What Jill Scott has to say about interracial couples...

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I didn't even read the article but,

If you look like this your opinion on relationships is invalid.

Jill Scott is a beautiful woman, but regardless of all that to simply dismiss anyone's opinion based on how they look rather than their content (content, which you didn't bother reading in the first place) is something not even the local town idiot would do. Do you know what this makes you?

On a related note, I wonder how many black men would feel if a large population of black women were out dating white men. I'm not so sure the same liberal attitudes about interracial dating would be expressed.
lol @ missing a key statement from one sentence. You know what this makes you?

******ed. Your opinion is also now invalid, and not just for relationships. Don't even reply, I don't need to hear what you have to say.
RavageBX wrote:

True some lesser women do judge and make assumptions, though that's not just a black women thing. But look at the totality of the circumstances in what she's trying to convey here. It's not just any Johnny-come-lately. He's an intelligent, wealthy, athlete. I think this is a big part of the "wince". See my previous reply. Why does success always seem to be apart of the equation?

No one cares who the losers are dating
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I'm black and with a white woman myself but I see where Jill is coming from.

It's an elicited response, not so much a thought, that she is describing. It's a response to all of the historical oppression she describes, but it's also a response to "all of the good black men being taken". She isn't only feeling the "betrayal" and "abandonment" of the black man towards the black women, but she's also feeling for her fellow black sisters, who are one step closer to never finding the right black man.

Even though I agree with her, I feel that one can be with whomever they want to be with. As Nawth said, "celebrate love. regardless of color or creed." And who's to say that a black woman is going to fall in love with a black man. However, I can't fault her if this is not how she truly feels, and if it's more so a knee-jerk reaction.

Jill Scott is a beautiful human being and I appreciate her write-up.

well stated man...

ppl dont have to agree with her, but they should try to understand
On a related note, I wonder how many black men would feel if a large population of black women were out dating white men.

I'm quite sure "we" would be heated if this were to occur on a wide-scale basis.
No, I fully understood what you wrote and it was completely ignorant for no other reason than being ignorant. If that's how "you roll" then so be it.
Why does this *!*%% think that her input on someone's preference or relationship matters?

If she's without a man and mad because dudes are doing them, then maybe she should taker her anger out on a treadmill.

I'm just saying.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I didn't even read the article but,

If you look like this your opinion on relationships is invalid.

The irony.

You make an ignorant comment like this, and expect anybody to take your opinion seriously? Grow up.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by datprepboivinc3

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

shes entitled to her own, albeit fat as %@%+, opinion.

we should strive to become better human beings thru cross breeding.

staying within your race is selfish for your own children.

thats why the amount of children with defects are rising also.

cause people like this fat broad wanna continue to inbreed within her own race.

its not that my white girlfriend is white... its cause shes sexually attractive.
where as jill scott is fat as %@%+ and jiggly. not unlike a jigglypuff and or wigglytuff.

and pmac... my girl cook better than most black women i know over the age of 50.
black women arent the best chefs in the world.
mexican women are.

I agree with this MAN.

my dudes post always include the lulz and plentiful qfts
Stop feeding the trolls. Dude was half a whopper a way from obesity, hit the gym and thinks all of a sudden his opinion matters
Talking nonsense ftl.

sit down my dude...so if someone loses weight thats a bad thing?...drink some water it will clense you of some of that sodium
Ok, after reading some of the responses I think I can pin point the areas that I'm not fully grasping.

1) Why do black women still want to be with black men if they don't want them? On to the next one...

...I had another one but I can't remember, might be back tomorrow if I'm still interested.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Whata cruel joke we've played on ourselves, to sit here and act as if weAfrican American males have no fault in this. Why is it that wechampion interracial relationships as if dating within our own ranks isundesirable? Seems like every other ethnicity loves their own more thanwe do. "Black love" is but a fleeting memory of a time when we neededeach other. With dismal incarceration, death and education statisticscoupled along with racism and false concepts of beauty embedded in ourcollective psyche, it's no wonder they're feeling some kind of way.Wouldn't you?

Oh and contempt and jealousy? Get over yourselves.
I'm not saying you'd be jealous but you'd feel some kinda way. Maybejust a little hurt. After all those years of fighting for equality andacceptance it's like we don't need each other anymore. Actually morelike we think we don't need them. And we couldn't be any more wrong.
Sums up what I had to say in the other thread and pretty much mirrors Ms. Scott's sentiments. I have no problem with interracial relationships. I think they're great and definitely a step forward. However, I do have a problem with this mentality of abandonment. Lots of black men walking around acting like they don't need black women. I don't see how any self-respecting black man can say he would never or will never date a black girl and look their mothers in the faces.
I agree. A lot of those who have commented on this thread haven't really considered what she said. She's not saying there is anything wrong with Interracial Couples. 
She pretty much gave an answer to a question that has been asked by many people on this site in our past discussion on the issue, which is "Why do Black women feel such a strong entitlement/ loyalty to black men?" 

She gave an answer as objectively as possible...
throughout history there has been "slaves" and "massas" of almost everykind.  and it continues to occur in the present day, not onlyphysically, but mentally.

 why doesn't she use her celebrity to bring these issues to light?  does she choose to be ignorant or does she plainly not know? oneexample: children in africa are starving to death,

dying in minesmining for diamonds, probably with AK's pointed at them constantly. 

diamonds that are worn by who?  i am just sayin'.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I didn't even read the article but,

If you look like this your opinion on relationships is invalid.

Jill Scott is a beautiful woman, but regardless of all that to simply dismiss anyone's opinion based on how they look rather than their content (content, which you didn't bother reading in the first place) is something not even the local town idiot would do. Do you know what this makes you?

On a related note, I wonder how many black men would feel if a large population of black women were out dating white men. I'm not so sure the same liberal attitudes about interracial dating would be expressed.
lol @ missing a key statement from one sentence. You know what this makes you?

******ed. Your opinion is also now invalid, and not just for relationships. Don't even reply, I don't need to hear what you have to say.
Are you serious right now? You can't be.

You need a reality check. Everything  he said was true. You can't seriously be that obnoxious. Get off your high horse.
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I'm black and with a white woman myself but I see where Jill is coming from.

It's an elicited response, not so much a thought, that she is describing. It's a response to all of the historical oppression she describes, but it's also a response to "all of the good black men being taken". She isn't only feeling the "betrayal" and "abandonment" of the black man towards the black women, but she's also feeling for her fellow black sisters, who are one step closer to never finding the right black man.

Even though I agree with her, I feel that one can be with whomever they want to be with. As Nawth said, "celebrate love. regardless of color or creed." And who's to say that a black woman is going to fall in love with a black man. However, I can't fault her if this is not how she truly feels, and if it's more so a knee-jerk reaction.

Jill Scott is a beautiful human being and I appreciate her write-up.

well stated man...

ppl dont have to agree with her, but they should try to understand
Word, there's a dude being real with himself

RavageBX wrote:

Truesome lesser women do judge and make assumptions, though that's not justa black women thing. But look at the totality of the circumstances inwhat she's trying to convey here. It's not just any Johnny-come-lately.He's an intelligent, wealthy, athlete. I think this is a big part ofthe "wince". See my previous reply. Why does success always seem to be apart of the equation?

No one cares who the losers are dating
Black women care, that's what they're left with. "And when he get on, he leave yo ##% for a whitegiiiiiiirl"
 I understand what Jill Scott is saying.

I think the gripe really comes specifically towards white women.  If it was a black men and, let's say an Indian woman I don't think black women would care.  It is the fact that black men are hooking up with white women.
Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by KanyeBreast

Originally Posted by datprepboivinc3

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

shes entitled to her own, albeit fat as %@%+, opinion.

we should strive to become better human beings thru cross breeding.

staying within your race is selfish for your own children.

thats why the amount of children with defects are rising also.

cause people like this fat broad wanna continue to inbreed within her own race.

its not that my white girlfriend is white... its cause shes sexually attractive.
where as jill scott is fat as %@%+ and jiggly. not unlike a jigglypuff and or wigglytuff.

and pmac... my girl cook better than most black women i know over the age of 50.
black women arent the best chefs in the world.
mexican women are.

I agree with this MAN.

my dudes post always include the lulz and plentiful qfts
Stop feeding the trolls. Dude was half a whopper a way from obesity, hit the gym and thinks all of a sudden his opinion matters
Talking nonsense ftl.

sit down my dude...so if someone loses weight thats a bad thing?...drink some water it will clense you of some of that sodium
It's only bad when you lose weight and get to poppin off at the mouth about someone else being fat, especially when its irrelevant. Sorry to disrupt your bromance.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I'm black and with a white woman myself but I see where Jill is coming from.

It's an elicited response, not so much a thought, that she is describing. It's a response to all of the historical oppression she describes, but it's also a response to "all of the good black men being taken". She isn't only feeling the "betrayal" and "abandonment" of the black man towards the black women, but she's also feeling for her fellow black sisters, who are one step closer to never finding the right black man.

Even though I agree with her, I feel that one can be with whomever they want to be with. As Nawth said, "celebrate love. regardless of color or creed." And who's to say that a black woman is going to fall in love with a black man. However, I can't fault her if this is not how she truly feels, and if it's more so a knee-jerk reaction.

Jill Scott is a beautiful human being and I appreciate her write-up.

well stated man...

ppl dont have to agree with her, but they should try to understand
Word, there's a dude being real with himself

RavageBX wrote:

Truesome lesser women do judge and make assumptions, though that's not justa black women thing. But look at the totality of the circumstances inwhat she's trying to convey here. It's not just any Johnny-come-lately.He's an intelligent, wealthy, athlete. I think this is a big part ofthe "wince". See my previous reply. Why does success always seem to be apart of the equation?

No one cares who the losers are dating
Black women care, that's what they're left with. "And when he get on, he leave yo ##% for a whitegiiiiiiirl"

Ah that makes sense, I was thinking something else.  That's too bad that they feel that way, there is a world of men out there.

Originally Posted by bangtcg

 I understand what Jill Scott is saying.

I think the gripe really comes specifically towards white women.  If it was a black men and, let's say an Indian woman I don't think black women would care.  It is the fact that black men are hooking up with white women.

Sounds like racism to me.
This broad can't be serious. Why is she bringing up history? I'm not sure how some of you could actually believe she's not racist. Why else would someone's "spirit wince" when the race of their friends' partner is revealed?
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by bangtcg

 I understand what Jill Scott is saying.

I think the gripe really comes specifically towards white women.  If it was a black men and, let's say an Indian woman I don't think black women would care.  It is the fact that black men are hooking up with white women.

Sounds like racism to me.

No - its the fact that you hardly see a white woman with a broke black man (unless they are both broke). I think sistahs feel white women are gaming the system and grabbing the few well to do black men out there, even further destroying their chances ...

Case in point - i have been asked by African American women on several separate occasions whether my wife was white. They just assume that if a black man has his stuff together, he will be swooned and scooped up by an aggressive white woman before they can even get into the game.

I agree black women dont help themselves with the attitude (some of which is just propagation of stereotypes and not totally accurate). I think for them to equal the playing field, they need to go the extra mile like these white women do ... and stop referring to how they hang with their men during slavery.

What are black women doing today to support their men? They are supporting the kids alone - yes ... but before the kids and all the drama ... what were they doing to help push the black man up to the sky.

Thats the question i have for black women.
Originally Posted by niidawg3

No - its the fact that you hardly see a white woman with a broke black man (unless they are both broke). I think sistahs feel white women are gaming the system and grabbing the few well to do black men out there, even further destroying their chances ... 
Just to add to what niidawg is saying, furthermore, the sistahs feel as though the well to do black man probably chose a white woman partly because of how white women have been historically placed on a pedestal while Black women were disrespected. (The sistahs think that the Black man thinks white women are better than Black women) That's where the historical relevance ties in, although Jill Scott did a piss poor job of explaining it. 
I know its probably a small percentage but a few of my "broke" black friends are in relationships with well paid white women

The stigma is white women chase after wealthy black men, but its Women of All races chase after wealthy men.
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