WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Who are you to dictate what I should know?
So you don't agree that two words can be synonyms and have different definitions?

Cuz before you said you agreed.
We're not talking about a "what if" or "a person" though.

I guarantee you there is someone on the planet who does not realize they are "synonyms" if you want to get technical.

But what about those individuals?
**** em.

They can brush up on the English language with a dictionary.

Wow, I mentioned earlier cold hearts, looks like I brought it up too soon.
Irrelevant and nonsensical.

Living ppl can't have cold hearts.

See what just happened there?
So you don't agree that two words can be synonyms and have different definitions?

Cuz before you said you agreed.

We're not talking about a "what if" or "a person" though.


**** em.

They can brush up on the English language with a dictionary.

Irrelevant and nonsensical.

Living ppl can't have cold hearts.

See what just happened there?

Yes, I see exactly what is happening here.

You are getting frustrated.

And trying to over-compensate by throwing logic that is bothering you at me.

But the difference is, it does not bother me as obviously as it is bothers you.

Do you see what is happening here?

You are merely a puppet in my theatre.

Re-acting to your strings getting pulled.
So you don't agree that two words can be synonyms and have different definitions?

Cuz before you said you agreed.

We're not talking about a "what if" or "a person" though.


**** em.

They can brush up on the English language with a dictionary.

Irrelevant and nonsensical.

Living ppl can't have cold hearts.

See what just happened there?

And what's with the cussing?

Are you not able to emote in a civil way?

Is your vocabulary that lacking?

Is your articulation only 5-points?
Yeah that was a stupid line. She caused the problems to begin with. You don’t get a pass because you stopped :lol:
I feel like this is completely glossed over. She held people hostage against their will, under duress maybe even torture. Just because she released her hostages doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be put on trial or punished. Wonder what Cap would say lol.
I feel like this is completely glossed over. She held people hostage against their will, under duress maybe even torture. Just because she released her hostages doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be put on trial or punished. Wonder what Cap would say lol.

Hey S2J it's obvious you didnt watch the series closely.

She didn't know she was doing it.

It was magic on auto-pilot.
I feel like this is completely glossed over. She held people hostage against their will, under duress maybe even torture. Just because she released her hostages doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be put on trial or punished. Wonder what Cap would say lol.
“We don’t trade lives”
Hey S2J it's obvious you didnt watch the series closely.

She didn't know she was doing it.

It was magic on auto-pilot.
She knew she was doing it to a certain degree. She realized Monica didn’t belong and got rid of her. Every time something went sideways she’d get frazzled and refresh the situation.

She also explored it in full with Agatha and still had the will to reactively force choke the Westview residents in the finale, knowing they were in agony from their imprisonment.

She also says to Vision “I should have told you everything...” She knew what the **** she was doing. She a cancer, b.
She knew she was doing it to a certain degree. She realized Monica didn’t belong and got rid of her. Every time something went sideways she’d get frazzled and refresh the situation.

She also explored it in full with Agatha and still had the will to reactively force choke the Westview residents in the finale, knowing they were in agony from their imprisonment.

She also says to Vision “I should have told you everything...” She knew what the **** she was doing. She a cancer, b.

Not, until Agatha made it clear to her.

Wanda was playing a character in her own world.
Yes, I didn’t end the show 100% feeling in agreement with Wanda or her actions. I understand them, and I even heavily sympathize with them, but she did some horrid **** by taking an entire town hostage. The narrative went back and forth a bit too much to concretely say whether she acted knowingly or not - I understand she started knowingly (while not willfully in the burst of emotion at finding the deed and lot) - and then the scope of her power and its effects likely got the best of her. She basically deceived herself. She knew what she was doing, but not necessarily the full effect it was having on all the unwilling participants.

Clearly she’s the protagonist, but not necessarily the hero of the story. I don’t think she’ll be a “hero” moving forward either. It’s kind of exciting to enter MCU anti-hero territory because up until now everyone has had a side to take in their respective movies, and their actions can be easily classified as “good” or “bad.” This show opened up the MCU to morally ambiguous characters - which could be a very good thing for “realism“ and “grittiness” and such post-modern concerns, but would simultaneously lose a bit of the charm and innocence of traditional tropes of ”heroism” and “goodness.”

Generally speaking, it’s not good or bad; it’s just a new direction. One can have personal opinions on what matters more to them in a superhero epic, but opinions are just that. Personally, I tend to side with the mythical archetypes and appreciate the Captain America-types. Doesn’t mean a good Cable or Wolverine story doesn’t get you going though. Everything in doses and moderation.
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finale was good. was expecting a big reveal for the next phase. liz and paul killed it. enjoyed the ride for what it was. the theories were awesome to discuss on the way to the finale. ready for the next mcu chapter.
Also... her kids Alive?? She gonna go into the multiverse and upset balance to save em aint she haha (sorry if previously discussed)

And most of the cast only have their scripts.

And they don't shoot the scenes in order.

Thats why you really have to trust your director and co stars.

You literally have to believe in that moment.

And now it makes sense why "other studios" have a cringe feel with their actors and actresses.
I feel like this is completely glossed over. She held people hostage against their will, under duress maybe even torture. Just because she released her hostages doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be put on trial or punished. Wonder what Cap would say lol.
Just threw her hood on and
They pulling them on dumpster cover. :rofl:

Sidenote: 5 minutes before these people are pleading for Wanda to let them die, and shes just like ‘whatever I can’t change what they think of me.’

She’s torturing the mother from That 70s Show, and I’m supposed to just let that roll?

The ****?:lol:
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