What does god's love feel like to you?

these guys never quit
Where is all that confidence you where ranting about earlier? I already told you , I AM GOD!!! I surrender to no fear and to no masters. Stop projecting your weaknesses onto others child.

Answer the question.

Are you this disrespectful in real time? Is this how you speak? I mean, really, everything I say, is how I get down in person. Perhaps this is my problem. I don't have a ******** persona to hide behind. I was raised back when you had to be held accountable for what you say. One slip of the lip, and you may get your *** kicked, or even taken out if you said the wrong thing to the wrong person. This is why I say that some of you aren't built for real life. You sit here and talk your ****, but when it comes time for you to man up, you ***** up.

So what's the deal, money?

Do you walk around where ever you are, speaking to people that way? Calling them uneducated, ignorant, blah, blah, blah?

Or do you simply use a forum such as this for such puffery?
If there is a God, I believe he reflects his love for you in those close to you, the love of your mom, the love o your wife...even the unconditional love of a dog....honestly when **** has hit the fan an I'm in search of serenity, the closest person to you is the one to give it to you...in a lot of cases it's been mom....I guess that's God's way of indirectly answering your call.

Answer the question.

Are you this disrespectful in real time? Is this how you speak? I mean, really, everything I say, is how I get down in person. Perhaps this is my problem. I don't have a ******** persona to hide behind. I was raised back when you had to be held accountable for what you say. One slip of the lip, and you may get your *** kicked, or even taken out if you said the wrong thing to the wrong person. This is why I say that some of you aren't built for real life. You sit here and talk your ****, but when it comes time for you to man up, you ***** up.

So what's the deal, money?

Do you walk around where ever you are, speaking to people that way? Calling them uneducated, ignorant, blah, blah, blah?

Or do you simply use a forum such as this for such puffery?

You are not intelligent enough or have the endurance, passion, and balls to live a single day in my shoes child :D

All sarcasm aside calm down, you don't want to get at me with the physical I'm probably bigger and stronger than you are. Arnold " CHILL OUT" Arnold.
If there is a God, I believe he reflects his love for you in those close to you, the love of your mom, the love o your wife...even the unconditional love of a dog....honestly when **** has hit the fan an I'm in search of serenity, the closest person to you is the one to give it to you...in a lot of cases it's been mom....I guess that's God's way of indirectly answering your call.

I'm a momma's boy too homie :smh: My mom may be the only person on this planet who loves me unconditionally. The judeochristian God does not love unconditionally. He is a jealous God.
LOL @ non-accomplished goals and regrets. :rofl:
People like you are only religious because of perceived positive reinforcements. Meanwhile the most non-religious nations on this planet have the highest level of education, least crime, most technological advancement and less women getting stoned for reading books.
I am a very accomplished individual and when I graduate I'm not going to give an NBA player/BET award winner type speech about how God helped me get this far as an insult to the next man.
You are not intelligent enough or have the endurance, passion, and balls to live a single day in my shoes child

All sarcasm aside calm down, you don't want to get at me with the physical I'm probably bigger and stronger than you are. Arnold " CHILL OUT" Arnold.
It's not about size and strength, nor is it about endurance or passion, or balls even.

The issue is, you don't know WHO you are talking to on here. If your claim is to be that intelligent, then perhaps you may need to look up what it actually means to be smart.
A sense of calm during a storm is what my Great Grandma told me.

I'm not a believer, but I dug where she was coming from.

also a sense of great ability. I always know that I can do anything I give effort to. and I believe that everything will work out for the best.
favorite verse- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
also a sense of great ability. I always know that I can do anything I give effort to. and I believe that everything will work out for the best.
favorite verse- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
So essentially it is spiritual alcohol? Gives you balls to accomplish anything you put your mind to?

Now how is that any different that having an ultimate degree of self-confidence?
I'm a momma's boy too homie
My mom may be the only person on this planet who loves me unconditionally. The judeochristian God does not love unconditionally. He is a jealous God.
There it is. 


That explains the bitc(-)*****ness.

also a sense of great ability. I always know that I can do anything I give effort to. and I believe that everything will work out for the best.
favorite verse- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
The faith, when put into proper context, is some powerful stuff.

I've been around the brothers of the Nation Of Islam, FOI, as many used to study with Moses Powell at this spot called Where Worlds Collide in Brooklyn. 

Due to their own faith, belief, I've seen them do some pretty amazing things while in combat. When a person is trained mentally, physically AND spiritually, they feel as if they can withstand anything.
i like how 98% of this board all of a sudden becomes atheist, but then pray when their internet goes out.
Your momma don't love you bruh?
That explains the grumpiness...
Both my parents, Mom and Dad, not only love me, but even more important, my father taught me to be a man, not needing anyone's approval.

How you doing with that buddy?
Both my parents, Mom and Dad, not only love me, but even more important, my father taught me to be a man, not needing anyone's approval.

How you doing with that buddy?

It seems like your mother didn't live you much if you come to the conclusion that if your mother loves you unconditionally, it explains your *****asness.

My father died when I was 2 my mother did a great job at raising me.

Lulz @ approval, you corny fam.
It seems like your mother didn't live you much if you come to the conclusion that if your mother loves you unconditionally, it explains your *****asness.
My father died when I was 2 my mother did a great job at raising me.
Lulz @ approval, you corny fam.
He stated that ONLY his mom loved him unconditionally, that's it. No Male figure gives it to him in this manner, and it does explain his b!T(HYNess, then also explains your need to constantly be in front a camera.

I could go in a certain direction with this, a direction that may expose the both of you, but I digress.

Live your lives, love your lives. 
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he probably reported you already stroke..
After what's been said to me by Anton on this thread, I didn't press that button one time. I've pressed the button perhaps twice in my entire time here.

My Pops taught me to handle my biz, and never to snitch. That's how a MAN teaches his son to behave.

However, Nike Talk has an underground snitch culture, they like to keep it greasy...
After what's been said to me by Anton on this thread, I didn't press that button one time. I've pressed the button perhaps twice in my entire time here.

My Pops taught me to handle my biz, and never to snitch. That's how a MAN teaches his son to behave.

However, Nike Talk has an underground snitch culture, they like to keep it greasy...:lol:

Please do expose.

So me getting unconditional love from moms and not having dad, nurtured my love for photography, are you a wizard?

And your dad taught you online etiquette?...what an achievement....tell us more.
Please do expose.
So me getting unconditional love from moms and not having dad, nurtured my love for photography, are you a wizard?
And your dad taught you online etiquette?...what an achievement....tell us more.
lol You've done enough to expose yourself.
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steez, before this thread gets locked and we're playing wizard...

does your wife have any sisters? is she the only child?
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