White Dude comes behind the counter with racism and gets what he asked for by an indian

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swear bugs the hell outta me when i go to 7/11s and i see dudes ****** with the indian people..
i always say something.. almost got in a fight once.

i'm indian btw..
White people.....:smh:


I work at an inner-city liquor store part-time on nights and weekends, trust me when I say that every race has embarrassed themselves up and down in my store. Sure, the people shooting this video are terrible people and ignorant POS, but you're going to group me and every other white dude in there with them? Please.

I'm sick of the white hate on this board. Yes, some of us are bad people, especially in that video. But being morally flawed is NOT exclusive to one race.

Anyways, 7-11 dude had a lot of restraint. As soon as the guy went behind the counter, it should have been over. You start pushing him towards the door, and if he resists, you do what you have to do.
old man was hella lenient

that aint how i give it up

homie wouldve got that quick ko, stiff as a two by four on the ground
I'm confused as to why the two caucasian males would call the Indian folks by the N-word. :smh::rolleyes
I'm confused as to why the two caucasian males would call the Indian folks by the N-word. :smh::rolleyes

they done changed the game and use one racial epithet to cover all races now, yeenknow? makes things easier for them, must be hard keeping track of all the nicknames of the people you hate.
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they done changed the game and use one racial epithet to cover all races now, yeenknow? makes things easier for them, must be hard keeping track of all the nicknames of the people you hate.
Dat lazy hate

 The vicious use of the N word but obviously in love with African-Americans and their "culture"
More evidence of white ppl freely throwing around the n-word.
they want to use it so bad famb...

I think it's worst when "black people" call each other that but, that's not their intention which leads to the conclusion that unless there's an "ER" added to the end it's not intended to mean what it's supposed to.


Props to Indian dude at 3:20. "You a **@**". :rofl: Funny how this dude was about to get stabbed and his friend is there laughing.
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I think it's worst when "black people" call each other that but, that's not their intention which leads to the conclusion that unless there's an "ER" added to the end it's not intended to mean what it's supposed to.


Props to Indian dude at 3:20. "You a **@**". :rofl: Funny how this dude was about to get stabbed and his friend is there laughing.
That's how innocent people get killed... just mind your business.

Well I can't say that because one time some dudes was jumping some dude on the A train and me and my boy helped him out.

6 of them against me and my boy, and the stranger with his girl and me and my boy held it down them punks didn't know what to do.

They were messing with the dudes girl disrespecting while he was with her and when he said something they all started getting up and surrounding the dude and getting hyped up.

One short one in their group was all extra though like he was going hard and then he was up in the dudes face and then short dude tried to sucker punch dude with his girl and then they all was jumping him while the dudes girl is screaming.

I was going to mind my business, but my boy started trying to go play peacemaker and break it up and then they started looking like they was going to pop off on him so I got up and was hovering behind my boy like a giant :lol: they thought about it and thought that they could handle us because they had more and they got their handled lol.

I know I know... riveting tale chap 8)

Strong SN to post correlation!

so how does that mean its ok for what guy said to be ok?
and how do you know what happened to these guys after they left. this could have happened a while ago? could have been uploaded on facebook from a cell phone. so to say this person will get away with it because he is white is just wrong.
Well,maybe but it's no more wrong than you jumping to the conclusion that the poster who made the first remark "white people" was black.He could of been asian,latino,samoan,white.So I concluded,that those two white jerk's probably got away with it and to think they caused trouble plus did damage to some item's.

The vicious use of the N word but obviously in love with African-Americans and their "culture"
Of course and than you have those who will defend their right to use a word such as that for no other reason but to just be able to do it.
That whole debate about it ending with an "A" or an "ER",terms of endearment,the rapper's use it,it's street culture,it's this and it's that.That's all ******** that is used by those who are either young,ignorant,illiterate,culture starved,rebellious,standardless individual's,who live in the now because now it's cool but will it sound cool when your 40?50? or 60 + with grandchildren who might address you in that manner?probably not.
I remind people all of the time,there is power is word's,I could hurt someone with word's,emotionally,I could use word's too cut someone down and make you feel worthless,I could say something to someone just to get a reaction,negetive or positive or I could choose to do the total opposite of all of that,it's about choice and what you choose to do.
I know some will say that their taking the power from the word and I say you can't,espacially when there's something negetive attached to it to a word,be it behavior,be it psychological,...ect,it's there and it's going to take many-many-many-many moon's for it not to be,we'll be long gone by then though(dead).

Back to the video:I wonder where is this 7-11 located?because I did see them use a phone,several times and in all of that time,no cop's showed?.In some communities 7-11 is the second station for the cop's,that's where they get all of the thing's needed to have energy to catch the criminal's and you mean to tell me they were no where around?.

But,again the internet is a beast within itself,someone has seen the video and know's those two jerk's because I'm sure they have a facebook or something of that nature out there in cyberland and the rath of the people on the internet is something I wouldn't want to go through.They will have people making second video's apologizing for thing's they did in third grade with tear's in their eye's.:lol: and I can't say that I wouldn't be happy to see those two guy's go through that.
Dat lazy hate

 The vicious use of the N word but obviously in love with African-Americans and their "culture" :smh: Deplorable

I know the irony of it is funny to see

But this has been going on for years

The racism that white people felt in the 1920s didn't stop them from going out and dancing to "n music"
wait...i could be wrong but arent these dudes some kind of < George Zimmerman> hispanic </George Zimmerman>??? They sure sound like it especially the dopey cameraman. 
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:smh: the things Asians and Indian 711 workers have to go thru on a daily. They're mostly honest hardworking people and nice as **** where I live.
Dudes repeatedly use the n word... Then drive off listening to Ace Hood. I found that somewhat comical.

Good for the store owner. Should have put a smile on dude's face. Word to the guy whose wife got in deep with the sharks and ended up getting her mouth split so he split his mouth also to show her he loved her for something more than outward apparences and what not.

Son...wasn't this from The Dark Knight?
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Dudes repeatedly use the n word... Then drive off listening to Ace Hood. I found that somewhat comical.

Good for the store owner. Should have put a smile on dude's face. Word to the guy whose wife got in deep with the sharks and ended up getting her mouth split so he split his mouth also to show her he loved her for something more than outward apparences and what not.

Son...wasn't this from The Dark Knight?
yes son, that was the point, it was a whack joke
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