What does god's love feel like to you?

Fairy tales don't make me feel
riding that bench in minor league basketball and that bottle is how you achieve that 'feel'?
I know god loves me when I'm tired as hell and wake up in the middle of the night thinking it's almost time to get up but, I still have 5 more hours to sleep.
I believe in God and Ive been rebelling His word for a while trying to do my own thing..I feel so far apart from Him its crazy..but my mother is a God fearing woman..she is the reason I know God's love is real..throughtout her ups and downs in life she is always happy no matter what..my mom is always happy i dont get it..but I know what it is
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But coming from an objective point of view, one should be able to understand that feeling secure, having a sense of belonging, community, is equal to suggesting being ONE with God.

You are never alone.

I see nothing wrong with this way of belief.

thats like saying

var five = null;

if("2" + "3" == five)

i dont think atheists hate happiness...theyre just more picky on whats real. youre saying its equal when it seems equal but it really isnt. the two things are not the same object. and one of the things is not even a thing. one of the things is not even what you thing it is.

i see nothing wrong with being happy. its just some people have different standards in beleiving in things.
Yet you choose to bring up science everytime someone critiques religion?
You weren't always like this, you've changed. I vividly remember previous arguments with you and you were nowhere close to being this open minded.
l never said you didn't see the value in religion, in fact I said most religious people see the value in religion and choose to ignore it in a select few instances. You are the one who keeps bringing up science, and now evolution.
I choose to bring up science to show that nothing on this planet is infallible. Someone may critique religion, while living under the cloak of science. You must challenge their beliefs in order to prove your point.

I haven't changed. I just don't see the value of telling all of my business, as many of you seem to do around here.

I find some of the things that many of you unveil, to be quite comical and sad at the same time.

Wise people only let you know what they WANT you to know about them, and then what they are capable of.
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thats like saying
var five = null;
if("2" + "3" == five)
i dont think atheists hate happiness...theyre just more picky on whats real. youre saying its equal when it seems equal but it really isnt. the two things are not the same object. and one of the things is not even a thing. one of the things is not even what you thing it is.
i see nothing wrong with being happy. its just some people have different standards in beleiving in things.
Having a sense of belonging, is knowing who you are, what you are, then having a sense of purpose. This gives you confidence. Knowing that you are not alone, be it from belief, or simply from being around family and friends, gives incredible comfort and peace.

That's love. Some call it God's love, I simply call it what it is.
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i agree that "love" has the belongingness attached to it. but for those certain people who feel the belonginess from god? how can i agree with this if i dont believe in god? i dont think god exists and that i just dont agree with his ****. i actually think that the idea of there being a god that most think there is is man made. so how am i wrong to question this or for it to irk me? thats like saying i feel the love spiderman has for me. questioning doesnt equal to raging either. it does not bother much, but more disappointed.
i agree that "love" has the belongingness attached to it. but for those certain people who feel the belonginess from god? how can i agree with this if i dont believe in god? i dont think god exists and that i just dont agree with his ****. i actually think that the idea of there being a god that most think there is is man made. so how am i wrong to question this or for it to irk me? thats like saying i feel the love spiderman has for me. questioning doesnt equal to raging either. it does not bother much, but more disappointed.
Love is patience. For many people who do believe in a higher power, the source of that patience is infinite. You are not wrong to question anything. Actually you should question EVERYTHING.
Having a sense of belonging, is knowing who you are, what you are, then having a sense of purpose. This gives you confidence. Knowing that you are not alone, be it from belief, or simply from being around family and friends, gives incredible comfort and peace.

That's love. Some call it God's love, I simply call it what it is.

Whatever man. To me you've changed for the better.

Anyhow, from a scientific stand-point there is a reason why they call religion the opium of the masses. A lot of the appeal of religion has to do with its mind-altering properties, this is also why it is the perfect tool to control the weak-minded masses. I see parallels between religion and the crack epidemic in the black community. God gets you high, what people feel is dopamine and serotonin.
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Whatever man. To me you've changed for the better.
Anyhow, from a scientific stand-point there is a reason why they call religion the opium of the masses. A lot of the appeal of religion has to do with its mind-altering properties, this is also why it is the perfect tool to control the weak-minded masses. I see parallels between religion and the crack epidemic in the black community. God gets you high, what people feel is dopamine and serotonin.
..and the other comparison that one can make is to anti depressants, which is the science answer to crack and heroin.

If I were to choose, I'd choose the one with the less side effects.
..and the other comparison that one can make is to anti depressants, which is the science answer to crack and heroin.

If I were to choose, I'd choose the one with the less side effects.

Shut up :lol: You are not intelligent, you nothing about science or medicine. No one prescribes antidepressants for crack or heroine addiction. Stick to what you know, ranting about religion and how it makes you feel good. If you are going to continue to play devils advocate with science as the enemy please do some research on your claims.

This friggin guy :smh:

LOL @ less side effects. Naw doc I'm a just let this perforated aortic aneurysm ride out. God has less side effects. Science is your friend, you send these messages and they get to me. You do not pray it into existence.
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The feeling really is indescribable.  It's knowing in my darkest days and lowest moments in life that, there is always is a feeling that things are going to be alright no matter what the outcome. It's knowing that I can ask for new grace every day.  Its knowing that he was willing to allow his only son to take a  destiny that he didn't deserve so that one day I can have a destiny that I don't deserve.
The feeling really is indescribable.  It's knowing in my darkest days and lowest moments in life that, there is always is a feeling that things are going to be alright no matter what the outcome. It's knowing that I can ask for new grace every day.  Its knowing that he was willing to allow his only son to take a  destiny that he didn't deserve so that one day I can have a destiny that I don't deserve.

I hope non-christians, satanists and atheists are afforded the same grace in times for hardship. :D
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..and the other comparison that one can make is to anti depressants, which is the science answer to crack and heroin.

If I were to choose, I'd choose the one with the less side effects.
Your trolling has gone too far dude. Following your line of reasoning, I would conclude that there are plenty of side effects in believing fairy tales aka religion. They include an inability to think critically, poor grammar, heightened mental ******ation, etc. I would gladly choose the anti-depressants over the side effects of religious thinking.
Your trolling has gone too far dude. Following your line of reasoning, I would conclude that there are plenty of side effects in believing fairy tales aka religion. They include an inability to think critically, poor grammar, heightened mental ******ation, etc. I would gladly choose the anti-depressants over the side effects of religious thinking.

Dude went from a blatantly ignorant christian, to attempting to become "moderate and agnostic", to arguing against science horrendously yet supporting it?:nerd:

I am challenging him now to keep up with his, doctors against religion persona!!!! The bubonic plague killed a multitude for people, and prayers and sacrifices didn't help, I challenge shortnopes to inject himself with the plague and pray his way out of it. :nerd:

Unless science is only a convenience to idiots when they dont have to argue about it.
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Shut up
You are not intelligent, you nothing about science or medicine. No one prescribes antidepressants for crack or heroine addiction. Stick to what you know, ranting about religion and how it makes you feel good. If you are going to continue to play devils advocate with science as the enemy please do some research on your claims.
This friggin guy

LOL @ less side effects. Naw doc I'm a just let this perforated aortic aneurysm ride out. God has less side effects. Science is your friend, you send these messages and they get to me. You do not pray it into existence.
You continue to try and insult me, but what you don't see is that I did not say that they treat addiction with antidepressants. I said that those same anti depressants that are prescribed by the medical community, those such as Paxil,  have the same effect as drugs like Heroin. You cannot simply stop taking drugs like Paxil, as you must be weened off of it, just like Heroin.  
Your trolling has gone too far dude. Following your line of reasoning, I would conclude that there are plenty of side effects in believing fairy tales aka religion. They include an inability to think critically, poor grammar, heightened mental ******ation, etc. I would gladly choose the anti-depressants over the side effects of religious thinking.
So what you are really saying is that you'd rather be dependent upon drugs, as opposed to building up your self esteem through spiritual upliftment, correct?

Some people would consider you to be pretty weak and pathetic from that choice as well, you know?

Some people would rather got to the pulpit, instead of a shrink. I see nothing wrong with either, but again, I'd rather not be dependent upon drugs, in order to function in this society.
Dude went from a blatantly ignorant christian, to attempting to become "moderate and agnostic", to arguing against science horrendously yet supporting it?

I am challenging him now to keep up with his, doctors against religion persona!!!! The bubonic plague killed a multitude for people, and prayers and sacrifices didn't help, I challenge shortnopes to inject himself with the plague and pray his way out of it.

Unless science is only a convenience to idiots when they dont have to argue about it.
That's where you are wrong. I've never been a christian, never claimed any religion, nor made any suggestions of ever leaning in that way. 

However, it's pretty clear that you have some serious issues to deal with, as you come off as being incredibly insecure, *****y, and then angry at the world.

What a pathetic individual you are, that you have to sit here and try and crush the belief systems of those who mean you no harm.
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I like to read the bible on the train and then just mutter aloud...

OH BULL ****.

Zach galafanakis
You continue to try and insult me, but what you don't see is that I did not say that they treat addiction with antidepressants. I said that those same anti depressants that are prescribed by the medical community, those such as Paxil,  have the same effect as drugs like Heroin. You cannot simply stop taking drugs like Paxil, as you must be weened off of it, just like Heroin.  
So what you are really saying is that you'd rather be dependent upon drugs, as opposed to building up your self esteem through spiritual upliftment, correct?

Some people would consider you to be pretty weak and pathetic from that choice as well, you know?

Some people would rather got to the pulpit, instead of a shrink. I see nothing wrong with either, but again, I'd rather not be dependent upon drugs, in order to function in this society.
That's where you are wrong. I've never been a christian, never claimed any religion, nor made any suggestions of ever leaning in that way. 

However, it's pretty clear that you have some serious issues to deal with, as you come off as being incredibly insecure, *****y, and then angry at the world.

What a pathetic individual you are, that you have to sit here and try and crush the belief systems of those who mean you no harm.

And the dancing fool keeps ranting about seroquel and haldol, although he isn't educated enough to know its indications.

No dude I have nothing to deal with, I AM GOD!!!!! :smokin :nthat:

I have called you out on your nonsense throughout this thread and others but you have changed for the better. :smokin
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And the dancing fool keeps ranting about seroquel and haldol, although he isn't educated enough to know its indications.
No dude I have nothing to deal with, I AM GOD!!!!!

I have called you out on your nonsense throughout this thread and others but you have changed for the better.
I don't know how it is that you continue to speak as you do on this board, when I have seen others banned for less. 

Again, people do not always tell you, what it is that they do know. In your presumptuous stance, you show yourself to be incredibly weak, scared even.

Let me ask you this. How do you deal in real life? Do you speak this way in person? Are you this disrespectful?
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I don't know how it is that you continue to speak as you do on this board, [SIZE=7[SIZE=0]]when I have seen others banned for less[/SIZE].[/SIZE] 

Again, people do not always tell you, what it is that they do know. In your presumptuous stance, you show yourself to be incredibly weak, scared even.

Let me ask you this. How do you deal in real life? Do you speak this way in person? Are you this disrespectful?

Where is all that confidence you where ranting about earlier? I already told you , I AM GOD!!! I surrender to no fear and to no masters. Stop projecting your weaknesses onto others child.
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