So, I assume it's official Matt Barnes has set the record for Laker with the most tattoos (he has 17 btw)
y'all really complaining about losing josh powell?. Yea the dude seemed like he was cool peoples, but he's been here for what?, 3 years didn't really produce like he or the team wanted, so I have no prob letting him walk....best of luck to him, shannon, and DJ
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by k0befomvp

I think Ratliff actually did a good job with the Bobcats. Remember we had AC Green and John Sally as our oldies in 2000? That turned out to be a good year. He adds a lot of experience and I'm happy with that.
Also, Theo missed a few seasons because of injuries so he does not have that much milage as a player, that got drafted 15 years ago, should have. Sure he might be injury prone but we don't need him to play 20+ minutes a game.

you do when bynum goes down with his annual huge injury...

does ratliff even have anything left in him??
well, given the past 2 years we havent had a real backup for bynum besides mbenga, anything is an upgrade.
and yes, theo has enough to hold the fort. nothing offensively, but he'll still be good defense.

we don't lose anythin by adding him. i dont see any cons. 
All the Lakers offseason moves were perfect fits for the system we run on both ends of thecourt. We needed better shooting and defense off the bench and that's exactly what we got.Plus both Blake and Barns are excellent passers who make smart decions with the ball. No moreof Farmar and Brown trying to run fast breaks and push the ball when its not there. These guysknow when to run and when to set things up. As far as there age I think Boston proved that ageis overated. Heck we won the finals the last 2 years with Bynum on 1 knee. We need him (everyonefor that matter) healthy in the finals. Especially if it ends up being the Heat that we play causethat's our biggest advantage. But I'm getting ahead of myself, good job Mitch!
i think ebanks just might take sashas spot and big baby's twin brother character is pretty good for his size...

what the $@+* do you guys want brown back for??? just because he can dunk?
dude sucks @@$. no more going under screens, taking dumb jumpers, or throwing dumb @@$ passes... guy had worse stats than jordan farmar...
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Welcome to LA

dude is gonna be mad distracted at Laker playoff games... thats when the bunnies come out

i like the Barnes pick-up tho... i still hope we can keep Shann... when kobe went down last year dude came thru... and i dont fully trust sasha...
YES! great moves Mitch. Barnes is going to be a huge help. Imagine Ron Ron, Barnes and Theo on the floor at the same time. Bye bye opposing team's offense.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

what the $@+* do you guys want brown back for??? just because he can dunk?
dude sucks @@$. no more going under screens, taking dumb jumpers, or throwing dumb @@$ passes... guy had worse stats than jordan farmar...
I dont say this very often with noble but...


He's right, Shannon was exciting to see on alley-oops and fast breaks (when he wasnt the one with the ball)...but other than that, weve made upgrades...minor or major, upgrades are still extremely appreciated especially when your already the champs.
....defense is looking good next year....plus everyone should be coming back healthy....damn i cant wait
Originally Posted by Menacin Methods

Artest and Barnes are gonna be a problem!!!

Didn't Odom call Barnes a monkey ?

seriously i'm already envisioning Heat & Lakers Artest On LeBron Barnes on Wade & Kobe left free to Roam
@ the matt barnes signing...i couldve sworn dude was gonna go somewhere else!

a tough and fiery guy
 great signing!

i find it funny he and artest have a confrontation with kob' and now theyre both his teammates

i like the ratliff pick up too...someone who can come in grab boards and block shots while pau/drew get their rest

so does that mean chris browns twin is gone?
 id like to keep him for his energy off the bench
I mean, I don't think Shannon Brown is the best player in the world or anything, but didn't dude average over 8 points and about 2-3 boards per (number which are better than Farmar, btw)?

Didn't Shannon bump those averages up to about 15 points per game starting in place of Kobe? Didn't Shannon Brown have deliver quality minutes in the clinching games against the Thunder and Jazz in the playoffs?

I know the game is more than stats, but i definitely saw quite a few positives in what Brown brought to the team and he's improved quite a bit from when he first came here.

I mean, call him erratic, i'll agree, but dude is FAR from trash....y'all complain and go in too damn much
Just coz you don't like a player, makes him "trash".

Ron Artest- "Matt is tougher than nails Tougher than a penguin on steroids Tougher than richard Simmons trying to take off his spandex." 
Good $!%% we bring Breezy back and we are set.


Better team overall than last year on paper AND it's for about the exact same as the salaries were last year. Now if Luke would just retire, cause clearly he's gonna get ZERO PT this year.
but didn't dude average over 8 points and about 2-3 boards per (number which are better than Farmar, btw)?

in the playoffs farmar outplayed ol boy. shot better from the field and way better than him from 3. in 1 minute less played per game their other stats are virtual identical. unlike brown, farmar actually drove to the hoop when he had the chance instead of popping jumpers.

in the regular season shannon brown played 3 more minutes than farmar per game yet only averaged 1 more point and half a rebound more than jordan farmar. and again farmar shot better from the field and from 3 point range.

for every positive the dude gave 2 negatives.

I mean wouldnt you put better number up if you played with as much talent as the lakers have? you should be getting easier opportunities yet you continue to play dumb defense and shoot worse than jordan farmar? come on now.

and its ol boys fault for opting his punk *%$ out in the first place. dude should have never opted out. how you gonna opt out when you have worse stats than farmar on a per minute basis? that dont even make sense. Now hes prolly gonna get less cuz the league knows his number went up cuz hes playing on a stacked laker team
the greatest offseason moves came from ron artest.. first the ***$ LeBron Party and now the tweets/quotes.. nice ron ron..
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Good $!%% we bring Breezy back and we are set.


Better team overall than last year on paper AND it's for about the exact same as the salaries were last year. Now if Luke would just retire, cause clearly he's gonna get ZERO PT this year.
shannon brown is not getting re signed
Play a line up in the 4th quarter of


and harass the Heats please !!!!
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Good $!%% we bring Breezy back and we are set.


Better team overall than last year on paper AND it's for about the exact same as the salaries were last year. Now if Luke would just retire, cause clearly he's gonna get ZERO PT this year.
shannon brown is not getting re signed
How do you know? Doesn't look like anyone else wants him.
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