What does god's love feel like to you?

I wish you the best and pray that you graduate and become a succesful individual . I also hope that whatever made you such a cold person toward religion is healed with content and happiness.
And once you are truly happy, you'll understand that religion helps some people lead extraordinary lives. Other people live extraordinary lives without religion as well, but you will NEVER catch them bashing it by any means. They are simply glad that their neighbor is reaping the rewards of a well disciplined, educated , moral filled life.
I also hope that you raise your kids to respect everyone's point of view that leans torward bettering themselves and/or others around them. Don't let them be the same disrespectful/ condescending person you have illustrated to be.
I can personally understand those who take issue with religion, especially Christianity. Historically, Christianity and also the Catholic Church, has caused plenty harm around the world.

Knowing this can make people turn a deaf ear to faith, then looking for other forms of discipline. The Church does not do itself any justice, by not dealing with the issues that are clearly present within the clergy.
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My reading comprehension?

Take everything in complete context. This was his comment to me,

Your comment cosigning his,

So my response to you was,

My example was to show the wrongs done by the medical, scientific community as well.

lol then why are you arguing against my claim that you are creating an absurd divide between doctors/scientists and non-religious people when many doctors/scientists are religious? :D After-all before fundamentalism plunged them into the dark ages, Islamic societies were the center for learning and scientific advancement on this planet

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lol then why are you arguing against my claim that you are creating an absurd divide between doctors/scientists and non-religious people when many doctors/scientists are religious?
After-all before fundamentalism plunged them into the dark ages, Islamic societies were the center for learning and scientific advancement on this planet.
No, that wasn't where the differing occurred.

This is where it was,
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There is nothing worse than ignorant people in this country who think there is more suffering in the world today than in the past.
There is more suffering. The Earth is suffering, which is a living thing, then also the very thing that we rely upon to live. It's worse than it has ever been.

I, nor anyone else, are ignorant in believing this.
No, that wasn't where the differing occurred.

This is where it was,

There is more suffering. The Earth is suffering, which is a living thing, then also the very thing that we rely upon to live. It's worse than it has ever been.

I, nor anyone else, are ignorant in believing this.

What in the bloody hell does that have to do with doctors and scientists? You are ignorant in believing that people dying today is evidence of God coming people people have been dying since the dawn of man. It doesn't take a scientist to think this way unless you're mentally challenged and think I was making some sort of revolutionary scientific revelation.
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I respect everyone's opinions and religious views if its for the greater good.
Put it this way. I respect a Satanist with upside down crosses tattoed on his chest ,that is a frequent volunteer in shelters, a frequent donater to charity,and a wonderful spouse. I dont respect a die-hard Christian who attends religious services and never misses a prayer but beats his wife and is a terrible father.
Know what I mean? It's not what you believe in, it's what you do WITH that belief .


Good thinkin lets take this a little further, the ultimate expression of religious equality/tolerance is to tax the churches.
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What in the bloody hell does that have to do with doctors and scientists? You are ignorant in believing that people dying today is evidence of God coming people people have been dying since the dawn of man. It doesn't take a scientist to think this way unless you're mentally challenged and think I was making some sort of revolutionary scientific revelation.

Are you high?

Who said anything about a God going or coming back from anywhere?

I think that you may need to do a bit of research, just to get yourself up to speed.
To feel God's love is to feel the confidence in your identity and abilities.

I'm agnostic and feel calmness in my soul very often. It's about being authentic.

Are you high?

Who said anything about a God going or coming back from anywhere?

I think that you may need to do a bit of research, just to get yourself up to speed.

Yea clearly we are not on the same page at all.

Lets cliff note our encounter. I made a comment about people who think modern day hardship is a sign that we need more God, and I said those people are ignorant to human suffering that has happened in the past. And like them, in the past people used superstition to try to fix their problems (eg. burning witches)

you brought up doctors and science.

I asked wth this has to do with doctors and said that a lot of doctors are religious, and you are creating an absurd divide between science and religion.

You denied this because you can't read.

I really don't want to argue anymore, it's just making my head hurt and a bit nauseous.
If whatever you are doing is working for you, then don't fix what isn't broken. Keep on my man.
But please , don't go around telling little kids Santa Clause isn't real because its physically impossible for deers to fly.

Yah, there aren't people that believe in Santa Clause in positions of influence. I kinda wish there were. :smile:

This isn't about me, I'll be fine. Another religious trait, no one can have beliefs without personal/selfish gain. This has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with that young woman in the middle east who gets killed for trying to educate herself. Religious indoctrination benefits me as a male.
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Yea clearly we are not on the same page at all.
Lets cliff note our encounter. I made a comment about people who think modern day hardship is a sign that we need more God, and I said those people are ignorant to human suffering that has happened in the past. And like them, in the past people used superstition to try to fix their problems (eg. burning witches)
you brought up doctors and science.
I asked wth this has to do with doctors and said that a lot of doctors are religious, and you are creating an absurd divide between science and religion.
You denied this because you can't read.
I'll deal with the underlined in a minute.

Doctors involved in scientific research burned people as well. Anything can be misused, that was the point of my response to you.

Now, your saying that I can't read, is quite comical.

But no matter, I see you.
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I always wondered how people got their post counts up but now it makes sense. Dudes be cakin off in threads like this. I'm gonna frequently drop in with random gifs.

I'll deal with the underlined in a minute.

Doctors involved in scientific research burned people as well. Anything can be misused, that was the point of my response to you.

Now, your saying that I can't read, is quite comical.

But no matter, I see you.

Again what does this have to do with religion? is religion a profession? Carpenters rape people. NTers rob people. Horses are horrible human beings. What does this have to do with religious people not looking at the big picture and sometimes being ignorant of history?
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I think that it's pretty clear that there are some around here, who simply do not understand belief systems, and then how they've evolved over time.

God's love, if a God does indeed exist, has everything to do with feeling secure, having confidence under times of duress. At least that is how it was explained to me, because I for one am not religious. But coming from an objective point of view, one should be able to understand that feeling secure, having a sense of belonging, community, is equal to suggesting being ONE with God.

You are never alone.

I see nothing wrong with this way of belief.
It's weird. Even though I'm removed from the Christian lifestyle, I still feel wholly ensconced in the nourishment and protection of God.

Whether it's my family praying for my well-being or me knowing that there is a God, I still feel his love everyday.

There isn't a palpable feeling - more of a knowing and understanding.
Again what does this have to do with religion? is religion a profession? Carpenters rape people. NTers rob people. Horses are horrible human beings. What does this have to do with religious people not looking at the big picture and sometimes being ignorant of history?
Not all religious people are ignorant of History.

Cornel West is Christian, and is very religious. Is he ignorant of history, then not being able to see the big picture? When you hear him speak, he is concerned with all of humanity.

Am I right?
I think that it's pretty clear that there are some around here, who simply do not understand belief systems, and then how they've evolved over time.

God's love, if a God does indeed exist, has everything to do with feeling secure, having confidence under times of duress. At least that is how it was explained to me, because I for one am not religious. But coming from an objective point of view, one should be able to understand that feeling secure, having a sense of belonging, community, is equal to suggesting being ONE with God.

You are never alone.

I see nothing wrong with this way of belief.

lol what manner of heresy is this? You have become a lot more moderate and agnostic than the first time we encountered. :smokin

Nothing wrong with all of this. If God provides you with confidence, security, community, belonging....get ya paper boo boo. But I reserve the right to call certain religious people on some of their insensitive and immoral views.
lol what manner of heresy is this? You have become a lot more moderate and agnostic than the first time we encountered.

Nothing wrong with all of this. If God provides you with confidence, security, community, belonging....get ya paper boo boo. But I reserve the right to call certain religious people on some of their insensitive and immoral views.
Let's get something clear, at no point have I ever denied the existence of evolution, the value of science, nor have I ever claimed to be religious, agnostic, or atheist.

So, no projecting needed. I do not need your acknowledgement, nor does anyone else for that matter.
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Not all religious people are ignorant of History.

Cornel West is Christian, and is very religious. Is he ignorant of history, then not being able to see the big picture? When you hear him speak, he is concerned with all of humanity.

Am I right?

Fair enough, I criticized the ones/many who are. Will that let you sleep better at night :smile:.

I love Cornell West, I've sat through a few of his lectures. He isn't your average religious man.
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Let's get something clear, at no point have I ever denied the existence of evolution, the value of science, nor have I ever claimed to be religious, agnostic, or atheist.

So, no projecting needed. I do not need your acknowledgement, nor does anyone else for that matter.

Yet you choose to bring up science everytime someone critiques religion? >D You weren't always like this, you've changed. I vividly remember previous arguments with you and you were nowhere close to being this open minded.

l never said you didn't see the value in religion, in fact I said most religious people see the value in religion and choose to ignore it in a select few instances. You are the one who keeps bringing up science, and now evolution.
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