Why do some humans not want children?

Originally Posted by KenJi714

I don't like kids but i want kids. Im not sure if that make sense. I would hate raising a little crying toddler but i don't want to get old with no children around.

makes perfect sense, people raise children in hopes of the children taking care of them in their elderly years. Doesn't always work out that way tho. I know I'm not letting my mom rot away he in nursing home.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

I don't like kids but i want kids. Im not sure if that make sense. I would hate raising a little crying toddler but i don't want to get old with no children around.

makes perfect sense, people raise children in hopes of the children taking care of them in their elderly years. Doesn't always work out that way tho. I know I'm not letting my mom rot away he in nursing home.
According to the internet it's not a good idea to get married, to have kids, to commit to a single person emotionally, or donate money to charity.

BTW, how is the author gonna write "Kids are a bad idea because of-____, _______. and _____ but I wouldn't trade it for anything"...Uhh ok
According to the internet it's not a good idea to get married, to have kids, to commit to a single person emotionally, or donate money to charity.

BTW, how is the author gonna write "Kids are a bad idea because of-____, _______. and _____ but I wouldn't trade it for anything"...Uhh ok
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

BTW, how is the author gonna write "Kids are a bad idea because of-____, _______. and _____ but I wouldn't trade it for anything"...Uhh ok
QFT. Had me like
 because he was so negative. As long as he is a good parent.

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

BTW, how is the author gonna write "Kids are a bad idea because of-____, _______. and _____ but I wouldn't trade it for anything"...Uhh ok
QFT. Had me like
 because he was so negative. As long as he is a good parent.

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

 There are many contributing facts to the reasons why some people don't want to have children.

Really?!!?!!?! Let me edit the OP and insert this astute observation. 

while I'm an avid user of sarcasm too you need to calm down bro.

If you actually read what I started off by saying you'd have seen that I was making a direct reference to people claiming it as being a selfish act. I was simply reiterating the fact that there are a whole range of reasons to people's decisions over this, not just selfishness.

It never hurts to highlight and reiterate what is blatantly obvious to some and not to others.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

 There are many contributing facts to the reasons why some people don't want to have children.

Really?!!?!!?! Let me edit the OP and insert this astute observation. 

while I'm an avid user of sarcasm too you need to calm down bro.

If you actually read what I started off by saying you'd have seen that I was making a direct reference to people claiming it as being a selfish act. I was simply reiterating the fact that there are a whole range of reasons to people's decisions over this, not just selfishness.

It never hurts to highlight and reiterate what is blatantly obvious to some and not to others.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

UPPTEMPO8387 wrote:

BTW, how is the author gonna write "Kids are a bad idea because of-____, _______. and _____ but I wouldn't trade it for anything"...Uhh ok
QFT. Had me like
 because he was so negative. As long as he is a good parent.



Children - best thing in the world, the future.

Find the right broad and wife, then have kids, If the broad doesn't like kids I'll just look for one that wants kids.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

UPPTEMPO8387 wrote:

BTW, how is the author gonna write "Kids are a bad idea because of-____, _______. and _____ but I wouldn't trade it for anything"...Uhh ok
QFT. Had me like
 because he was so negative. As long as he is a good parent.



Children - best thing in the world, the future.

Find the right broad and wife, then have kids, If the broad doesn't like kids I'll just look for one that wants kids.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

You do, you do. You don't, you don't. Why do I care. It's your right.

this is basically the cliffnotes of this and marriage thread.  I only argue against people who think not having kids or not getting married is wrong. Having children is a beautiful thing, not having children makes sense for many and their reasons make a lot of sense.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

You do, you do. You don't, you don't. Why do I care. It's your right.

this is basically the cliffnotes of this and marriage thread.  I only argue against people who think not having kids or not getting married is wrong. Having children is a beautiful thing, not having children makes sense for many and their reasons make a lot of sense.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

You do, you do. You don't, you don't. Why do I care. It's your right.

this is basically the cliffnotes of this and marriage thread.  I only argue against people who think not having kids or not getting married is wrong. Having children is a beautiful thing, not having children makes sense for many and their reasons make a lot of sense.
Im just laughing at the fact that some think that makes you selfish
like there are no unworthy selfish parents 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

You do, you do. You don't, you don't. Why do I care. It's your right.

this is basically the cliffnotes of this and marriage thread.  I only argue against people who think not having kids or not getting married is wrong. Having children is a beautiful thing, not having children makes sense for many and their reasons make a lot of sense.
Im just laughing at the fact that some think that makes you selfish
like there are no unworthy selfish parents 
Fear. A fear that comes in many forms given various experiences.

Whether it can be justified or not, this is unlike the marriage thread, because continuing your genetic lineage is human nature. Human nature is hard to fully tamper. Only fear can give someone a justified incentive of not having children.
Fear. A fear that comes in many forms given various experiences.

Whether it can be justified or not, this is unlike the marriage thread, because continuing your genetic lineage is human nature. Human nature is hard to fully tamper. Only fear can give someone a justified incentive of not having children.
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

You do, you do. You don't, you don't. Why do I care. It's your right.

this is basically the cliffnotes of this and marriage thread.  I only argue against people who think not having kids or not getting married is wrong. Having children is a beautiful thing, not having children makes sense for many and their reasons make a lot of sense.
Im just laughing at the fact that some think that makes you selfish
like there are no unworthy selfish parents 
yea i'm lowkey offended by the whole not having kids is selfish argument.
This is very existentialist but children don't ask to be born, i love my life
but I would have been completely fine with non-existence. i dunno if that makes sense.

Im changing my last name to my mother's last name and my dad has an issue with this.....clearly my existence benefits him in many ways.
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