!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by J Burner

so some of you actually think MTV purposefully ruined Taylor Swifts moment? You're telling me that you believe Taylor Swift agreed to have Kanye West interrupt her in the middle of her acceptance speech for her first ever VMA, and then continue to disrespect her by telling the audience she shouldn't have won? And this sounds logical to you? There is a difference between Sasha Baron Cohen and Eminem planning a stunt during Cohen's introduction, and Kanye West robbing Taylor Swift of her moment after receiving an award. Eminem and SBC didn't run on stage and do a suspended mid air 69 during anyone's acceptance speech...Anybody thinking this was staged needs to wash their mouth out immediately, I can smell Kanye's nut sweat on your breath.
You gay, doggie.

Gotta love NT logic, lol. I'm gay because your breath smells like sweaty ballsack. Got it....
For thinking of something gay like that: You are gay
For knowing what nut breath smells like: You are gay
For being close enough to him to know his breath smells like nuts:You are gay

For taking a joke literally, you are an idiot.
Anyone with a pair knows what it smells like, so you either a. lack testicles, or b. don't sweat.
He was slurping Kanye's nuts so hard I didn't have to stand anywhere near him.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Who cares? This is nothing new coming from Ye. Man likes to speak his mind and I for one APPLAUD him for doing his thing and making the VMAs more exciting.

I didn't know who Taylor Swift was before this incident. So her new found fame and increase in record sales are definitely attributed to Kanye! Girl needs to thank him for putting her in the national spotlight.

I'm not a country fan, but your making yourself sound kinda ignorant on the subject. As someone else pointed out, Taylor Swift is already a HUGE star. I have to listen to top 40 stations at work all day, Taylor Swift has been in heavy heavy rotation for a long time now. Her fame is far from "newfound," and as for her record sales, peep the charts, she was the biggest selling artist of 2008 in the US. All Kanye did was make an +$% of himself. Whether you're a fan of the artist or not, there is no way you should be applauding blatant disrespect like that....it was a class-less move, plain and simple.

New found fame meaning people whom never heard of Taylor Swift now knows of her. OK whoopie doo heavy rotation. I don't listen to Radio or billboard top10 or whatever MTV plays. However now thanks to Kayne I know who this female. is. I might actually want to hear her music. I will watch the VMAs latertonight after MNF and might actually listen to her performance. Something I wouldn't have done if Kayne didn't put her in the spot light.

Disrespect? Class-less?
Who cares? This is Kayne West for crying outloud. The man that said "Bushdoesn't like Black people." This isn't life or death this is an AWARDs show. People are really getting upset over this? Freaking HILLARIOUS! And yes I do APPLAUD Kayne for doing what he did especially since he did apologize. Dude is as real as you can get. Much respect to an artist to actuallytell it how it is instead of worrying about the backlash for not saying and doing the correctly political thing.
Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Okay, bear with me as I vent about this because there is some shady behind this. Firsts thing first, Kanye was wrong 100% for stealing her moment. I really think it's going to take some time for media to get over this. After all, Taylor Swift definitely has a "princess/cinderella" aura about her. She's arguably one of the biggest stars in America today in arguably the most popular music genre today (country). The media obviously loves her as there were no problems with her showing up in a majestic horse-drawn carriage. But, if Kanye did something similar like him and Amber as Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)], everyone would have had a fit saying how big headed he is. However my main focus of confusion is MTV. I do believe an aspect of this was staged with Taylor Swift having no idea about it. Something like this is not out of MTV's behavior as they always promote "expect craziness to happen" at theire award shows. It's so ridicuolous at how they almost take pride in some of the stuff that happens at their shows. You don't see the Grammys bragging about 'Soy Bomb' or how ODB wanted everybody to see how much he spent on his suit. But MTV glorifies that stuff. Think back at everything that's happened at any of their award shows: Em and Bruno (staged), RATM, Courtney Love, and plenty more. They're also not above embarassing people too. Don't forget how they clowned MJ into thinking he was getting an award to then clown him throughout the rest of the show and the next year. Then we he passed, they put that moment up on their as him accepting the 'artit of the millennium' award. Don't forget about that Britney performance either. They knew damn well she wasn't ready to perform but they let her look foolish out there[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]. Then the nex year probably out of feeling guilt, she finally won at the vma's. MTV knows that all that wacky %$$# brings in publicity, which brings in ratings, which of course brings in money. This brings me back to last night. If some of this wasn't staged, why were MTV producers just letting Kanye walk around with a bottle of Hennessy. They know what he's like drunk (2005 Euro MTV VMAs), so why didn't they just take the bottle or not let him into radio city. The producers must of known something was going to happen if kanye was drunk so they let him be. (On another note, where's the security at these shows[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]) But back to the reason I think it was staged, after the show Taylor did an interview with MTV in which she said about Beyonce bringing her up on stage :[/color] "You know, they told me to be ready just in case she might want to say something,". [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]How the hell did they know Beyonce was going to bring her from backstage?How the hell did Beyonce even know she was going to win? I believe that the producers told B beforehand that she was going to win, and to invite Taylor on stage. This way, Taylor gains more love from the crowd and more fans ($$$). Maybe this was UMG trying to get more publicity for both Kanye and Taylor to make Taylor look even more like a princess and Kanye look more like a douche (which still brings in money in the long run). In the end, the loser is still Kanye.[/color]

I know this probably comes off as a bit of rambling and d-riding(pause), but I just think there was something real odd about what happened last night

Don't forget too that Kanye will be on the pilot episode of the Jay Leno show...

Kanye of all people.

EVERYBODY will watch.

Maybe Taylor Swift didn't know what was going to happen to her but more people than Kanye knew.
People hate him because he speaks his mind. The venue isn't always appropriate but he's not a coward when it comes to voicing his opinion. I love howthis "controversy" has brought out the closet racists. Youtube is infamous for this.
Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Okay, bear with me as I vent about this because there is some shady behind this. Firsts thing first, Kanye was wrong 100% for stealing her moment. I really think it's going to take some time for media to get over this. After all, Taylor Swift definitely has a "princess/cinderella" aura about her. She's arguably one of the biggest stars in America today in arguably the most popular music genre today (country). The media obviously loves her as there were no problems with her showing up in a majestic horse-drawn carriage. But, if Kanye did something similar like him and Amber as Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)], everyone would have had a fit saying how big headed he is. However my main focus of confusion is MTV. I do believe an aspect of this was staged with Taylor Swift having no idea about it. Something like this is not out of MTV's behavior as they always promote "expect craziness to happen" at theire award shows. It's so ridicuolous at how they almost take pride in some of the stuff that happens at their shows. You don't see the Grammys bragging about 'Soy Bomb' or how ODB wanted everybody to see how much he spent on his suit. But MTV glorifies that stuff. Think back at everything that's happened at any of their award shows: Em and Bruno (staged), RATM, Courtney Love, and plenty more. They're also not above embarassing people too. Don't forget how they clowned MJ into thinking he was getting an award to then clown him throughout the rest of the show and the next year. Then we he passed, they put that moment up on their as him accepting the 'artit of the millennium' award. Don't forget about that Britney performance either. They knew damn well she wasn't ready to perform but they let her look foolish out there[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]. Then the nex year probably out of feeling guilt, she finally won at the vma's. MTV knows that all that wacky %$$# brings in publicity, which brings in ratings, which of course brings in money. This brings me back to last night. If some of this wasn't staged, why were MTV producers just letting Kanye walk around with a bottle of Hennessy. They know what he's like drunk (2005 Euro MTV VMAs), so why didn't they just take the bottle or not let him into radio city. The producers must of known something was going to happen if kanye was drunk so they let him be. (On another note, where's the security at these shows[/color]
[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]) But back to the reason I think it was staged, after the show Taylor did an interview with MTV in which she said about Beyonce bringing her up on stage :[/color] "You know, they told me to be ready just in case she might want to say something,". [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]How the hell did they know Beyonce was going to bring her from backstage?How the hell did Beyonce even know she was going to win? I believe that the producers told B beforehand that she was going to win, and to invite Taylor on stage. This way, Taylor gains more love from the crowd and more fans ($$$). Maybe this was UMG trying to get more publicity for both Kanye and Taylor to make Taylor look even more like a princess and Kanye look more like a douche (which still brings in money in the long run). In the end, the loser is still Kanye.[/color]

I know this probably comes off as a bit of rambling and d-riding(pause), but I just think there was something real odd about what happened last night
Exactly, nothing could be taken seriously from MTV. They glorify the "drama." Without the drama, there is no MTV.

Thank for reminding me of that Artist of the Millennium Award
They did MJ so dirty that night.


What kind of award IS THAT?!?
Bottomline, who cares that Taylor Swift won? Nobody did. Not Beyonce, not the public, nobody.

But yet, here's Kanye, donning his cape, crying to the world that Beyonce shoulda won. A category where dude wasn't even nominated. But he feels hehas to speak up once again. For a dude who routinely feels robbed by magazines, music channels, and award shows, why even show up then?

People worship the ground he walks in, and gives him eeks and hats for voicing his opinion, but at the end of the day, dude looks like the biggest emo cry babyout there. Year after year.

Word to 808's
@ I respect Kanye for speaking his mind and voicing his opinion. His I don't give a damn attitude.

People acting like that half a bottle of Henn on the red carpet didn't give this dude that liquid courage to spazz out.
Don't forget too that Kanye will be on the pilot episode of the Jay Leno show...

Kanye of all people.

Coincidence? I am betting millions of these mad andangry Taylor Swift fans will tune in to Lenos show just to hear what Ye has to say.
It's just like wrestling. Kayne playing the "heel" role to bringin ratings.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Bottomline, who cares that Taylor Swift won? Nobody did. Not Beyonce, not the public, nobody.

But yet, here's Kanye, donning his cape, crying to the world that Beyonce shoulda won. A category where dude wasn't even nominated. But he feels he has to speak up once again. For a dude who routinely feels robbed by magazines, music channels, and award shows, why even show up then?

People worship the ground he walks in, and gives him eeks and hats for voicing his opinion, but at the end of the day, dude looks like the biggest emo cry baby out there. Year after year.

Word to 808's

you don't care, I don't care, Nt doesn't care, but there are millions of teenage girls who do. millions
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Is there any word on whether or not 'Licia Keys tried to talk some sense into him?

Story on the connection between A. Keys and Kanye?
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by franchise3

Bottomline, who cares that Taylor Swift won? Nobody did. Not Beyonce, not the public, nobody.

But yet, here's Kanye, donning his cape, crying to the world that Beyonce shoulda won. A category where dude wasn't even nominated. But he feels he has to speak up once again. For a dude who routinely feels robbed by magazines, music channels, and award shows, why even show up then?

People worship the ground he walks in, and gives him eeks and hats for voicing his opinion, but at the end of the day, dude looks like the biggest emo cry baby out there. Year after year.

Word to 808's

you don't care, I don't care, Nt doesn't care, but there are millions of teenage girls who do. millions

That's the thing though. For a dude like Kanye, he should know better to not take the VMA's seriously.

Everybody who's over 16 years old, knows it's all for show and moon men don't mean anything really. Kanye missed the memo I guess.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by J Burner

so some of you actually think MTV purposefully ruined Taylor Swifts moment? You're telling me that you believe Taylor Swift agreed to have Kanye West interrupt her in the middle of her acceptance speech for her first ever VMA, and then continue to disrespect her by telling the audience she shouldn't have won? And this sounds logical to you? There is a difference between Sasha Baron Cohen and Eminem planning a stunt during Cohen's introduction, and Kanye West robbing Taylor Swift of her moment after receiving an award. Eminem and SBC didn't run on stage and do a suspended mid air 69 during anyone's acceptance speech...Anybody thinking this was staged needs to wash their mouth out immediately, I can smell Kanye's nut sweat on your breath.
You gay, doggie.

Gotta love NT logic, lol. I'm gay because your breath smells like sweaty ballsack. Got it....
For thinking of something gay like that: You are gay
For knowing what nut breath smells like: You are gay
For being close enough to him to know his breath smells like nuts:You are gay

For taking a joke literally, you are an idiot.
Anyone with a pair knows what it smells like, so you either a. lack testicles, or b. don't sweat.
He was slurping Kanye's nuts so hard I didn't have to stand anywhere near him.

Me taking it literal? You took it literal when he said you were gay. so literal you felt like you had to use your little fancy italics to reiterate thescenario.

with that said, log your dumbazzout
what kanye did was hillarious. If you know how kanye is... you know you find this funny. just sucks for taylor swift who had to get it from him hahahaha
and beyonce definitely looked like she was loving it... hahahahahaha

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by J Burner
For taking a joke literally, you are an idiot.
Anyone with a pair knows what it smells like, so you either a. lack testicles, or b. don't sweat.
He was slurping Kanye's nuts so hard I didn't have to stand anywhere near him.

Me taking it literal? You took it literal when he said you were gay. so literal you felt like you had to use your little fancy italics to reiterate the scenario.

with that said, log your dumbazzout


You lost Burner
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by J Burner
For taking a joke literally, you are an idiot.
Anyone with a pair knows what it smells like, so you either a. lack testicles, or b. don't sweat.
He was slurping Kanye's nuts so hard I didn't have to stand anywhere near him.

Me taking it literal? You took it literal when he said you were gay. so literal you felt like you had to use your little fancy italics to reiterate the scenario.

with that said, log your dumbazzout


You lost Burner

Actually, I made another joke pointing out the lameness of his comment, even put the wink in there to let him know it was fun and games. Then you putyourself in the middle of it. I guess I offended you with my "fancy" italics , I know how that ctrl+i combo is hard to grasp. But its kool, keep upthe slobbin...

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

[h2]Kanye West Steals Taylor Swift's Thunder...But Not for Long[/h2]
Sun., Sep. 13, 2009 10:31 PM PDT by Breanne L. Heldman

The night was supposed to belong to Janet Michael Jackson. The MTV Video Music Awards certainly started out that way.

But after Madonna's heartfelt speech about the fallen star and Janet's stunning performance, a new feud was born, dominated the evening and then petered out just as quickly.

Yes, we're talking about Kanye West and Taylor Swift.

Sweet Swift won the award for Best Female Video, besting Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Pink, Kelly Clarkson and Katy Perry. Horray!

Shortly after she began her acceptance speech, West jumped onstage and pulled the microphone from her hand, saying, "I'm really happy for you, I'll let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time."

Jaws dropped, confusion took over, and Tay-Tay left the stage with nary another heard word.

"I was standing onstage and I was really excited because I had just won an award and then I was really excited because Kanye West was on the stage," Taylor told E! News in the press room. "And then, um, I wasn't so excited anymore after that."

The next time West's name came up during the telecast, all of Radio City Music Hall booed.

And then Beyoncé saved the day.

When Queen B won for Video of the Year, she recalled her first Video Music Awards and invited "Taylor to come out and have her moment."


"I thought that I couldn't love Beyoncé more than tonight and then that happened," Taylor said later, admitting she was a fan of West. "They told me to stand by the side of the stage and I didn't really know what was going to go down but I thought it was so wonderful and gracious of her."

Rumor had it that Kanye exited stage left immediately after the incident, apparently because he was feeling rather sheepish. Earlier on the red carpet, he'd been holding a bottle of Hennessey and taking swigs off it.

"I'm sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom," West wrote on his all-caps blog. "I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented...I'm sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw."

Of course, in typical Kanye fashion, the apology turned a bit sour in the end.

"Welcome to the real world," he wrote. "Everybody wanna booooo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture!!! No disrespect but we watchin' the show at the crib right now cause...well you know...I'm not crazy y'all, I'm just real."

And the post has since been removed.

If Kanye was a sour patch kid, Taylor remained a total gummy bear about the whole thing.

"I don't know him and I don't want to start anything," she told E! News. "I had a great night tonight. I've been getting so many text messages and everybody's been really really nice. I've had a really fun night. It's definitely been an interesting night."
people still think it was staged?...

and really...stuff like this is why Kanye never wins the awards that are voted on by the general population. He's talented...but he's a prick

You wouldn't let the mark in on the con.

...I'm just gonna wait and see...

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by J Burner
For taking a joke literally, you are an idiot.
Anyone with a pair knows what it smells like, so you either a. lack testicles, or b. don't sweat.
He was slurping Kanye's nuts so hard I didn't have to stand anywhere near him.

Me taking it literal? You took it literal when he said you were gay. so literal you felt like you had to use your little fancy italics to reiterate the scenario.

with that said, log your dumbazzout


You lost Burner

Actually, I made another joke pointing out the lameness of his comment, and you put yourself in the middle of it. But its kool, keep up the slobbin...

i still see you havent logged out yet. take the L like a man and keep it moving
Originally Posted by THE FAME

How in the heck are people mixing race with this?
What do you mean? How are people turning this into a race relations disaster? Easy. They love to see us score, dance, sing but the minutesomething that we do doesn't fly with them, their real feelings come out. The Internet has spoken.

For those who are ashamed to be black because of this, I'm ashamed that you were black in the first place. Some pride you have.
Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by J Burner
For taking a joke literally, you are an idiot.
Anyone with a pair knows what it smells like, so you either a. lack testicles, or b. don't sweat.
He was slurping Kanye's nuts so hard I didn't have to stand anywhere near him.

Me taking it literal? You took it literal when he said you were gay. so literal you felt like you had to use your little fancy italics to reiterate the scenario.

with that said, log your dumbazzout


You lost Burner

Actually, I made another joke pointing out the lameness of his comment, and you put yourself in the middle of it. But its kool, keep up the slobbin...

i still see you havent logged out yet. take the L like a man and keep it moving

Log me out, e-thug. I ain't goin nowhere. Get back at me when you can divide your age by 2 and still have a double digit number...
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