What does god's love feel like to you?

Glad you know when to back down with all that talk about exposing.
My wife has a sister.

..a man, MAN, understands when he should deal with things of a sensitive nature, with kid gloves. When a female needs tenderness, empathy, you've got to know when to give her, her space, being easy. This is what a man does. You do not expose her vulnerabilities. You allow her, her comfort.

Being vulnerable, exposing yourself, is not a masculine trait.

In that, I am sure that you find your mom to be a generous and loving individual. You should feel that way. But there is something to a mother loving her son too much.

Much is transferred in this sort of relationship.

..a man, MAN, understands when he should deal with things of a sensitive nature, with kid gloves. When a female needs tenderness, empathy, you've got to know when to give her, her space, being easy. This is what a man does. You do not expose her vulnerabilities. You allow her, her comfort.

Being vulnerable, exposing yourself, is not a masculine trait.

In that, I am sure that you find your mom to be a generous and loving individual. You should feel that way. But there is something to a mother loving her son too much.

Much is transferred in this sort of relationship.

Son what is this nonsense I'm reading!? :rofl:

A good mother can NEVER love her son "too much" there is no filter to the love a good mother offers her kids, you really trying to turn a mothers love into something measurable or something that can be negative in the upbring of her child?...gotta be kidding me.

Spare me all the bull**** of what defines masculinity....it's irrelevant, I can love to cook and clean and handle my personal life and responsabilities better than the next man who thinks touching a broom is not "masculine" I can cry my eyes out during a movie and still be more of a man than the 34 year old dude who refuses to take on any real responsabilities yet never sheds a tear.

With that beig said, you are seriously going overboard trying to come off as this "almighty, daddy raised a man, an alpha" type of dude, give it a rest, save that **** for the people that directly affect your personal life, because in here it means close to zero what type of person you are or claim to be.
Son what is this nonsense I'm reading!?

A good mother can NEVER love her son "too much" there is no filter to the love a good mother offers her kids, you really trying to turn a mothers love into something measurable or something that can be negative in the upbring of her child?...gotta be kidding me.
Spare me all the bull**** of what defines masculinity....it's irrelevant, I can love to cook and clean and handle my personal life and responsabilities better than the next man who thinks touching a broom is not "masculine" I can cry my eyes out during a movie and still be more of a man than the 34 year old dude who refuses to take on any real responsabilities yet never sheds a tear.
With that beig said, you are seriously going overboard trying to come off as this "almighty, daddy raised a man, an alpha" type of dude, give it a rest, save that **** for the people that directly affect your personal life, because in here it means close to zero what type of person you are or claim to be.
It's kind of obvious why you can't even comprehend where I am coming from with this.

You are vulnerable, because clearly, nobody taught you where to keep your hole card. Your whole steezy is out there for all to see. Transparent. You can't wait to be looked at.  You need to be acknowledged. You expose yourself. You are out on Front Street, as there is no mystery.  Your sensitivity is out there for all to see, and you did it to yourself.

I'd bet that you think that being this way, makes you real, don't you? You are a good boy. Open and honest. I bet you tell on people, when they do wrong. 

I think I've said enough, because everyone should feel loved, having a place to belongHowever, your actions prove that there is something missing in regard to your identity, how you present yourself, and then how you handle your privacy.
It's kind of obvious why you can't even comprehend where I am coming from with this.

You are vulnerable, because clearly, nobody taught you where to keep your hole card. Your whole steezy is out there for all to see. Transparent. You can't wait to be looked at. You need to be acknowledged. You expose yourself. You are out on Front Street, as there is no mystery.  Your sensitivity is out there for all to see, and you did it to yourself.

I'd bet that you think that being this way, makes you real, don't you? You are a good boy. Open and honest. I bet you tell on people, when they do wrong. 

I think I've said enough, because everyone should feel loved, having a place to belongHowever, your actions prove that there is something missing in regard to your identity, how you present yourself, and then how you handle your privacy.

What exactly do you know about me fam?

That I'm married?
That I like red pants?
That I'm Spanish?

Ok fam you know me well enough to write a biography on me.

You don't know jack, you think because I post pictures of my fits and my vacation, shared pictures of my wedding, you think because of that you actually know me...that I'm transparent....you couldn't be further from the truth, I just don't care to be anonymous, it makes no damb difference to me if you know what I look like, I have no need to hide anything to any of you because guess what?...at the end of the day I can just log off and poof, every single one of you is gone, THAT'S WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND....you think that beig anonymous online puts you on some sort of pedestal, gives you the upper hand, upper hand to what???...you think you are better than me?...you don't know **** fam.

While a mother can never LOVE her son too much, it is possible for a mother to do too much for her son which CAN put him in a needy position for the rest of his life. I know a few dudes that were momma's boys that are close to the age of 30 and still have never done laundry on their own more than 10 times. That still can't cook for themselves. That subconsciously look for a momma like figure in a woman. I THINK that is what he is saying, if not, that is what I am saying.
You must have a problem with more than half of the world if your judge of character is how much online exposure you have :rofl:

we live in a world where being anonymous means close to nothing, people are no longer concern with that, be it good or bad....people have facebooks, twitters, Instagram accounts where everything from a mood swing to an outfit is shared.
While a mother can never LOVE her son too much, it is possible for a mother to do too much for her son which CAN put him in a needy position for the rest of his life. I know a few dudes that were momma's boys that are close to the age of 30 and still have never done laundry on their own more than 10 times. That still can't cook for themselves. That subconsciously look for a momma like figure in a woman. I THINK that is what he is saying, if not, that is what I am saying.

If that's what he's saying and where he's attempting to categorize me as, son couldn't be more wrong.

I'm a momma's boy, I love it...however that doesn't define the type of man I am because I'm extremely independent and can actually now that I'm older look out for my mother in more ways than one...that doesn't mean I don't treasure my mothers warmth or a home made soup, or her company when I signed my mortgage papers....you can never limit a mother/son relationship, EVER.
What exactly do you know about me fam?
That I'm married?
That I like red pants?
That I'm Spanish?
Ok fam you know me well enough to write a biography on me.
You don't know jack, you think because I post pictures of my fits and my vacation, shared pictures of my wedding, you think because of that you actually know me...that I'm transparent....you couldn't be further from the truth, I just don't care to be anonymous, it makes no damb difference to me if you know what I look like, I have no need to hide anything to any of you because guess what?...at the end of the day I can just log off and poof, every single one of you is gone, THAT'S WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND....you think that beig anonymous online puts you on some sort of pedestal, gives you the upper hand, upper hand to what???...you think you are better than me?...you don't know **** fam.
lol, you don't get it, because you are vulnerable. 

Look at how you are responding.
lol, you don't get it, because you are vulnerable. 

Look at how you are responding.

How I'm I responding?...do I sound sensitive?...brb checking my estrogen levels, I must be turning into a woman.

What's the problem with being vulnerable again?...are you going to hurt me?...I'll wait for a logical response.
While a mother can never LOVE her son too much, it is possible for a mother to do too much for her son which CAN put him in a needy position for the rest of his life. I know a few dudes that were momma's boys that are close to the age of 30 and still have never done laundry on their own more than 10 times. That still can't cook for themselves. That subconsciously look for a momma like figure in a woman. I THINK that is what he is saying, if not, that is what I am saying.
That's one way of looking at it.

But then there are those moms who tell their sons that everything that they do, is FABULOUS! These cats are the sheltered types, those who can't wait to show everyone everything.

Look at me, look at me! 
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If that's what he's saying and where he's attempting to categorize me as, son couldn't be more wrong.
I'm a momma's boy, I love it...however that doesn't define the type of man I am because I'm extremely independent and can actually now that I'm older look out for my mother in more ways than one...that doesn't mean I don't treasure my mothers warmth or a home made soup, or her company when I signed my mortgage papers....you can never limit a mother/son relationship, EVER.
Even if it were true about you, chances are you wouldn't be able to step back and say, "Damn, I have a problem."
How I'm I responding?...do I sound sensitive?...brb checking my estrogen levels, I must be turning into a woman.
What's the problem with being vulnerable again?...are you going to hurt me?...I'll wait for a logical response.
A few back, you started a thread complaining about how you were being perceived on what is supposed to be an anonymous forum.


People who are secure within themselves, would not even need to address something like that.

Being secure, is masculine.

Look it up.
That's one way of looking at it.

But then there are those moms who tell their sons that everything that they do, is FABULOUS! These cats are the sheltered types, those who can't wait to show everyone everything.

Look at me, look at me! 

Son please hop of your high horse.

I'd take it that's where you would categorize me?

Hmm lets see, I grew up in a bad neighborhood, cocaine usage in the household I grew up in, as a 6 year old living in Colombia, I helped my uncle prep hundreds of blunts he would then sell at the car wash he worked in, seen many people gunned down before i even turned 10 YUP IM SHELTERED AS *****

Fool, keep thinking you know me.
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A few back, you started a thread complaining about how you were being perceived on what is supposed to be an anonymous forum.


People who are secure within themselves, would not even need to address something like that.

Being secure, is masculine.

Look it up.

Yes, me being at work bored as **** in the middle of the night on a slow night on NT defines me as who I am in real life, give me a break....you obviously take everything at face value, he made a thread about how much he lives his girl, LONGSTROKE : "SIMP"

Take the backseat for a second and quit making broad assumptions on people "you think you know"
Son please hop of your high horse.
I'd take it that's where you would categorize me?
Hmm lets see, I grew up in a bad neighborhood, cocaine usage in the household I grew up in, as a 6 year old living in Colombia, I helped my uncle prep hundreds of blunts he would then sell at the car wash he worked in, seen many people gunned down before i even turned 10 YUP IM SHELTERED AS *****
Fool, keep thinking you know me.
That's not what being sheltered means.

You could be Nicky Barnes' son, then still be sheltered while growing up.
Define growing up "SHELTERED"
On the mental, spiritual, and physical plane, being sheltered has many different applications. 

All has to do with being protected.

In certain communities, there are some stereotypical behaviours that are applied as well.

But they are all exposed when you express yourself while under duress.

Police departments all over have developed their interrogation tactics based upon these facts. 

Under pressure, your true influences are unearthed.

You, are currently showing yours.
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There it is. 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That explains the bitc(-)*****ness.


LOL I guess I gave him something to make fun of me about, dude got so angry that he basically threatened me with violence. The only person on this website I've pissed off that much that he wanted to fight was ninjahood. :rofl:
Is steezy finally getting the male influence he lacked his whole life from Longstroke? This reminds me off Melvin schooling Jody lol. Tell him about guns and butter next.
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