!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

i'll continue to listen to him and see him live
Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Originally Posted by THE FAME

How in the heck are people mixing race with this?
What do you mean? How are people turning this into a race relations disaster? Easy. They love to see us score, dance, sing but the minute something that we do doesn't fly with them, their real feelings come out. The Internet has spoken.

For those who are ashamed to be black because of this, I'm ashamed that you were black in the first place. Some pride you have.

And I thought I was contributing to the dumbest posts in this thread...then I read this.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Originally Posted by THE FAME

How in the heck are people mixing race with this?
What do you mean? How are people turning this into a race relations disaster? Easy. They love to see us score, dance, sing but the minute something that we do doesn't fly with them, their real feelings come out. The Internet has spoken.

For those who are ashamed to be black because of this, I'm ashamed that you were black in the first place. Some pride you have.

And I thought I was contributing to the dumbest posts in this thread...then I read this.
You're welcome

Taylor Swift looks like Miss Piggy.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

here you go NT.


But events like this sure do bring out the closet racists. People on CNN.com, Youtube and all kinds of websites trying to make it a black/white thing.
at what this country is like today, it's not thatdeep of an issue. Kanye has BEEN a $$%%+%#%% this aint nothing new.
Originally Posted by JinKazama

Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Take it with a couple of grains of salt.
September 14, 2009. MediaTakeOut.com just got wind of some EXPLOSIVE NEWS!!!! Apparently Kanye's outburst during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech has caused more trouble than he could have imagined.

According to one of MediaTakeOut.com's entertainment industry insiders, it caused a HUGE BLOW UP between Jay Z and Beyonce.

The insider, who asked to remain anonymous, told MediaTakeOut.com that soon after Kanye's outburst - MTV network execs were furious. They asked Kanye to go out on stage and apologize - which he refused. Instead, our insider explained, Kanye chose to leave the event.

But here's where things get interesting. While all this was happening backstage, MediaTakeOut.com learned that Jay Z was right there with Kanye. According to our insider, "Jay Z was upset with the way [MTV] treated Kanye ... so when he saw Beyonce do what she did with Taylor - he saw it as a very disloyal move."

And that disloyalty wouldn't go without being punished. According to our insider, Jay LEFT THE EVENT without Beyonce. He reportedly called up Rihanna - who did not attend the Awards show - and attended at least 2 of the VMA afterparties with her instead.

Trust us guys - the drama surrounding this is about to HEAT UP!!!

We'll give you more as soon as we get it!!!

Take it with a BOULDER of salt.

So that means Jay's little entrance was completely faked and he was there the whole time...possible...but I doubt it.

So that means Jay-Z chose Kanye (who was obviously wrong) over his wife who, in case you missed it, IS BEYONCE! Most regular dudes with average wives are gonna ride with the misses in that, and most, situations. Your girl is one thing, but the WIFE, ain't no way you ridin' with your boys on that one. Did I mention Jay's wife IS BEYONCE!

Are you serious? This is Jay-Z we're talking about. This dude has 200 mil plus in the bank. He can get a girl with twice the looks as beyonce.Easily.
Thanks dirty .... Beyonce got a nice one

I'm still gonna support kanye tho this has not changed my opinion about him at all

and I'm still proud to be black don't see any reason to be Ashamed
Are you serious? This is Jay-Z we're talking about. This dude has 200 mil plus in the bank. He can get a girl with twice the looks as beyonce. Easily.
Yeah so why didn't he...dude was hot way before Beyonce blew up...he had his pick of females and he chose her. Furthermore, so just becausehe can get any chick he should disrespect his wife over Kanye's stupid *$&#...come on dude. Like I said, faced with the same situation any dude withsense is not going to regulate on his wife over a B move by his boy.
well at least kanye had the guts to do that BUT he shouldve not done it to a young woman whos never won anything...he shouldve done it to a lil wayne orsomething
'Ye with the henny bottle and making a fool of himself.

That was messed up for sure. Yea it was funny, but c'mon have some respect. But then again, this is Kanye West we are talking about. He'll never growup, he a grown @$! kid.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

well at least kanye had the guts to do that BUT he shouldve not done it to a young woman whos never won anything...he shouldve done it to a lil wayne or something
Yea, it takes a lot of guts to snatch a microphone from a 90 pound teenage girl and make a fool of yourself...
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

well at least kanye had the guts to do that BUT he shouldve not done it to a young woman whos never won anything...he shouldve done it to a lil wayne or something
Yea, it takes a lot of guts to snatch a microphone from a 90 pound teenage girl and make a fool of yourself...

Agreed, Burner. Some rap cats never pick you on someone their own size.

And what Beyonce video/song was he referring to?
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

well at least kanye had the guts to do that BUT he shouldve not done it to a young woman whos never won anything...he shouldve done it to a lil wayne or something
Yea, it takes a lot of guts to snatch a microphone from a 90 pound teenage girl and make a fool of yourself...

Agreed, Burner. Some rap cats never pick you on someone their own size.

And what Beyonce video/song was he referring to?

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

well at least kanye had the guts to do that BUT he shouldve not done it to a young woman whos never won anything...he shouldve done it to a lil wayne or something
Yea, it takes a lot of guts to snatch a microphone from a 90 pound teenage girl and make a fool of yourself...

Agreed, Burner. Some rap cats never pick you on someone their own size.

And what Beyonce video/song was he referring to?
I believe it was Single Ladies?
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