What Jill Scott has to say about interracial couples...

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Maybe Black Women should become more positive towards the progress of the black man, maybe that would help
What's this progress you speak of?
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RavageBX

What a cruel joke we've played on ourselves, to sit here and act as if we African American males have no fault in this. Why is it that we champion interracial relationships as if dating within our own ranks is undesirable? Seems like every other ethnicity loves their own more than we do. "Black love" is but a fleeting memory of a time when we needed each other. With dismal incarceration, death and education statistics coupled along with racism and false concepts of beauty embedded in our collective psyche, it's no wonder they're feeling some kind of way. Wouldn't you?

Oh and contempt and jealousy? Get over yourselves.
I'm not saying you'd be jealous but you'd feel some kinda way. Maybe just a little hurt. After all those years of fighting for equality and acceptance it's like we don't need each other anymore. Actually more like we think we don't need them. And we couldn't be any more wrong.

Sums up what I had to say in the other thread and pretty much mirrors Ms. Scott's sentiments. I have no problem with interracial relationships. I think they're great and definitely a step forward. However, I do have a problem with this mentality of abandonment. Lots of black men walking around acting like they don't need black women. I don't see how any self-respecting black man can say he would never or will never date a black girl and look their mothers in the faces.

My feelings along with nawths statement about Love being love regardless of race or creed.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Whata cruel joke we've played on ourselves, to sit here and act as if weAfrican American males have no fault in this. Why is it that wechampion interracial relationships as if dating within our own ranks isundesirable? Seems like every other ethnicity loves their own more thanwe do. "Black love" is but a fleeting memory of a time when we neededeach other. With dismal incarceration, death and education statisticscoupled along with racism and false concepts of beauty embedded in ourcollective psyche, it's no wonder they're feeling some kind of way.Wouldn't you?

Oh and contempt and jealousy? Get over yourselves.
I'm not saying you'd be jealous but you'd feel some kinda way. Maybejust a little hurt. After all those years of fighting for equality andacceptance it's like we don't need each other anymore. Actually morelike we think we don't need them. And we couldn't be any more wrong.
Sums up what I had to say in the other thread and pretty much mirrors Ms. Scott's sentiments. I have no problem with interracial relationships. I think they're great and definitely a step forward. However, I do have a problem with this mentality of abandonment. Lots of black men walking around acting like they don't need black women. I don't see how any self-respecting black man can say he would never or will never date a black girl and look their mothers in the faces.
This is a goddamn lie

How you gonna support an agenda like the notion of "abandonment" and then champion interracial dating? So dating is cool as long as they're not married? Whats the point in dating? just to bust a nut and add numbers to the score sheet? Lets be real, what the hell are both of you all saying?

I'm tired of feeling like i can't do what the hell I want because ya'll get slighted. If I see some latina or white tail, I'm damn entitled to pursue that. This entire conversation is the result of insecurity. Entirely. If you are copping feelings over the fact that you weren't wifed up by a black man, one of two things needs to happen, go find you a black man that likes you OR go outside of the race your damn self. Other races have no problem dealing with this fact. Black people and this self-hate and burden are sponsoring this f'd up mentality of inclusiveness when it violates basically everything you stand for as a member of society. I can not and WILL not be responsible for your insecurities and inability to gain confidence over your life and let history...be history.

I like black women, as a black male, but I like women in general too. I shouldn't have to worry about the millions of black women when i'm only talking to ONE of ya'll at a time. If it was really that serious, why don't you re-evaluate why you all want to FORCE men to love you all. Why don't they do it naturally should be your question. if you force anything, it'll never work. Maybe, just maybe thats the way things were intended to be. You're being unrealistic any other way.
 Other races have no problem dealing with this fact.
What world are you living in?

In the hood, you got arabs on every corner damn near, but how many arab women do you see?
Originally Posted by Im Not You

As expected...many of you will either 1) not understand or 2) ignore the point of her message and just pass her off as a jealous racist black woman.

Yep she has a point

But most people can't really analyze why they do certain things they do. Just like White women do they understand why they date Black Men?????
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

In the April issue of Essence

My new friend is handsome, African-American, intelligent and seemingly wealthy. He is an athlete, loves his momma, and is happily married to a White woman. I admit when I saw his wedding ring, I privately hoped. But something in me just knew he didn’t marry a sister. Although my guess hit the mark, when my friend told me his wife was indeed Caucasian, I felt my spirit…wince. I didn’t immediately understand it. My face read happy for you. My body showed no reaction to my inner pinch, but the sting was there, quiet like a mosquito under a summer dress.

Was I jealous? Did the reality of his relationship somehow diminish his soul’s credibility? The answer is not simple. One could easily dispel the wince as racist or separatist, but that’s not how I was brought up. I was reared in a Jehovah’s Witness household. I was taught that every man should be judged by his deeds and not his color, and I firmly stand where my grandmother left me. African people worldwide are known to be welcoming and open-minded. We share our culture sometimes to our own peril and most of us love the very notion of love. My position is that for women of color, this very common “wince
date who you want to. People died for equality, don't put an asterisk next to it, limiting equality to everything but love.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

As expected...many of you will either 1) not understand or 2) ignore the point of her message and just pass her off as a jealous racist black woman.
at first i was taken back by what I was seeing posted in replies...but u sumed it up bro
Originally Posted by chitown4eva

 Other races have no problem dealing with this fact.
What world are you living in?

In the hood, you got arabs on every corner damn near, but how many arab women do you see?

I don't see the parallel. Can you explain?
You guys are killing me. Jill Scott isn't your run-of-the-mill bitter black woman - she's married to a black man now, and has been married to a black man before. I actually really understand where she's coming from. You can be happier than happy that a good man has found a woman to share his life with but, with the statistics out there for marriage amongst black women, you wonder why he didn't choose a black woman. Is it something within him (to that I say, 'Good! Thank God he's not with one of our own')? Scarier yet, is it something within black women (translation: what's wrong with me? At the end of the day, though - as real, and sometimes valid, as those concerns may be - the joy of two people finding their match should trump whatever insecurities.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

It's hard as hell to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. It really is. Limiting yourself just makes it that much harder. Or sometimes that person who you thought wasn't your type (because of race, religion, socio-economic background, etc) ends up being the other half of your essence. We don't plan for that, but it happens.

Celebrate love. Regardless of color or creed.


Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by Im Not You

As expected...many of you will either 1) not understand or 2) ignore the point of her message and just pass her off as a jealous racist black woman.

Yep she has a point

But most people can't really analyze why they do certain things they do. Just like White women do they understand why they date Black Men?????
Can either of you try and explain to those of us who do not understand, thanks.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Whata cruel joke we've played on ourselves, to sit here and act as if weAfrican American males have no fault in this. Why is it that wechampion interracial relationships as if dating within our own ranks isundesirable? Seems like every other ethnicity loves their own more thanwe do. "Black love" is but a fleeting memory of a time when we neededeach other. With dismal incarceration, death and education statisticscoupled along with racism and false concepts of beauty embedded in ourcollective psyche, it's no wonder they're feeling some kind of way.Wouldn't you?

Oh and contempt and jealousy? Get over yourselves.
I'm not saying you'd be jealous but you'd feel some kinda way. Maybejust a little hurt. After all those years of fighting for equality andacceptance it's like we don't need each other anymore. Actually morelike we think we don't need them. And we couldn't be any more wrong.
Sums up what I had to say in the other thread and pretty much mirrors Ms. Scott's sentiments. I have no problem with interracial relationships. I think they're great and definitely a step forward. However, I do have a problem with this mentality of abandonment. Lots of black men walking around acting like they don't need black women. I don't see how any self-respecting black man can say he would never or will never date a black girl and look their mothers in the faces.
This is a goddamn lie

How you gonna support an agenda like the notion of "abandonment" and then champion interracial dating? So dating is cool as long as they're not married? Whats the point in dating? just to bust a nut and add numbers to the score sheet? Lets be real, what the hell are both of you all saying?

I'm tired of feeling like i can't do what the hell I want because ya'll get slighted. If I see some latina or white tail, I'm damn entitled to pursue that. This entire conversation is the result of insecurity. Entirely. If you are copping feelings over the fact that you weren't wifed up by a black man, one of two things needs to happen, go find you a black man that likes you OR go outside of the race your damn self. Other races have no problem dealing with this fact. Black people and this self-hate and burden are sponsoring this f'd up mentality of inclusiveness when it violates basically everything you stand for as a member of society. I can not and WILL not be responsible for your insecurities and inability to gain confidence over your life and let history...be history.

I like black women, as a black male, but I like women in general too. I shouldn't have to worry about the millions of black women when i'm only talking to ONE of ya'll at a time. If it was really that serious, why don't you re-evaluate why you all want to FORCE men to love you all. Why don't they do it naturally should be your question. if you force anything, it'll never work. Maybe, just maybe thats the way things were intended to be. You're being unrealistic any other way.

Maybe if you actually took the time to read instead of jumping to defend your stance you wouldn't have misinterpreted what I said. You can date and marry as many white/latin/asian women as you like. Feel free to fall in love with whoever you want. But when dudes say that they won't date black women that's a problem to me. When black men who as a whole are faltering when it comes to education and incarceration, have the audacity to look down on and abandon black women after they have faithfully stood by us, that is a problem to me. Like I said in the other thread, what a different song we would sing if the shoe was on the other foot.

And you speak of insecurity but what do you think causes this? Are you living in a vacuum? You think with the way black women are portrayed they can move as freely outside of our ethnicity as we can? But that's not your problem is it? If you don't want black women some other ethnicity will right? Yeah that makes sense. You, and most people as nearsighted as yourself, need to look at things from their perspective. I doubt you even read what she said. They have every reason to be hurt.
Tariq Nasheed would have a field day with this one, hating #(& big broads...

You do you Jill cause dudes are gonna get bunz, "Brown, Yellow, Puerto Rican or Haitian" word to A Tribe Called Quest.
Our minds do understand that people of all races find genuine love inmany places. We dig that the world is full of amazing options. Butunderneath, there is a bite, no matter the ointment, that has yet tostop burning.

..I hear that
Originally Posted by chitown4eva

 Other races have no problem dealing with this fact.
What world are you living in?

In the hood, you got arabs on every corner damn near, but how many arab women do you see?
This dude is delusional. He thinks "sponsoring a mentality of inclusiveness" is a black thing
Like I see her point, but she just seems to intelligent to actually feel that way. After her saying how black males used to be murdered for even looking at a white woman I thought she would say she is proud that things have changed to the point they can marry one. I don't care how you view things or what logic you have to make these kinda feelings understandable. It's straight up selfish to think like her and many other woman think. So you really gonna disregard all the progress not only your race, but this whole damn country has made, actually wish that black men and woman limit themselves the way they were limited back then to pursue what they once were seen as not worthy enough of even looking at. What happened to the hope for equality and focusing on expanding? 
This woman is an idiot, point-blank.  She attempts to shed her racist feelings with some diatribe about history.
The fact that she cringed because the wife was white, not because of anything the wife did, belies nothing but racism.
I'm angry
  My mom is white, and my dad is black.  Look at this fatty:
It's been a while since I saw a black woman "stand by" her man.

What, with all this Beyonce "independent female" feminism bull going around with not just black, but all women acting like they're above men or that no man is good enough for them to work for.

Just sayin'.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

shes entitled to her own, albeit fat as %@%+, opinion.

we should strive to become better human beings thru cross breeding.

staying within your race is selfish for your own children.

thats why the amount of children with defects are rising also.

cause people like this fat broad wanna continue to inbreed within her own race.

its not that my white girlfriend is white... its cause shes sexually attractive.
where as jill scott is fat as %@%+ and jiggly. not unlike a jigglypuff and or wigglytuff.

and pmac... my girl cook better than most black women i know over the age of 50.
black women arent the best chefs in the world.
mexican women are.

I agree with this MAN.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Whata cruel joke we've played on ourselves, to sit here and act as if weAfrican American males have no fault in this. Why is it that wechampion interracial relationships as if dating within our own ranks isundesirable? Seems like every other ethnicity loves their own more thanwe do. "Black love" is but a fleeting memory of a time when we neededeach other. With dismal incarceration, death and education statisticscoupled along with racism and false concepts of beauty embedded in ourcollective psyche, it's no wonder they're feeling some kind of way.Wouldn't you?

Oh and contempt and jealousy? Get over yourselves.
I'm not saying you'd be jealous but you'd feel some kinda way. Maybejust a little hurt. After all those years of fighting for equality andacceptance it's like we don't need each other anymore. Actually morelike we think we don't need them. And we couldn't be any more wrong.
Sums up what I had to say in the other thread and pretty much mirrors Ms. Scott's sentiments. I have no problem with interracial relationships. I think they're great and definitely a step forward. However, I do have a problem with this mentality of abandonment. Lots of black men walking around acting like they don't need black women. I don't see how any self-respecting black man can say he would never or will never date a black girl and look their mothers in the faces.
This is a goddamn lie

How you gonna support an agenda like the notion of "abandonment" and then champion interracial dating? So dating is cool as long as they're not married? Whats the point in dating? just to bust a nut and add numbers to the score sheet? Lets be real, what the hell are both of you all saying?

I'm tired of feeling like i can't do what the hell I want because ya'll get slighted. If I see some latina or white tail, I'm damn entitled to pursue that. This entire conversation is the result of insecurity. Entirely. If you are copping feelings over the fact that you weren't wifed up by a black man, one of two things needs to happen, go find you a black man that likes you OR go outside of the race your damn self. Other races have no problem dealing with this fact. Black people and this self-hate and burden are sponsoring this f'd up mentality of inclusiveness when it violates basically everything you stand for as a member of society. I can not and WILL not be responsible for your insecurities and inability to gain confidence over your life and let history...be history.

I like black women, as a black male, but I like women in general too. I shouldn't have to worry about the millions of black women when i'm only talking to ONE of ya'll at a time. If it was really that serious, why don't you re-evaluate why you all want to FORCE men to love you all. Why don't they do it naturally should be your question. if you force anything, it'll never work. Maybe, just maybe thats the way things were intended to be. You're being unrealistic any other way.
Maybe if you actually took the time to read instead of jumping to defend your stance you wouldn't have misinterpreted what I said. You can date and marry as many white/latin/asian women as you like. Feel free to fall in love with whoever you want. But when dudes say that they won't date black women that's a problem to me. When black men who as a whole are faltering when it comes to education and incarceration, have the audacity to look down on and abandon black women after they have faithfully stood by us, that is a problem to me. Like I said in the other thread, what a different song we would sing if the shoe was on the other foot.

And you speak of insecurity but what do you think causes this? Are you living in a vacuum? You think with the way black women are portrayed they can move as freely outside of our ethnicity as we can? But that's not your problem is it? If you don't want black women some other ethnicity will right? Yeah that makes sense. You, and most people as nearsighted as yourself, need to look at things from their perspective. I doubt you even read what she said. They have every reason to be hurt.

Dude we had a program on this on campus this past tuesday so I have more than enough experience...RECENT experience with this.

I'm not talking about who stands by who. I'm not. I'm talking about straight ATTRACTION. If a brother is attracted to a white woman, why whould I shed tears for the unmarried black woman?

You're not even reading. I did not say someone else will love them I said don't guilt trip people into doing what they want. This is what we fought for, not you want them all for yourselves and bring up stories to pidgeon hole people. It is you that really needs to open your eyes up.

I'm doing me and she shuold be trying to do her. If I don't who else will? These chicks these days have this sense of entitlement thats just not working any more. i should be free to do what I want and you should feel the same. If youre going to lose sleep over all the black men that chose other wise why aren't you losing sleep over the fact that other interracial couples are dealing with the same criticism. People want change but don't want to rationalize it.
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