Why do some humans not want children?

Raising two kids costs us about 4k a month. Not counting college, and any savings, etc. That's just childcare, clothes, toys, books, and a swim class or something. You can lease 2 serviceable Mercedes' for $1k per month. A pretty good rate on a $700k house with nothing down and a 30 year fixed is like $4k per month. You could fly to Maui two weekends a month, every month, and stay in the Grand Wailea, or some such, for $3k per month.

That's just not true. I've got 3 kids and I only making about $4k after taxes - plus I live in the UK where the cost of living is higher.

There are a lot of people who make less than $50k a year in the US too (most people?) and they all manage. Typical middle class crap that tells you all of the things you need to raise a child.

My oldest kid gets up at 6am. Every day. She doesn't get up like we get up either, like she needs time to get going or anything. She literally bursts out of her room every morning like sunlight cresting a mountain. She goes from sleeping to full OMGWTF adrenaline in a nanosecond. She wakes up motivated, like a miniature female version of Patton. Whereas later in the day she's polite, in the morning she commands people. "It's time for you to get up and make oatmeal, dad." Like a boss.

That's hilarious though - because it's true. I can never believe the speed that they go from fast asleep to 100mph in. Just amazing.
Raising two kids costs us about 4k a month. Not counting college, and any savings, etc. That's just childcare, clothes, toys, books, and a swim class or something. You can lease 2 serviceable Mercedes' for $1k per month. A pretty good rate on a $700k house with nothing down and a 30 year fixed is like $4k per month. You could fly to Maui two weekends a month, every month, and stay in the Grand Wailea, or some such, for $3k per month.

That's just not true. I've got 3 kids and I only making about $4k after taxes - plus I live in the UK where the cost of living is higher.

There are a lot of people who make less than $50k a year in the US too (most people?) and they all manage. Typical middle class crap that tells you all of the things you need to raise a child.

My oldest kid gets up at 6am. Every day. She doesn't get up like we get up either, like she needs time to get going or anything. She literally bursts out of her room every morning like sunlight cresting a mountain. She goes from sleeping to full OMGWTF adrenaline in a nanosecond. She wakes up motivated, like a miniature female version of Patton. Whereas later in the day she's polite, in the morning she commands people. "It's time for you to get up and make oatmeal, dad." Like a boss.

That's hilarious though - because it's true. I can never believe the speed that they go from fast asleep to 100mph in. Just amazing.
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