would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex

:lol: Married with kids? Not sure most people here are talking about kids bruh.

Either way - if someone makes time to hang out with one person for 2.5 hours once a year - something is wrong? Or do you spend all your time with your wife?

Is it that hard to believe that my wife doesn't want to spend time with another man other than me?? And why would I want to go experience a museum or a play or a movie or a dinner date with another woman?...is ya significant other not fulfilling enough?
So, is there no difference between occasionally and regularly spending time with someone that isn't your significant other? What you said is pretty misleading considering what I originally asked you. 

How long have you been in your relationship?...married? How old are you? These are things that should be a factor in why we view this differently.
Married with kids? Not sure most people here are talking about kids bruh.

Either way - if someone makes time to hang out with one person for 2.5 hours once a year - something is wrong? Or do you spend all your time with your wife?
Is it that hard to believe that my wife doesn't want to spend time with another man other than me?? And why would I want to go experience a museum or a play or a movie or a dinner date with another woman?...is ya significant other not fulfilling enough?
2.5 hours out of the year means a significant other isn't fulfilling enough? lol
So, is there no difference between occasionally and regularly spending time with someone that isn't your significant other? What you said is pretty misleading considering what I originally asked you. 
How long have you been in your relationship?...married? How old are you? These are things that should be a factor in why we view this differently.
Are you going to answer the question? Or just dodge every time I present a valid counter argument? I'll check back in the morning. 
Yes there is a difference OBVIOUSLY.

No a married woman shouldn't want to spend ANY PLANNED time with another male 1 on 1 that is not related to her.

clear enough?
I think the problem here is that you guys don't make female friends or have any intention of making female friends unless you're trying to smash. That means you can't even fathom 2 people hanging out, catching up, talking without sex being somehow involved. To clarify, I'm talking about platonic hanging out. Not a romantic date or cuddling up next to each other.

I wonder how yall would deal with a bisexual girl :lol: Lock her in a cage?
If you got female friends and your lady's cool with y'all hanging out, she got you guys with your mouths wide open thinking that your "confidence" level is alpha :lol:
While your enjoying your time with the friend doing what friends do, she's out getting her back blown out by the homie
I think the problem here is that you guys don't make female friends or have any intention of making female friends unless you're trying to smash. That means you can't even fathom 2 people hanging out, catching up, talking without sex being somehow involved. To clarify, I'm talking about platonic hanging out. Not a romantic date or cuddling up next to each other.

I wonder how yall would deal with a bisexual girl :lol: Lock her in a cage?
If you got female friends and your lady's cool with y'all hanging out, she got you guys with your mouths wide open thinking that your "confidence" level is alpha :lol:
While your enjoying your time with the friend doing what friends do, she's out getting her back blown out by the homie

I know this is a funny statement to use. But it's not always true.

Most females use these type of situations as leverage on their next argument with you. :lol:

One random day (8 months later)... you guys start fighting about the house not being cleaned.

Then she's like "You don't do SH*T around this house, I work, I clean, I cook... and you out at the movies with Tiffany!!!"

And you over there like....

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I know this is a funny statement to use. But it's not always true.

Most females use these type of situations as leverage on their next argument with you. :lol:

One random day (8 months later)... you guys start fighting about the house not being cleaned.

Then she's like "You don't do SH*T around this house, I work, I clean, I cook... and you out at the movies with Tiffany!!!"

And you over there like....

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Nah fam....
women are more terrified of you befriending another woman than actually banging her...especially in a marriage.
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friend is smashin the wife.............wow, great excuse.... " hunny i'm going to the movies with my old friend " ..........these girls aint loyal..........dont believe that.............. 2hours time frame to smash.............so if you call...........she gonna lay you with the "babe I couldn't pick up the phone, i was at the movies" line ..........come on now.............common sense ...........if my wife ever asked me that ...............i would say if you go ...don't comeback...............................you allow them to do this once, then they gonna do it all the time ......................and lay you with the next line when you do not know "well babe you let me go to the movies with him the other day so I thought you wouldn't care that I went to the pool with him"
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If a woman pursues  an interest  with another man, that means she is interested  in that man?
Not sure if srs

Steezy is up in here telling it like it is. NOW WAY IN HELL is a married woman spending her time with another man and not interested in that dude. Sure, there are some very extreme situations where old friends meet for lunch during the work week or whatever, but those are outlier situations (and even then, the dude is seeing if there's a chance...testing the waters). 9/10 shorty is getting wet if she's meeting up with other dudes to hang out. 
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I know this is a funny statement to use. But it's not always true.

Most females use these type of situations as leverage on their next argument with you. :lol:

One random day (8 months later)... you guys start fighting about the house not being cleaned.

Then she's like "You don't do SH*T around this house, I work, I clean, I cook... and you out at the movies with Tiffany!!!"

And you over there like....

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View media item 1107664
Nah fam....
women are more terrified of you befriending another woman than actually banging her...especially in a marriage.

I was speaking out of experience. |I
Look at all these loopholes of dudes basically sending their wives/gfs on dates with other dudes. It's like the loopholes to fap, "does it count if the screen went blank and I didn't finish, and didn't use lotion and the chick was ugly?" get outta here :lol:
Yes there is a difference OBVIOUSLY.

No a married woman shouldn't want to spend ANY PLANNED time with another male 1 on 1 that is not related to her.

clear enough?
Obviously  that's the point. So, it sounds like your argument isn't really based on anything since I showed that having a common interest with someone doesn't mean that you necessarily are interested in that someone. 

Your argument is that a woman should never spend any time with another male (even 2.5 hours out of the year) just because? Spending any time at all with another male means that a female is not fulfilled and is interested in another male and this is based on what exactly? The assumption that all women are evil?
Yes there is a difference OBVIOUSLY.

No a married woman shouldn't want to spend ANY PLANNED time with another male 1 on 1 that is not related to her.

clear enough?
Obviously  that's the point. So, it sounds like your argument isn't really based on anything since I showed that having a common interest with someone doesn't mean that you necessarily are interested in that someone. 

Your argument is that a woman should never spend any time with another male (even 2.5 hours out of the year) just because? Spending any time at all with another male means that a female is not fulfilled and is interested in another male and this is based on what exactly? The assumption that all women are evil?
Give it a rest dude. You're arguing for an outlier situation and you're coming across like a herb. You lost. 
Give it a rest dude. You're arguing for an outlier situation and you're coming across like a herb. You lost. 

The outlier is you guys talking about movie watching actually being a romantic, cuddly thing or you guys acting like it's a weekly thing. What outlier is he talking about?
I think the problem here is that you guys don't make female friends or have any intention of making female friends unless you're trying to smash. That means you can't even fathom 2 people hanging out, catching up, talking without sex being somehow involved. To clarify, I'm talking about platonic hanging out. Not a romantic date or cuddling up next to each other.

I wonder how yall would deal with a bisexual girl
Lock her in a cage?
This I agree with this. A lot of dudes on NT seem to have a one track mind as far women go: smash or date/wife.

I have a decent amount of female friends that have never smashed or even been in a position to smash and I don't want to smash.

NTer: Hold up. Did this dude just did this and say "never been in a position to smash"? He must be lying in wait, ready to jump when the moment arises. **** with that platonic crap.

Tut tut, typical NT alpha male. Slow your roll. I'm not in a position to smash because I'm not into them and they aren't into me. On the most superficial level of just physical attraction there is nothing there for me and most  of my female friends. We don't play those games where she clearly knows I'm interested but doesn't outright reject me and I hang on the sidelines in wait.

Even though I just said all that, I will say that is very much an outlier situation.  I just wanted to make it clear that not all male-female friendships are friendzone in nature.

It's inappropriate for a man and a woman to just be out like that if the relationship isn't family or a dude the man trusts 100%.  
:rofl: GTHOH with this nonsense of your wife at the movies or our to dinner 1 on 1 with another dude and ya being ok with it...kind of buffoonery is that :lol:

Go with dude to the movies, I'll come along too.

Dude gonna need a new face and you gonna need a new man.
What was ksteezy's opinion on this? :nerd: That's all I want to know with his fine *** wife. Cuz if they cool with it Imma get my Biz Markie on :smokin :lol:
It means she's laying the groundwork to see if they're compatible and share other interests and if they do, it's only a matter of time before feelings get involved
If a woman pursues an interest with another man, that means she is interested in that man?
As men we really can't be this oblivious. This is why when woman cheat dudes have no type of clue it was happening. You can't put anything past the pettiest creatures on the planet. And I say that with all due respect. I have nothing against women, I love and respect women. My mom is a woman :lol: nah in all honesty fellas don't let your woman do leisure activities with another man. Even if a chick is bold enough to bring this up I would imagine she just wants to get a reaction out of you to gauge how desirable she still is to you. You being fully ok with it is giving her permission to get attention from somewhere else. Woman THRIVE off of attention. They all want to be desired by someone...
To the dude who's girl is still in college and went on a date with another dude and kissed him. Time to drop her like a bad habit. She sees you as being weak and it's only a matter of time before she gets diccked down by that other dude

Listen man, if she truly loves you and respects you, she won't even entertain the idea of going on dates with another dude

So this was directed at me? You making things up man :lol: Very weak post/sn ratio.

Edit: Oh wait, you talking about they kissed before I even met her? Well, yeah, nothing I can do about that but it doesn't matter that was before I met her.

I told her how I felt about the situation and she hasn't done it since then, or at least told me about it. I'm aware of the danger here and she doesn't see me as weak. She tells me one of the main reasons she likes me is that I'm her counterpart and don't take any bull from her where she owned all her previous boyfriends.

I spoke up about it, am being weary, and am not fully investing myself until she proves she is really trustworthy. No need to drop her right now, I'm not scared. More optimistic about where the relationship can go and building trust now instead of being paranoid and distrusting. She's a great girl. Got looks, personality, brains. There's no need to ruin a good thing on hypotheticals and what-if's. Even though I partially expect and suspect that some things may go down once her school year starts. There's no need to dwell on that and I have made my expectations and the consequences clear to her if that happens. For now, we are focusing on the positive and trying to build something.
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^^^Preach Hennessy

If you really like the girl and y'all have a strong bond, you must give her the benefit of the doubt and trust her until proven otherwise.

What a lot of you fools in here do not realize is that, if she wanna cheat on you or see other dudes SHE'S GONNA DO IT! POINT BLANK PERIOD. The more controlling you try to be will just motivate her to do it more. All you can do is be a good significant other and hope for the best. That's how the game goes, b. If you thinking she always on some sketchy stuff then don't make her your girlfriend.

Edit: but at the same time don't be a complete idiot. address red flags when present, but remember she's gonna do what she gonna do
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The question is would your significant other let you go out with someone of the opposite sex?

I know if I took a female out it's under 3 circumstances.

1. Im ******* her

2. Im gonna **** her

3. I wanna **** her

That's it... So No I wouldn't.
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