When did your girl know how much you make & amount in the bank

So apparent. Please use your powers of deduction to tell me more about what you know about me.
This is a cop out. Oh he's not married so he has no idea what he's talking about....

Is far from a cop out bro....is the truth, just like I would thread carefully commenting on anything that has to do with parenting when I've never been a parent....you have no idea how you'll be as a husband till you are one, perhaps your way of thinking would carry over in which case I don't see your marriage lasting unless your future wife doesn't think much of herself....but I'm willin to bet you will actually change and realize how dumb of statement it is to say your brother would know how much money you got before your wife does...lmao
You made a general statement in a thread where iIam the only person arguing a viewpoint and used the phrase "Some of you" But OK.

I could see why you would think that, but I wasn't referring specifically to you. You've been the most vocal and adamant, but several others have voiced they don't/won't share that info.
Why do some of you think the wife gotta be #1?  I know quite a few dudes that got wife at #3 or lower on their priority list
I don't understand cuffing anyone to make them #3.. Please aware me. You want to marry a chick, to make her priority #3? :lol: Just string that B along for 10 years if that's how it is.
I don't understand cuffing anyone to make them #3.. Please aware me. You want to marry a chick, to make her priority #3?
Just string that B along for 10 years if that's how it is.
A lot of people don't get married for these fairy tale reasons you guys speak of.  They got married for other reasons, #3 is good, sometimes its #4, 5, or 6
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does prenup protect you against everything if divorce or is it like set terms?
Very early in the relationship. I didn't just put it out there, but knowing where I worked pretty much told it. I was a bartender and working for Delta when we started. Ten years later we're still a team, who makes what is the least of our concerns. It's all us in the end.
A lot of people don't get married for these fairy tale reasons you guys speak of.  They got married for other reasons, #3 is good, sometimes its #4, 5, or 6

I'm not married, nor do I believe in fairy tales. I can dig what you're saying though. I guess I've just never met someone who married to make that person #3,4,5 or 6. Just doesn't make much sense to me.
does prenup protect you against everything if divorce or is it like set terms?

No, they do not protect you against everything. They are much more like set terms - a lot of prenups these days stipulate things like child custody, land ownership, etc in case of a divorce or death. But even those terms aren't 100%, as there is a growing precedent of prenupital agreements being thrown out of court because of unfairness, perceived or otherwise, against a spouse.

As soon as Anti posted I knew this thread would turn into. I was not disappointed :lol:
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No, they do not protect you against everything. They are much more like set terms - a lot of prenups these days stipulate things like child custody, land ownership, etc in case of a divorce or death. But even those terms aren't 100%, as there is a growing precedent of prenupital agreements being thrown out of court because of unfairness, perceived or otherwise, against a spouse.

As soon as Anti posted I knew this thread would turn into. I was not disappointed :lol:

so wtf is the point?

thanks for the info, something to consider.
Me and my girl live together so its fully disclosed. She definitely future wifey. She don't ask for anything or expect xyz. I take care of her without her asking and she reciprocates.

:lol: @ wife being #3. Makes zero sense...
Don't married couples file a joint return to get extra tax credits? Unless one of them is making beaucoup bucks, I don't see why the other spouse wouldn't be privy to that information. Anything you guys do as a couple will be joined. Buying a house, or renting both income statements or most recent w-2s are needed. Usually any type of loan requires both parties to submit financial information.

Just to maintain a household and plan for the future, it would make sense to open with each other, so you know what you are able to do.

IF you plan on keeping things separate from the jump, I would assume one of them is getting guap, and will handle it all on their own.
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Kids first, wife second, mom third. U gotta think your parents put u first then their spouses then their parents. Your family is your "family" once u marry and have kids. The kids eventually grow up and make a family and then u become 3rd.
No, they do not protect you against everything. They are much more like set terms - a lot of prenups these days stipulate things like child custody, land ownership, etc in case of a divorce or death. But even those terms aren't 100%, as there is a growing precedent of prenupital agreements being thrown out of court because of unfairness, perceived or otherwise, against a spouse.

As soon as Anti posted I knew this thread would turn into. I was not disappointed :lol:

so wtf is the point?

thanks for the info, something to consider.

To protect yourself. In most cases, prenups are only being thrown out because the two parties did not meet the minimum requirements of entering a valid contract (ie being of sound mind, having legal counsel, truthfully disclosing assets, etc.) and not on the whim of some judge. Still, there are cases of prenups being thrown out that did meet those minimum requirements simply because they were too harsh or unrealistic in the court's eyes.

Prenups still do work pretty well. But I think their popularity (and them occasionally beimg thrown out of court) is a symtomp of something much bigger: the laws and regulations surrounding marriage are antiquated at best, and downright archaic in some cases. I know that I'm never getting married until those laws are changed. Marriages, at least in the western world, are no longer business transactions and political mergers. Our laws should reflect that.
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Me and my girl live together so its fully disclosed. She definitely future wifey. She don't ask for anything or expect xyz. I take care of her without her asking and she reciprocates.

@ wife being #3. Makes zero sense...
 and there you have it. 
I doubt I'll ever get kids but If I did I'd put them first and the wife second. Mom third, don't really care about any of my other family.
When you're married your wife is the one you're living with if all goes well, not your parents, so I'd put her at #2 for that reason.
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