When did your girl know how much you make & amount in the bank

The fact that you don't consider your wife immediate family is very telling.
The thing is it's deeper than just finances though. My dude really said he'd place his wife THIRD in terms of importance in his life. Like why even get married if that's your mindset?
The thing is it's deeper than just finances though. My dude really said he'd place his wife THIRD in terms of importance in his life. Like why even get married if that's your mindset?
You're trying to make it sound worse than it is.

Assuming iIhave children they automatically become 1st,I don't think anyone will dispute that so you wife would be second by default.

And my immediate family > my wife so she is third.
You're trying to make it sound worse than it is.

Assuming iIhave children they automatically become 1st,I don't think anyone will dispute that so you wife would be second by default.

And my immediate family > my wife so she is third.

YOUR wife should be YOUR family bro...you got it all wrong man and is so messed up :lol: ...you marry someone to build your own family, you parents and siblings you were born into, you are THEIR family.

Eventually your parents will die and see how quick your bro will run to your aid when he has his own family to worry about and you are sick or in financial need....the person you most likely lean on is your wife and that's how it should be.

Your kids and you're wife shouldn't be placed in orders like some competition, they are equally important and both are crucial to the health of YOUR family.
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He makes an interesting point.

I assume people would take a bullet for their mother and child before their wife, if the hypothetical situation presented itself. So I can understand the wife being 3rd place logic, but when you actually type it out of course it sounds wild
@ksteezy what you say sounds ideal and Noble but there is ALWAYS a pecking order and preference when it comes to your relationship with other humans. So I can't agree with everyone is 100% equal.

Sure, that is how it should be but is that realistic?

Not trolling
He makes an interesting point.

I assume people would take a bullet for their mother and child before their wife, if the hypothetical situation presented itself. So I can understand the wife being 3rd place logic, but when you actually type it out of course it sounds wild

I'd take a bullet for my kids, wife, mom, dad, sister, and niece. In no order because I'd do it for any of them the same.
My kids and my wife are not equally important no way. Once you have children they supplant everything and everyone else.
I'd take a bullet for my kids, wife, mom, dad, sister, and niece. In no order because I'd do it for any of them the same.
Sounds noble but you know that wasn't the question I asked. And there is always an order whether you are willing to admit it or not. And I am pretty sure the adults would be willing to step aside and let your child live their life if that situation presented itself
If you are saying there is only one choice I can jump in front to save. Then obviously my kids would be first if I ever had to make the choice. Next would be my wife because my kids need their mom. So yes there is an order but in an individual situation I wouldn't hesitate to do it for any of them.
I don't understand how anyone would choose to save their parents over their spouse. And Im extremely close with my parents. My mom would slap the **** out of me if I saved her over my wife :lol:

I hope antidope's wife never gets laid off. She gonna be panhandling if she wants to spend any type of money :lol:
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You can't understand why someone would save the people they are eternally in debt to over their wife?

I could see if anyone would pick either. Don't make it sound like picking parents is a crazy idea
You can't understand why someone would save the people they are eternally in debt to over their wife?

Isn't that literally what I just said?

I would never in a million years choose to save either of my parents over my wife. ESPECIALLY if I have children. I don't understand how anyone would but there are a lot of things I don't undrstand.
Some of these things would never happen to me though because iIrefuse to get married while having debt or marry someone who has debt (excluding a mortgage) . Both are selfish acts.

Her being highly leveraged to pay her own bills is not my concern, they are not my bills they are hers. I would hope that at the very least someone would be honest with me in that regard to where if I ask them if they have debt they just come out and say it because iIam doing the same.

Credit score and thinks of that like also matter. I don't have a problem telling someone my credit score though so we could share that info but it's gonna be a deal breaker if hers is bad.

If I plan to marry someone iIwould hope we can at least be forthcoming about our finances without knowing every minute detail. My debt to income ratio is X I plan to be debt free by Y age, my credit score is Z.
:rofl: you saying all of this until she ***** you like a pornstar, chefs up good meals, and barely gets on your nerves. You'll be walking down that isle even if all her cards are maxed out & she got 80k in student loans.
My friends and i are all government employees. We were sitting around and my girl found out what I make which is about 20k less than her without counting my military pension. Unlike her, i dont have student debt from undergrad and im pursuing my masters debt free.

In response to saving parents. In my opinion you dont acrue debt from your parents taking care of you. Thats their job and you repay them by becoming an productive adult in society. If your single and got some dough to spend, cool shoot it their way. If your married and someone has commited their life to you they should trump the parents. The person that has vowed to be by your side till death should trump the parents. If have some extra as a couple, cool shoot it to moms.
I don't understand how anyone would choose to save their parents over their spouse. And Im extremely close with my parents. My mom would slap the **** out of me if I saved her over my wife :lol:

I hope antidope's wife never gets laid off. She gonna be panhandling if she wants to spend any type of money :lol:
They gonna have separate cell lines cuz if she can't pay her bill that ain't his problem. Calling son from a pay phone when she catch a flat, that sint his problem either.
You're trying to make it sound worse than it is.

Assuming iIhave children they automatically become 1st,I don't think anyone will dispute that so you wife would be second by default.

And my immediate family > my wife so she is third.
The point is that your wife should be considered family.
Oh wait Antidope is talking hypotheticals?...or is he actually married...now I'm confused.

And yeah I never understood this debt you have with your parents, you didn't asked to be born...they made that choice, is this how you treat your own kids??...like they own you for life?...when is the set fully paid off? :nerd:
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I just don't understand how you can't UNDERSTAND why someone would save their parents.ovet their wife.
Bruh who cares about that hypothetical *** situation, save your parents over your wife?? Lmao
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