What Are Your Thoughts On "Taking Breaks" While In A Relationship

Breaks typically lead to cyclic patterns or endings completely, hence why it's in the word break-up. They may work for some couples (because of time invested or not wanting to go through the whole "process" again), but if both parties don't fully take advantage of the opportunity one of them will carry an emotional scar, whether they say so or not. You're essentially saying let's be in an open relationship for a minute.
To echo what's already been said, "Breaks are an excuse to cheat," which is very true. "Do you take a break every time you get the urge?"

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I say change up the sex life (read: spice it up). Sex is more psychological than physical, which leads me to believe you're (you or your friend) desiring other women because something in your current situation isn't matched correctly. I'm not saying you can't have desires because desires are found on both sides of the spectrum, but if you're constantly having urges and feel the need to act on them, then why settle down with one?

With those desires, you have to realize that you're not only getting yambs, but you're also seeing other women with completely different personalities, traits, and emotional baggage (the extent to which you see them will change everything with your former situation). ***** only feels different if it's loose or too tight, but the woman it's attached to makes all the difference! Additionally, coming back from a "break" messes up status quo at home, unless you both did nothing. Like the guy spoke on experiences, this too will become one and only add or detract from what you (you or your friend) previously had.

If after trying different things and "you" still feel the need for a break, then do it. She might not be sexually compatible for you, which can happen (Perfect in every way except for in the bedroom). I know you didn't say anything was wrong there, but I guess for me, if a person doesn't satisfy me completely then I either compromise or find someone else who does. Satisfaction comes from being able to act upon my urges at all times.
Practically there is no difference between a breakup or a break...the outcome is still two single individuals, I just like to think that a break just happens between two people who still love each other, perhaps see each other together in the future, but for whatever reason (school, distance, family, carreers, fear of comittment) just ate not ready at the moment and one or both parties make the decision, rather than sticking it out at a time when is just not right or possible, end up cheating or growing resentful and things come crashing down in a way that had no fix in the future....reason I said this idea of "breaks" is very common in your 20's passed your 30's things start to become far more permanent I believe.

Then is a break an amicable parting of ways? you do your thing, I do mine and if we catch up in a few years, we can maybe try again?

And a break-up is F you, get out of my life, I wouldn't piss on you if you broke out spontaneously into flames?
See, the thing is this.
Just because someone wants to have sex with other women doesn't mean that the current relationship they are in is failing. It simply means they want to have sex with other women. That desire doesn't have to (it could though) reflect on the lack of love or ____- (fill in blank) that the man has for his woman.
i don't disagree with this nor does anything i've said so far disagree with this.
Breaks are pointless. Either you want to be with her or not. If you want to be with her, then work and build through everything.

If you don't want to be with her or just "can't" be with her, then cut it. Nothing wrong with that. You aren't any less of a stand up guy because you kept it honest and 100 with yourself, her, and the relationship.

When you go on a "break" you are single. What does that mean? You aren't in a relationship, which means... You broke up. You can do whatever you want, just as any other single person can.

I've gone on many "breaks" according to my exes wishes. In their eyes we were "taking some time to handle ourselves". Me? ****, I was single. I don't believe in that nonsense.
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