Why are Black people expected to speak up for other groups? vol. #OscarsSoWhite

rell lauren

Jan 29, 2016
As everyone knows, the topic of the night for the Oscars was the diversity issue with its nominations. After Chris Rock's monologue to open the show, other ethnic groups took to Twitter and asked why Chris Rock didn't speak up for them and their lack of representation. Of these groups were Latinos and Asians, both of which practice anti-Blackness throughout their communities from their media to how they interact with Black people. Some of them already identify as white so its not like you aren't represented in the media, am I right?

They tried to say we were all people of color and we were fighting the same fight. One, no we aren't. The term POC lumps us all together when we have our own identities and issues. Two, now we're fighting the same fight? Last week, Asians marched across the country in defense of Peter Liang and being able to kill Black men like White cops. Why aren't you sticking up for us in Tech? Latinos discriminate against Afro Latinos in throughout their society. They were calling Steve Harvey all kinds of N word after his Miss Universe mistake. Again, why should Black people speak up for those that treat us like us garbage?

As much as I disagreed with #OscarsSoWhite, it was a Black led movement with one of our celebs addressing something that affects people that look like him in his line of work. For over 50 years, other agendas have hijacked and piggybacked Black led initiatives and when they benefit from us kicking the door down all we get is spat in the face or betrayed at the drop of a hat. The rest of these groups get off of their ***** and do something about it like we did (as trivial as it was IMO). We're not your work horses.
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As great as social media is as a platform to connect people, it makes everything a big deal. Everything.

Check Reddit or read a bad Yelp review and watch people complain about the smallest things.
Of these groups were Latinos and Asians, both of which practice anti-Blackness throughout their communities from their media to how they interact with Black people. Some of them already identify as white so its not like you aren't represented in the media, am I right?


Those other minority groups have been pretending to be friends when they need something for decades, they have no shame about it too.
As everyone knows, the topic of the night for the Oscars was the diversity issue with its nominations. After Chris Rock's monologue to open the show, other ethnic groups took to Twitter and asked why Chris Rock didn't speak up for them and their lack of representation. Of these groups were Latinos and Asians, both of which practice anti-Blackness throughout their communities from their media to how they interact with Black people. Some of them already identify as white so its not like you aren't represented in the media, am I right?

They tried to say we were all people of color and we were fighting the same fight. One, no we aren't. The term POC lumps us all together when we have our own identities and issues. Two, now we're fighting the same fight? Last week, Asians marched across the country in defense of Peter Liang and being able to kill Black men like White cops. Why aren't you sticking up for us in Tech? Latinos discriminate against Afro Latinos in throughout their society. They were calling Steve Harvey all kinds of N word after his Miss Universe mistake. Again, why should Black people speak up for those that treat us like us garbage?

As much as I disagreed with #OscarsSoWhite, it was a Black led movement with one of our celebs addressing something that affects people that look like him in his line of work. For over 50 years, other agendas have hijacked and piggybacked Black led initiatives and when they benefit from us kicking the door down all we get is spat in the face or betrayed at the drop of a hat. The rest of these groups get off of their ***** and do something about it like we did (as trivial as it was IMO). We're not your work horses.

Classic strawman argument + confirmation bias. I can turn around and say "Why aren't Latinos and Blacks helping Asians by dispelling the model minority myth that has caused a rise in Asian American males under the age of 30?" - but it would be shortsighted and ingenious to say that Black/Latinos don't care about anyone but themselves. Have you met all Asians? Latinos? How do you know these folks as a whole don't support Blacks in tech? Or discrimination against Afro-Latinos? I could turn around and say, "Why didn't Blacks and Latinos show any public outcry when Asians were the butt of the jokes at the Oscars?" - but that isn't the point. What we're talking about now is the result of institutional racism affecting all racial minorities.

As an Asian-American, Chris Rock is the absolute last person for anyone to voice their displeasure for. Chris was merely a pawn to the Academy, you know, the ones not rightfully acknowledging minorities for their talents. And I'm not even including all the talent directors who cast whites in movies like Avatar and Gods of Egypt. But this crabs in a barrel mentality for minorities is why we can't band together. Listen, it wasn't right for Asian-Americans to protest for Peter Liang. Nor is it right to discriminate Afro-Latinos. But when you post **** like this lumping everyone together, it is a surefire way to alienate potential allies. PLEASE tell me when you've met all millions of Latinos and Asians living in the U.S. and tell me what they think about Blacks as if you can paint everyone with a single brush.
Oh cool, one of these tweets is talking about Asians owning nail salons. So it's acceptable to use racist jokes to deflect racism right?
*watches people combat generalization of their race by generalizing others*
so much this 

talking about asians owning nail salons is SO detrimental to them as a stereotype

its so wrong to generalize people, if everyone could understand that NOT EVERYONE is a certain way and that distinguishing this minute detail EVERY SINGLE TIME is of the utmost importance then we could finally start having discussions
Damn OP...I was with you until the generalizations lol

I get the point though. I'm seeing a lot of upset people going in about it. Which is silly. Because if I hear a Native American speaking on the struggle of his people, I'm not going to expect them to bring up black people and our struggle.

It's the same with the BLM movement. People don't like when you have your own thing if they aren't included.
so much this :rolleyes

talking about asians owning nail salons is SO detrimental to them as a stereotype

its so wrong to generalize people, if everyone could understand that NOT EVERYONE is a certain way and that distinguishing this minute detail EVERY SINGLE TIME is of the utmost importance then we could finally start having discussions

Did I not point this out in my earlier post? Did I generalize anyone?
so much this :rolleyes

talking about asians owning nail salons is SO detrimental to them as a stereotype

its so wrong to generalize people, if everyone could understand that NOT EVERYONE is a certain way and that distinguishing this minute detail EVERY SINGLE TIME is of the utmost importance then we could finally start having discussions

I'm not disagreeing with your point, I just fail to understand the point of mentioning something like that when trying to tackle a bigger issue. Example if that tweet made national news, what would they talk about most? The Asian stereotype in it or the real problem the tweet is trying to address?
Oh cool, one of these tweets is talking about Asians owning nail salons. So it's acceptable to use racist jokes to deflect racism right? :rolleyes


Latinos ain't hurting to be acknowledged by the Oscars, we have our own awards in our little Channels viewed by all our abuelas more than content with it :smile:

It is like you can't resist saying something condescending about black people :rolleyes :smh:
It is like you can't resist saying something condescending about black people :rolleyes :smh:

Man what!?....lmaoooo I didn't say a single thing about blacks, I spoke on my peeps :lol:

Brah please don't play coy.

The diversity argument about the Oscars was focused on blacks actors, and you come in saying "Latinos ain't hurting to be acknowledged by the Oscars", because Latinos got their own ****

So I ask, if that comment wasn't about black people, specially black actors, then who are the people that are "hurting for acknowledgement"

No "lol" "lmaoo" and " :lol:" to deflect. Just answer that question.

What group is hurting for acknowledgement?
Brah please don't play coy.

The diversity argument about the Oscars was focused on blacks actors, and you come in saying "Latinos ain't hurting to be acknowledged by the Oscars", because Latinos got their own ****

So I ask, if that comment wasn't about black people, specially black actors, then who are the people that are "hurting for acknowledgement"

No "lol" "lmaoo" and " :lol:" to deflect. Just answer that question.

What group is hurting for acknowledgement?

Hold up, you guys also have your own awards, Channels and shows just like we do, but fact is you guys are in an uproar about the Oscars and all I'm saying is we Latinos ain't really concerned with a white washed award show acknowledging us, if they do and they have, cool...but we not about to start a movement or take away from what you guys are fighting for...that's your battle, not ours.

Not sure what was so condescending about what I said....
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Brah please don't play coy.

The diversity argument about the Oscars was focused on blacks actors, and you come in saying "Latinos ain't hurting to be acknowledged by the Oscars", because Latinos got their own ****

So I ask, if that comment wasn't about black people, specially black actors, then who are the people that are "hurting for acknowledgement"

No "lol" "lmaoo" and " :lol:" to deflect. Just answer that question.

What group is hurting for acknowledgement?

Hold up, you guys also have your own awards, Channels and shows just like we do, but fact is you guys are in an uproar about the Oscars and all I'm saying is we Latinos ain't really concerned with a white washed award show acknowledging us, if they do and they have, cool...but we not about to start a movement or take away from what you guys are fighting for...that's your battle, not ours.

Not sure what was so condescending about what I said....

Is that a yes then, so you were referring to black people with that "hurting for acknowledgement" comment?

I asked you a direct question, give me a direct answer
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Is that a yes then, so you were referring to black people with that "hurting for acknowledgement" comment?

Cmon bro, that goes for any group fighting the academy award for acknowledgement, the history of this award show is clear as water man, this is a white show with the occasional black actor or Spanish actor/director getting a nod just to fit the status quo, but we all know the deal, the black community went in an uproar this year because why?...Will got robbed?...did he really?...how much did the Smiths actually care about this before?...was his performance really Oscar worthy?...so Jada starts this movement and the community rolls with it, so yes I'm sorry if it hurts you bro but it seems like a cry for acknowledgement from the white man....so here we find ourselves, a couple of Latinos on social media wanna ride the wave ha started and you guys shun them out, I stand here telling you we don't care for this fight and now I'm being condescending...no ***** winning whichever stand one takes.
My faith in humanity is currently approaching all-time lows so I'm going to sit this one out.

But I'll provide cliffs of what I'd say


- ksteezy ksteezy , stop pretending that afro latinos or even just darker skinned latinos aren't criminally underrepresented on latino/hispanic TV. **** is whitewashed to the max.

- You can't spot treat oppression.

- People of color who aren't black need to do a better job of standing together with black communities, and not just when it benefits them.

- At the same time black people can't abandon hope for racial solidarity. I don't blame black people one bit for being apprehensive and fed up with other minority groups. Just look at how Chinese Americans marched for officer Peter Liang who MURDERED Akai Gurley. That's some ********, and it's ******* disgusting. Can't blame black folks for throwing shade at other people of color. But in the long run, realize racial minorities cannot stand divided. If we want change we must stand together.

So yeah, that'd be my spiel in a nut-shell. I'm sure Steezy will find some way to deflect my first point. I'm sure others will read my latter points and be like "yeah whatever, we're on our own".

Is that a yes then, so you were referring to black people with that "hurting for acknowledgement" comment?

Cmon bro, that goes for any group fighting the academy award for acknowledgement, the history of this award show is clear as water man, this is a white show with the occasional black actor or Spanish actor/director getting a nod just to fit the status quo, but we all know the deal, the black community went in an uproar this year because why?...Will got robbed?...did he really?...how much did the Smiths actually care about this before?...was his performance really Oscar worthy?...so Jada starts this movement and the community rolls with it, so yes I'm sorry if it hurts you bro but it seems like a cry for acknowledgement from the white man....so here we find ourselves, a couple of Latinos on social media wanna ride the wave ha started and you guys shun them out, I stand here telling you we don't care for this fight and now I'm being condescending...no ***** winning whichever stand one takes.

Yes or no.

Where you referring to black people with the "hurting for acknowledgement" comment?

Respect me enough to give me a direct answer, then I'll dialogue.

I'm not gonna chase goalpost around before you answer my simple question.
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