What does god's love feel like to you?

On the mental, spiritual, and physical plane, being sheltered has many different applications. 

All has to do with being protected.

In certain communities, there are some stereotypical behaviours that are applied as well.

But they are all exposed when you express yourself while under duress.

Police departments all over have developed their interrogation tactics based upon these facts. 

Under pressure, your true influences are unearthed.

You, are currently showing yours.

What I'm I showing?...you still haven't proved **** or even made a valid point, you running around in circles pulling your own tail fam :rofl:
LOL I guess I gave him something to make fun of me about, dude got so angry that he basically threatened me with violence. The only person on this website I've pissed off that much that he wanted to fight was ninjahood.
Oh. you thought I was threatening you? Nope.  

If I did, I am sure that I would have been suspended. There is a zero tolerance policy about me around here. So perhaps, you may think again.

But since you are into men, trannies and such, you may need these for your issues..


cat's like you tend to leak a bit from over usage, when you are afraid.
On the mental, spiritual, and physical plane, being sheltered has many different applications. 

All has to do with being protected.

In certain communities, there are some stereotypical behaviours that are applied as well.

But they are all exposed when you express yourself while under duress.

Police departments all over have developed their interrogation tactics based upon these facts. 

Under pressure, your true influences are unearthed.

You, are currently showing yours.

Showing mines?... :lol:

Son you are like a dog running around in circles chasing your own tail making up stories in your head...carry on bruh..

Your Jimmies Rustled in every thread I see you in, that's the only thing being exposed
Oh. you thought I was threatening you? Nope.  

If I did, I am sure that I would have been suspended. There is a zero tolerance policy about me around here. So perhaps, you may think again.

But since you are into men, trannies and such, you may need these for your issues..


cat's like you tend to leak a bit from over usage, when you are afraid.

WTH does that even mean? I clearly rustled your jimmies earlier judging by all your comments. Some people are not intelligent enough to get in a battle of wits to they resort to threats and mom jokes. >D

waaaaa did you see what he said to me earlier, waaaaa that hurt my feelings....waaaaaah

View media item 185038
Sry about all this Steezy and innocent comment somehow gave this guy the heads up to attack people's mothers and upbringings.
More proof of what you are.

After all that you've stated about people and their faith, calling yourself God, calling people ignorant, stupid and many other things, are really going to play victim now?

You do realize that you are really showing that overtly and domineering femme influence, right?

Oh, this is going to be fun!

You are going to really need Jesus when I am done with you now!
Showing mines?...

Son you are like a dog running around in circles chasing your own tail making up stories in your head...carry on bruh..
Your Jimmies Rustled in every thread I see you in, that's the only thing being exposed
Here's a quick question for you, but you do not have to answer.

Who am I?
Please do expose.
So me getting unconditional love from moms and not having dad, nurtured my love for photography, are you a wizard?
And your dad taught you online etiquette?...what an achievement....tell us more.

That's the highlight of his upbringing, he wasn't taught how to think, how to read, or how be an intellectual lion. He was taught how not to snitch. That sounds fairly typical. :nerd:
Please do expose.
So me getting unconditional love from moms and not having dad, nurtured my love for photography, are you a wizard?
And your dad taught you online etiquette?...what an achievement....tell us more.

That's the highlight of his upbringing, he wasn't taught how to think, how to read, or how be an intellectual lion. He was taught how not to snitch. That sounds fairly typical. :nerd:

wow, Anton is a closet racist

clown :smh:

I find it sad that Steezy wants to fight LongStroke because of the things he said. Steez, it really isn't that serious my man.
More proof of what you are.

After all that you've stated about people and their faith, calling yourself God, calling people ignorant, stupid and many other things, are really going to play victim now?

You do realize that you are really showing that overtly and domineering femme influence, right?

Oh, this is going to be fun!

You are going to really need Jesus when I am done with you now!

OH YEA, call me a dirty boy and spit in my face. :evil:
That's the highlight of his upbringing, he wasn't taught how to think, how to read, or how be an intellectual lion. He was taught how not to snitch. That sounds fairly typical.
Oh, so you mean how to live an online existence, attempting to prove your value to the world to some nameless and faceless people, those that you may never, ever, meet, right?

Oh this just keeps getting better!

And you make fun of Christians!

Oh, so you mean how to live an online existence, attempting to prove your value to the world to some nameless and faceless people, those that you may never, ever, meet, right?

Oh this just keeps getting better!

And you make fun of Christians!


This bores me. :nerd:
He said it in another thread a week or so ago. Not sure if you saw it. But he alluded to wanting to put hands on you. I tried to calm him down but you know how he gets.

I sure didn't see that one. 

That's unfortunate. But hey, I'm glad that I had a father who taught me not to worry about people and their bullskip.
This bores me.
Oh, I am surely entertained now!

Here is a thread that asks the question WHAT DOES GOD'S LOVE FEEL LIKE TO YOU?

I've responded to the question, in an incredibly hip manner, giving props to how people may feel about their faith and God, right?

But you exposed yourself by stating, clearly, that the only person who has ever loved you, is your mother. No father mentioned at all.

Now, I can't make fun of that. But, after all that you've said against religion, the existence of a God, even against African American culture and stereotypes, and then how you approach expressing your disappointment, it all ...makes...sense.

Every Christian, every religious person on this site, should feel immense sorrow for you.

You, don't love yourself. Every time you look in the mirror, you hate what you see.

Now all of Nike Talk knows the reason why.
Oh, I am surely entertained now!

Here is a thread that asks the question WHAT DOES GOD'S LOVE FEEL LIKE TO YOU?

I've responded to the question, in an incredibly hip manner, giving props to how people may feel about their faith and God, right?

But you exposed yourself by stating, clearly, that the only person who has ever loved you, is your mother. No father mentioned at all.

Now, I can't make fun of that. But, after all that you've said against religion, the existence of a God, even against African American culture and stereotypes, and then how you approach expressing your disappointment, it all ...makes...sense.

Every Christian, every religious person on this site, should feel immense sorrow for you.

You, don't love yourself. Every time you look in the mirror, you hate what you see.

Now all of Nike Talk knows the reason why.

Yawwnnn I feel like I should give you something to actually make fun of. OMG look at how you are so successful, and how you have a mother, siblings and friends that love you, and how you are having your life's ambition come to fruition. Tell me more about how I don't live as a misguided black youth, growing up in a broken home in a violent part of Chicago. :nerd: First world problems? :smh: :x

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Yawwnnn I feel like I should give you something to actually make fun of. OMG look at how you are so successful, and how you have a mother that loves you, and how you are having your life's ambition come to fruition. First world problems?
The way you act, it's pretty clear that you have no clue as to what love actually is. Clearly, you've never experienced it. After reading what you've posted against those who've found love through faith, I can't say that I feel sorry for you either.

Some people simply need to reside in the hell that they've created for themselves.

Have fun. 
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The way act, it's pretty clear that you have no clue, as to what love actually is. After reading what you've posted against those who've found love through faith, I can't say that I feel sorry for you either.

Some people simply need to reside in the hell that they've created for themselves.

Have fun. 

Mom dukes just handed me some fried rice and gave me a hug, love is such an inconvenience. :smh:

Oh I found something for you to make fun of, the fact that I have to study for an exam on my vacation. :nerd:
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