!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Originally Posted by KingRamey

that clown j burner STILL didnt log out?

You gonna start my fan club? Why keep checkin for me...now thats gay. Yea, I used those "fancy" italics again for you. You lookin like abig tool right now, wasn't it you who said "just move on already." Why you still here?
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by franchise3

Bottomline, who cares that Taylor Swift won? Nobody did. Not Beyonce, not the public, nobody.

But yet, here's Kanye, donning his cape, crying to the world that Beyonce shoulda won. A category where dude wasn't even nominated. But he feels he has to speak up once again. For a dude who routinely feels robbed by magazines, music channels, and award shows, why even show up then?

People worship the ground he walks in, and gives him eeks and hats for voicing his opinion, but at the end of the day, dude looks like the biggest emo cry baby out there. Year after year.

Word to 808's

you don't care, I don't care, Nt doesn't care, but there are millions of teenage girls who do. millions

That's the thing though. For a dude like Kanye, he should know better to not take the VMA's seriously.

Everybody who's over 16 years old, knows it's all for show and moon men don't mean anything really. Kanye missed the memo I guess.

- exactly. wasnt it kanye that spazzed out a couple years ago with Brittney Spears and vowed never to do MTV again? what a attention %+!!@ diva.
prolly arlready posted but

I feel like Ben Stiller in "Meet the Parents" when he messed up everything and Robert De Niro asked him to leave... That was Taylor's moment andI had no right in any way to take it from her. I am truly sorry.
Why is everybody going all out on Kanye tough
Beyonce > Taylor, Kanye > Taylor..
at all these people supporting Taylor Swift
Whoever that idiot was that said black people are ashamed to be black cause of Kanye is an idiot and I'm guessing prolly white. Don't speak on blackissues negatively unless u black fam.

I ain't ashamed to be black cause of Kanye, I'm ashamed that Kanye is black. And his ignorance will casted onto the rest of the black community. Idon't like country music but I respect all music.

Taylor is 19 Kanye man the f%*# up u dumb s#*=.

On a side note Kanye's music is straight fire. All great minds have they're pitfalls. Kanye needs to humbled since that car accident didn't do thetrick nor did his mother dieing.

Kanye West

Great Musician !!!
Terrible Human Being !!!
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Why is everybody going all out on Kanye tough
Beyonce > Taylor, Kanye > Taylor..
at all these people supporting Taylor Swift

Because he acted like a douche. If he didn't agree with the award, he can take his estrogenic self and go tweet about it all he wants, but taking the micaway from an artist while she give her acceptance speech is disrecpectful. Its not about Taylor Swift, it could have been anybody, what Ye did was lame, andlacked any kind of class what so ever.
Originally Posted by KingRamey

Why you still here? You like ye but you keep checking in this thread so that makes YOU gay
I'm in here responding to people's posts, you're in here looking for me. This is my last response to you, so go ahead and get mad,and take your attention needing *$% back over to ISS.
Originally Posted by budahbro

I feel like Ben Stiller in "Meet the Parents" when he messed up everything and Robert De Niro asked him to leave... That was Taylor's moment and I had no right in any way to take it from her. I am truly sorry.


I was going to post it.

My thing with all of this is while I agree with what he said, he was out of line. Clearly wrong and I'm not defending that. However, what he did was notcriminal. He didn't assault the broad. I'm seeing all types crazy talk on blogs and FB about this man's life. That's ridiculous. Be mad. Stopsupporting his music. Whatever. But what he did does not warrant physical threats. And so... I'm riding with the homie Kanye.

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Why is everybody going all out on Kanye tough
Beyonce > Taylor, Kanye > Taylor..
at all these people supporting Taylor Swift

Its the principle of the matter. There's principalities involved. Aslo, the bolded part means absolutely nothing.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Yeah nah he probably wouldn't have done that to Pink
Pink would've punched him in the face and proceeded to curse him out with the little time she had left until they cut her mic off

Like ppl have to ask themselves with everyone else who was nominated if it was anyone but Taylor Swift would Kanye have done that?
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Why you still here? You like ye but you keep checking in this thread so that makes YOU gay
I'm in here responding to people's posts, you're in here looking for me. This is my last response to you, so go ahead and get mad, and take your attention needing *$% back over to ISS.

yea thats what im doing...looking for some fool....on the internet!
hey j burner, why dont you just log out, burn a j and take a nap. then when you wake up go out side and play cuz you stressed. you mad?
Peeps need to chill with the racial overtones. What about the white senator who blurted out during Obamas speech. These two incidents just prove that ignorancehas no color.
lol i never liked Kanye, i still feel the same about him because my opinion of him can't get any lower.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Bottomline, who cares that Taylor Swift won? Nobody did. Not Beyonce, not the public, nobody.
word...son went hard for the most insignificant award ever, it's a f*&^%$ MTV award!!
Originally Posted by J Burner

JPTHE3 wrote:

Why is everybody going all out on Kanye tough
Beyonce > Taylor, Kanye > Taylor..
at all these people supporting Taylor Swift

Because he acted like a douche. If he didn't agree with the award, he can take his estrogenic self and go tweet about it all he wants, but taking the mic away from an artist while she give her acceptance speech is disrecpectful. Its not about Taylor Swift, it could have been anybody, what Ye did was lame, and lacked any kind of class what so ever.

Oh ok then I take that back then I understand now .but..
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