When did your girl know how much you make & amount in the bank

Caved in? We're arguing in circles it's a waste of everyone's time to continue an exhausted topic. Everyone is just repeating themselves.
Caved in? We're arguing in circles it's a waste of everyone's time to continue an exhausted topic. Everyone is just repeating themselves.
Well at least address some of the questions that you haven't yet to give us a better understanding of how you reached your position on this.
What questions did I miss? My parents didn't instill this belief in me and they have access to each other's financials. Every thing else I saw was a hypothetical
I didn't know exactly how much she made and she didn't know how much I made. Together 8 years, we just googled the salaries for our jobs on glass door and assumed a ball park range :lol: . If we would've got married she would've known though.
F what y'all talking about. Wife > Kids > _____. 

You know how many kids (friends of mine) I've seen in rehab (multiple times, breaking marriages up as a result in several cases), still addicts, become homeless, etc? You try your best to set your kids up for success, but at the end of the day, it's about you and wifey and the life y'all built together. 
F what y'all talking about. Wife > Kids > _____. 

You know how many kids (friends of mine) I've seen in rehab (multiple times, breaking marriages up as a result in several cases), still addicts, become homeless, etc? You try your best to set your kids up for success, but at the end of the day, it's about you and wifey and the life y'all built together. 

Na man. My 1 year old ain't on drugs. I created her. She reigns supreme.
F what y'all talking about. Wife > Kids > _____. 

You know how many kids (friends of mine) I've seen in rehab (multiple times, breaking marriages up as a result in several cases), still addicts, become homeless, etc? You try your best to set your kids up for success, but at the end of the day, it's about you and wifey and the life y'all built together. 
Na man. My 1 year old ain't on drugs. I created her. She reigns supreme.
Lol when she's 1, sure. Once she's grown though? 
I don't even know how much Gov assistance or all of which ones my girlfriend is on. I didn't e'em know some of them existed. She came out of Wal Mart one time, while I sat in the car with baby and waited, with a whole shopping cart full of groceries (typical W.I.C #theGovernmentwantstokillpoorpeople stuff, whole milk gallons, block cheese, sugary cereals, processed peanut butter, white bread, etc.), I'm taking at least $100 in food not counting the 12 Gerber formula cans which is like $240 on it's own and was like, "We gotta come back some other time, it was too crowded in there so I didn't get all my W.I.C," and I'm in my head like
wtf why do i even work? I didn't even know WIC and food stamps ain't the same thing. As far as her knowing how much I make, I think we talked about it before. Doesn't matter the exact number, she just assumes I have, or am, a bottomless money pit. :rolleyes

If anyone has even been caught up with those, 'the man supposed to pay for and do everything' types, I could see how they'd grow resentful of the whole idea of relationships and "team" and "we," and see it all as a myth, truly just a comeup for the woman. Take it a step further and get her pregnant, locked for life, married or not, you're not getting custody which means if you do separate CSUP deductions for the next 18-x years. And in some states, if you make significantly more than her, that's heavy (the ones that average salaries of partners and divide by 2, then the higher paid one has to pay the other 1/12 of that per month).
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This guy really said that he wouldn't place his children, the people he created who are his responsibility over that of someone who is essentially a stranger that you have become semi familiar with.

Marriage is really over valued like crazy man.
This guy really said that he wouldn't place his children, the people he created who are his responsibility over that of someone who is essentially a stranger that you have become semi familiar with.

Marriage is really over valued like crazy man.

:x :x :x :x :x

A "stranger" you become familiar with?...oh man...

Nobody. I just can't see myself 100% trusting anyone I've met past 22. They came into your life when you've lived too long. You'll never truly know that person and vice versa.

That goes for anyone you meet. Friend, spouse, long lost relative, etc etc. Children are the exception.
I have a jaded view of marriage but damn. Maybe you should just adopt. 
Nobody. I just can't see myself 100% trusting anyone I've met past 22. They came into your life when you've lived too long. You'll never truly know that person and vice versa.

That goes for anyone you meet. Friend, spouse, long lost relative, etc etc. Children are the exception.

Then if you don't mind me asking, is marriage something you would do solely for the sake of creating a certain environment for your children? If not, what exactly would marriage mean for you?
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Nobody. I just can't see myself 100% trusting anyone I've met past 22. They came into your life when you've lived too long. You'll never truly know that person and vice versa.

That goes for anyone you meet. Friend, spouse, long lost relative, etc etc. Children are the exception.

Bro how do you plan to live your life once your brother moves on to care for his family, your parents pass on...you ok with growing up all alone?...with this way of thinking you are destined to have failed relationships IF you even ever land one to begin with....you have such a grim outlook on human interaction man.
F what y'all talking about. Wife > Kids > _____. 

You know how many kids (friends of mine) I've seen in rehab (multiple times, breaking marriages up as a result in several cases), still addicts, become homeless, etc? You try your best to set your kids up for success, but at the end of the day, it's about you and wifey and the life y'all built together. 

Cosign this. My son is a treasure to me of course and I would die for him, but if we're getting technical, he is a byproduct of the love me and my wife have for each other. He is just a piece in the puzzle that is the legacy her and I are building together
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Cosign this. My son is a treasure to me of course and I would die for him, but if we're getting technical, he is a byproduct of the love me and my wife have for each other. He is just a piece in the puzzle that is the legacy me and her are building together

This concept will go over a lot of dudes...this is the mentality every family should have, you need to put your wife first to provide the best possible environment for them....guess that's why is so socially acceptable for men to just be a baby daddy or people raising kids separate...I'm not a parent so is hard for me to say, but me and my wife talk about it often and we both have agreed that while we will love our seed to the moon and back we would always put each other first, for THEIR SAKE.
Nobody. I just can't see myself 100% trusting anyone I've met past 22. They came into your life when you've lived too long. You'll never truly know that person and vice versa.

That goes for anyone you meet. Friend, spouse, long lost relative, etc etc. Children are the exception.
Then if you don't mind me asking, is marriage something you would do solely for the sake of creating a certain environment for your children? If not, what exactly would marriage mean for you?
That would be a dominant factor yes. Seems like you guys are just assuming that I'm going to be in some empty relationship for what reason IDK
since if you meet them at 25 and know them until you're 51, then you can trust them?
No. It's not about length of time. I don't expect to change much past 25 as it is. Those people have missed my formative years and I've missed theirs.
People don't really become who they'll be for the rest of their life till after college, before then everyone is pretty much just trying to find themselves..
Nobody. I just can't see myself 100% trusting anyone I've met past 22. They came into your life when you've lived too long. You'll never truly know that person and vice versa.

That goes for anyone you meet. Friend, spouse, long lost relative, etc etc. Children are the exception.
On the real my dude; I hope you change your way of thinking for your own benefit.
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