all, at least with the games at home most tip off around 12:30 - 1am which is manageable. Euro version of League Pass is dope though, no blackouts at all and can watch condensed games before I start work.
Yeah when the Knicks play in the West side, I don't tend to stay up for them games because as you say I get virtually no sleep at all, at least with the games at home most tip off around 12:30 - 1am which is manageable. Euro version of League Pass is dope though, no blackouts at all and can watch condensed games before I start work.

I'm gonna assume you had a choice of selecting your team since your not from the states, why the Knicks tho :lol: . thats like an American supporting a epl team on the cusp of regulation year after year then have one decent season only to be **** again :lol:
Fell asleep for the last hour of Raw, but I already knew what was going down after Vince made that stipulation.

He literally moved Heaven and Earth trying to get Reigns over and it looks like it finally worked.

It'll be interesting to see if they can sustain it or it goes back to status quo next week.

DBry ain't coming back anytime soon. Can't have him undo all the work they did with Roman in the last few months.
As out of touch VKM is creatively... The character Mr McMahon is still an endlessly entertaining character... I'm watching YouTube highlights and totally marked out for Mr McMahon :lol:...
I'm gonna assume you had a choice of selecting your team since your not from the states, why the Knicks tho :lol: . thats like an American supporting a epl team on the cusp of regulation year after year then have one decent season only to be **** again :lol:

Yeah I did I must admit, But I liked to roll with the Knicks on NBA Jam back in the day and it started from there really. Plus I wanted a team that is accessible should I want to get over for a game, If we ever get close to getting the chip (probably not in our lifetime :lol:) then I will by in NY for it, believe me.
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I'm gonna assume you had a choice of selecting your team since your not from the states, why the Knicks tho :lol: . thats like an American supporting a epl team on the cusp of regulation year after year then have one decent season only to be **** again :lol:

Yeah I did I must admit, But I liked to roll with the Knicks on NBA Jam back in the day and it started from there really. Plus I wanted a team that is accessible should I want to get over for a game, If we ever get close to getting the chip (probably not in our lifetime :lol:) then I will by in NY for it, believe me that.


View media item 1829051
ambrose needs to turn heel now or something

but then again he has the ic belt so meh

either way roman needs a legit program to keep the flow going. maybe owens joins the authoritah
Very interested to see where things go from here. I'd imagine that Sheamus would get a rematch at Royal Rumble?

Winner of the Rumble should be interesting. I feel like Brock has to win to setup a rematch at WM32 with nobody being able to cash in the MITB.

As forced as things may be, I think they did things about as good as they possibly could over the last 2 nights...
[QUOTE name="Mr Cashfl0w" url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/t/639289/wrestling-thread-11-9-12-14-dec-13-wwe-tlc-sheamus-c-vs-roman-reigns-tlc-wwe-title-match/8910#post_24760969[/URL]"]
View media item 1828815
Figures the "family" would show up when he wins :smh: .

Could have easily corrected that mistake by having a backstage segment on RAW with Renee talking to Ambrose or the Usos asking their whereabouts during the end of the main event at TLC...

Ambrose/ Usos could've answered with, " Reigns wanted to go in alone and we accepted that, etc..."   Case closed...

All of that would have led up to the end result in the main event on RAW with Reigns winning. 

Details like that really make me just...:smh:

Ditto :smh: :smh: those are the little things that the WWE clearly forgot how to do. And since they left out those details, it just makes Ambrose and the Usos look like some leeches crawling to Reigns
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