Whats The Dumbest Reason Your Girl Ever Got Mad At You?

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

I work at a sneaker store so when a big release is coming out, I keep a big list of customers names/#/sizes, in order to call them when we release them. Some guys name was 'Babe' and she thought it was a special female customer. She was mad all night
Because I "sound" a certain way. Even if I don't "sound" a certain way, which is like 85% of the time, it's an everyday thing wither.
for ALMOST calling her a B...

for the record, I have never called a girl one. I may refer to them as B's w/ my dudes, but that's about it.
Mono huh?? Dont be getting into any fights.....one shot to the spleen and you a goner my friend

My girl gets mad at me when I tell her i need to study
since i have mono and strep they gave me a shot in the butt yesterday, and my girl smacked me in the butt later on. i got mad about but some how it got turnedaround on me and i was the one apologizing.

for those who dont know, getting a shot in the butt is very painful. still pretty sore today.
She had a dream where I did something wrong, woke up and held me accountable FOR THE WHOLE FRIGGIN DAY!

It was a Saturday, too.
she had a dream where i said something bad about her, and it took me like ten minutes to convince her she was just dreaming. and it has happened like 2 othertimes.
i would post something ... but when my girl gets mad at something stupid i just look at threads with vida guerra on a beach
not waking up early to go to the mall with her....damnit woman leave me alone and let me sleep
4 weeks ago... Monday Night Football (im a saints fan btw)
Reggie runs one punt back TD
Next punt trips
3rd punt gone..."SEE YOU LATER!!!!!!!"
4th quarter hits her:"Babe can we watch one tree hill?
absolutely not
she leaves and is mad for like 3 days
some girl started to talk to me and tried to pick me up at a club. apparently my gf was watching the entire time. i gave the girl my email anyways though hah.
-- When I'm on NT on my phone
-- Tuning her out when I'm on NT (shut up %%% I'm looking for the lulz)
-- When I don't text her back at 5 am in the morning after I said I was going to sleep 5 hours prior
Keep this thread alive....
Mess is funny.
My ex when we used to talk she would hang up on me when talking and did it for fun.
So I tried it one time and she got all butthurt
Hmm my ex would get mad about quite alot of dumb things:
1. Asking her what she wanted at the Wendys drive through before we got to the ordering speaker.(resulting in her demanding me to take her home)
2. Having an emergency at work where I had to get there earlier. (she ultimatley left me for this one)
3. Taking more than 5 minutes to drive across town to meet her on the drop of a dime.
4. Saying the word "YO"
The list goes on...God!!! she was one angry being.
- I didn't wish her Happy Birthday when I was too worried about my life vol. Tornado
- My comment on MySpace were hidden
- I wouldn't shake her hand ..yea I know

edit -- new one: because I got a lot of girl friends/associates/acquaintances
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