What was your starting salary like STRAIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE?

Nursing and jobs in health care will always be hiring and provide steady cash flow.

But I can never see myself as a nurse, at the end of the day, I don't have the patience especially if the patient has no respect.

Shouts to this thread in general. Got me motivated again and it ain't even September yet. Had a rough year this year, Junior in Math and Stats... andthinking about the wrong things... girls and all that drama. Terrible I know.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

CPark, U was in "NESBY" ?

NSBE - Technically yes.... but was I active no.

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by belle155

pharmacist, graduated 2 years ago. started at over 6 figures. had a few raises since then. bonus next week.
Pharmacists get beaucoup dough

My sister just graduated from FAMU School of Pharmacy. Something like 40% of all black pharmacists in the US come from there. Anyhow, FAMU has a 6 year PharmDprogram. So basically you get your Doctorate in 6 years.

Shes starting out at $120K

Hey there CParkFresh's sister


But seriously, that's the truth.

This chick I went to HS with went to FAMU for that same program.

She's a pharmacist now too.

Stupid guap.


And damn bro, either you're short, or your lady is tall as #*+%.
LOL she stays in 4" - 5" heels

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

CPark, U was in "NESBY" ?
I was in that %$$+ too

NSBE conferences FTW.

Boston '05

Hey Tamika

Wasn't NSBE in Las Vegas this year.... I know that had to be stoopid!
Originally Posted by Rapsteady1

AntonLaVey & Letsgetit22

I'm currently in an internal medicine residency program.

Once I complete that, I'm either planning to specialize as a cardiologist or an oncologist- which takes about an extra 3-5 years.
good choice bro
my dad is one.
i have two more quarters left at my U.C. (undergraduate)
BS biological science
hoping to be a cosmetic surgeon or a dermatologist so i can take over my mom's clientele
but my sister got there first. she just graduated med school recently
Originally Posted by presequel


graphic designer
im a junior at the communication arts dept vcu, thinking about staying to get a bachelors in graphic design. How long did it take you to pic thatjob up?
My sister just graduated from FAMU School of Pharmacy. Something like 40% of all black pharmacists in the US come from there. Anyhow, FAMU has a 6 year PharmD program. So basically you get your Doctorate in 6 years.

Shes starting out at $120K

dang Fam, My Cousin just graduated from FAMU Pharmacy
she just moved up to the 'A'

Yall might know her.
im seeing a lot of marketing degrees in here

to all the marketing dudes how do you like it
So what kind of workload does a pharmacy major go through? Is it easy to get into a program through a CC?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThuG LyFe

i'll be making over 100k a year

care to tell us exactly what you're doing, and your major...like everyone else
kinda late on the reply, i completely forgot about the post

i'm in pharmacy school, 4 out of 6 years completed. if i work at retail like cvs or walgreens i'm pretty sure i'll be getting $100k+ or aroundthere...but after taxes maybe like 60k
Originally Posted by 18key

So what kind of workload does a pharmacy major go through? Is it easy to get into a program through a CC?

Pharmacy is very competitive. At many Universities you have to compete even after you are enrolled in the University. With all of that said you can get in aPharmacy Program through a CC. You just have to show out once you enroll in the University.
^some schools like mine (st johns) won't accept transfers. with that said even if you go to CC, you have to take the courses that are required, such aschem, organic chem, biology, etc. also they probably won't accept you with crappy grades...to get into the actual program which for most schools starts in3rd year you also need to take some sort of test too along with good grades so good luck.
^^ Most reputable pharmacy programs very rarely accept transfer students. My friend from URI pharmacy program which takes 6yrs. Currently she's caking over120K/year not including bonuses. Most Pharmacy programs accept students during there Junior/Senior year of High School...very competitive

I'm in NSBE also...went to the conference last year which was held in Orlando...mad good looking females
his year it was in Vegas...my boys went but I oculdn't because of Grad school and my vacation didn't fall on the same week as the conference.
You don't have to be an engineer or black to join the program...I know communication majors who were part of NSBE
Last year I swear there were more Indian people at the convention then blacks
my brother started out at like 115k, business degree with a focus on finance i think, from upenn. that doesnt count his bonus though.

i'm hoping to start at like 50k with an industrial design degree, but that might be a little optimistic
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by dagreatwhun

any kinesiology/physical therapy majors?
i'm comtemplatin if i wanna stick with it or go with teaching...

Unless you know someone rich to finance a gym or know professional athletes to work with for a testimonial there is almost no chance. Its just a dumbed down pre-med degree.
Aren't there any other alternatives. Working in a hospital, clinic, or private homes as a physical therapist doing rehabilitation.
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