Whats The Dumbest Reason Your Girl Ever Got Mad At You?

My ex gf.... got mad cause I hung out with my cousin while she came to town to visit. Ridiculously jealous girlfriends FTL.
Some of y'all have dramatic %*! girlfriends. Good Lord.
aint bout to air my girl out, but women are morons when it comes to this get mad thing.

i usually just be like "aight " to everything when there's raised hostility
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

some months ago someone posted a report about dudes getting throat cancer for eating the box, valentine's day comes around and ol' girl thinks she's getting served..............i referred her to the NT thread.
For slapping her when she got out of line.

What was I suppose to do? Let her run all over me? LOL
I dunno I wasn't really payin attention, but the ex girl use to get mad at me whenever I don't listen.
or something like that...
my girl got mad at me for going to a poker game with her family and friends even though I told her in a month in advance since she was going to be bored athome.
invited me to some party, didnt tell me when doors close. I show up late and they closed, i dont see anyone there and they wont let me in even with a slicktale i told.

she said she was there by the door, obviously wasnt, and mad that i didnt get in.
I slapped that chick so fast...cause i aint tryna hear that!
i said i would leave her for beyonce... and she got mad at me for like a week, like that would really happen lol.....
thought i was talkin to some other girl...which was just a lady friend! ended up ending our relationship cause of that!
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

i said i would leave her for beyonce... and she got mad at me for like a week, like that would really happen lol.....


that #!!%% a trap!!!! when they ask you what celebs your feeling that is..... you tell em you like Alba for instance and they gonna be hissing at any mixedgirl with a fair complexion

thats why i always come out with some obscure %#$*.....name a few minor roles from some b-grade movies just to stay off the radar
Always responding with "huh?" or "sup?" to everything she said, even if I comprehended her...one day she just blew up

For putting her in the camel clutch while she was sleeping.
Not my girlfriend, but a girl that likes me....

She was creeping around my Facebook profile, looking at bumper stickers that had been sent to me. One of her own girl friends had sent me a few. She thenproceeds to get angry that her own friend had sent me bumper stickers, and just went ahead and assumed that her friend was flirting with me, and liked me....because she had sent me bumper stickers. The girl that likes me is 21 years old, for the record. It's truly pathetic.

In her life, the Internet is definitely serious business...
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