Will the cops do anything about my neighbor?

Originally Posted by Il

If i was willing to talk to him, i wouldn't ask you guys. I don't want him having a vendetta, deeboing my packages. I rather keep it anonymous. He smokes in his place with the window open so i'm not sure if they can charge him since it's private property.

OP, what are you? 12? First of all, you sound like a square talking like this. Snitching to the cops over weed? Come on man. I don't smoke at all and that wouldn't bother me, how far away is he from your windows? If it does bother you, just talk to him. Is he a maniac where he will kill you for talking about it. You also said occasionally, which is not every day
. Plus, why would you be worried about him stealing packages? If it comes to that, report it, stealing mail is a federal offense.
Originally Posted by Il

If i was willing to talk to him, i wouldn't ask you guys. I don't want him having a vendetta, deeboing my packages. I rather keep it anonymous. He smokes in his place with the window open so i'm not sure if they can charge him since it's private property.

OP, what are you? 12? First of all, you sound like a square talking like this. Snitching to the cops over weed? Come on man. I don't smoke at all and that wouldn't bother me, how far away is he from your windows? If it does bother you, just talk to him. Is he a maniac where he will kill you for talking about it. You also said occasionally, which is not every day
. Plus, why would you be worried about him stealing packages? If it comes to that, report it, stealing mail is a federal offense.

Man up and talk to him like an adult about it first, if its bothering you that much. He would probably appreciate it more than if someone snitched on him (he would probably make it his personal goal to find out who did it if bout that life....blee dat).

Man up and talk to him like an adult about it first, if its bothering you that much. He would probably appreciate it more than if someone snitched on him (he would probably make it his personal goal to find out who did it if bout that life....blee dat).
Do you live in Woodbridge, VA.
By any chance???

got a neighbor that might think like you.

 cuz i do this all the time..
Do you live in Woodbridge, VA.
By any chance???

got a neighbor that might think like you.

 cuz i do this all the time..
Man up and go talk him. You cant kill people when youre high...scientific fact. Pot heads are friendly and we always have the best snacks. Worse come to worst, you walk out with a bag of cheetos and a couple twinkies.
Man up and go talk him. You cant kill people when youre high...scientific fact. Pot heads are friendly and we always have the best snacks. Worse come to worst, you walk out with a bag of cheetos and a couple twinkies.
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