WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Please keep in mind that the show is a superhero show. Don’t expect it to be an Oscar nominated type of show. It will have holes in it.

As much as I critique it I still enjoyed the **** out of it. It was a 9/10 for me

last two episodes were 9.5/10 for me. I’m comparing oranges to oranges through. So usin the super hero scale.

for reference : justice league gets a 1/10 from me. Man of steel 5/10.
Secret Wars may be the next big collaboration film with a bunch of characters but that’s YEARS down the line. Especially if F4 a good 2-3 years away

Secret Invasion has no relation to Secret Wars
Avengers took years too. People have become super impatient.
Please keep in mind that the show is a superhero show. Don’t expect it to be an Oscar nominated type of show. It will have holes in it.

As much as I critique it I still enjoyed the **** out of it. It was a 9/10 for me

last two episodes were 9.5/10 for me. I’m comparing oranges to oranges through. So usin the super hero scale.

for reference : justice league gets a 1/10 from me. Man of steel 5/10.
They nailed the feels for real. Never had any type of emotional attachment to either character but they pulled it off.
1. I did not find the finale "memorable", it was underwhelming to me & the majority of its viewers. It had the opportunity to do something much better. You enjoyed it completely as did many others. Thats the great thing. We all have an opinion. :wink:
Yeah but this opinion doesn't really mean anything.

I could say Infinity War and Endgame "had the opportunity to do something much better." :lol:

Also saying the finale was underwhelming to the majority of its viewers is not an opinion. Its something you just made up and are trying to pass off as fact :lol:

2. Yeah I just worded it wrong, I was curious who he ended up being in the Hex or what happened to him after Wanda saw him initially...
He was a nobody that wasn't important like all of the other faceless soldiers. He probably got his mind ****** with like the rest of the residents and assigned a role in town.... as a beekeeper.

3. Most of the MCU villains all had a defined purpose for their deeds. (Thanos, Ultron, Ghost, etc) She ends up being the main villain, but by the end of the episode she is essentially going back to her comic book origins of trying to be a mentor? Im good on all that. Should have just had her be that from the beginning then. :smh:
What are you talking about? Agatha drained her coven's power and killed them. She most likely spent her life preying on dumb witches and stealing their power. She came across Wanda, realized she's a super powerful witch and wanted to steal her power in her emotionally unstable state. She failed.failed.

Then she started copping pleas. She was begging for her life to be spared.

Why does Agatha have to explain why she wanted the power like some old school villain?

I don't see where you think she's going to her comic book origins as a mentor. Old *** Agatha in the comics was actually on the side of the good guys. She wasn't forced against her will or some murderous witch out for power. Its not really the same.

4. We can agree to disagree about Wanda. In the episode, they made Agatha educate her on a lot of stuff. She didn't know about the Darkhold at all, but somehow she retrieved and is reading it at the end. Agatha kept telling her you are this witch, she emphatically denies it in the street, but then is able to showcase "those" powers at will through her awesome reveal & even during the Rune segment. Personally, just felt a little rushed to me.
Still don't know what you're talking about.

What powers? What are "those" powers?

What power did Wanda display in the finale that she hasn't in Age of Ultron or Civil War or Infinity War? She displayed new powers to start the show and that had nothing to do with Agatha. She showed a clear ability to control the dome and everyone in it. That had nothing to do with Agatha either.

Only thing new Wanda did was create a new costume that was basically what she saw when Agatha took her on that little memory trip. All she did was deny she's a witch which she had no knowledge of. Then she just copied what Agatha did with the runes after Agatha stupidly explained how they work.

She stole the darkhold from Agatha. That should be obvious.

5. There is NO reason to cast Evan as "Ralph" (such a waste) & then have Agatha give him the same exact powers as Quicksilver. Its a troll by Feige & I respect it. :lol:
That's all it ever was.

A meta reference to Evan playing Quicksilver in FoX-Men.

Y'all turned it in to the multiverse.
or the fact that she was stuck with Ralph for hours and then all of a sudden she body slams him like it wasn’t nothing and takes his necklace. Just like that.
Ralph knocked her out at the end of episode 8 in the mid credits scene.

That's the only reason she was with him for "hours".

Should of left her off the show. Worthless in every way. Brought the show down
Trash opinions coming out tonight.
This show basically set up DS2

she probably brings her kids to life, messing the reality Dr Strange is protecting. When he tries to intervene she fights him. Battle begins.
:rofl: You're doing it AGAIN
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Finale was meh.

- CGI was trash and nowhere near the quality of the movies, which Bettany, himself, said it would be.
- Fight between Agatha and Wanda was them volleying magic hodukens back and forth at each other. That’s Sci-Fi Channel levels of basic and one dimensional.
- Wanda’s one liners during the fight were wild cheesy.
- Vision’s send off hit hard since we had an opportunity to really develop a connection with his character.
- The truth of the matter is that Wanda is reckless AF and a selfish scumbag. When she was living in denial and Vader force choked everyone? She could have caught a bullet to the dome at that point for all I care.
- The Hayward bit lacked any real substance and basically served as the de facto “evil villain” role. He was pointless.
- I enjoyed seeing the tears of Redditors who really thought Evan Peters would actually be FOX QS. I actually loved the meta fan service his character provided.
- Why the **** did people want the MCU to have ANYTHING to do with the Fox X-Verse? Leave that trash in the past and push X-Men off for another 5 years.
Finale was meh.

- CGI was trash and nowhere near the quality of the movies, which Bethany, himself, said it would be.
- Fight between Agatha and Wanda was them volleying magic hodukens back and forth at each other. That’s Sci-Fi Channel levels of basic and one dimensional.
- Wanda’s one liners during the fight were wild cheesy.
- Vision’s send off hit hard since we had an opportunity to really develop a connection with his character.
- The truth is the matter is that Wanda is reckless AF and a selfish scumbag. When she was living in denial and Vader force choked everyone? She could have caught a bullet to the dome at that point for all I care.
- The Hayward bit lacked any real substance and basically served as the de facto “evil villain” role. He was pointless.
- I enjoyed seeing the tears of Redditors who really thought Evan Peters would actually be FOX QS. I actually loved the meta fan service his character provided.
- Why the **** did people want the MCU to have ANYTHING to do with the Fox X-Verse? Leave that trash in the past and push X-Men off for another 5 years.

They can't hold off X-Men.

DC will take over.

Finale did it’s job I enjoyed it I didn’t feel underwhelmed. If you fed into the hype of a surprise cameo then you would’ve been disappointed.

it did its job it left me wanting more marvel content. We were so deprived last year. This year we have content almost every week!
Just click on the person's name and then click the ignore option on the popup.

In Hex Vision voice:

If "ignore" and "block" are the same.

And "ignore" is meant to "block."

Why not name it, "block?"

Thus, it is not a "block" button.

It is an "ignore" button.

What say you?
Finale was good. Glad I didn’t fall into the theories void. Learned my lesson with that after WestWorld Season 1.

-Vis vs Vis a battle of intellect had me “NERDIN” TF out!
-Thought Monica showin her power was pretty dope. Can’t wait to see how it’s developed in Captain Marvel 2
- Ol boy Hayward was a real *** villain. Homie really out here unloadin a full clip into some kids as was ready to run em over! Crazy *** MFER!
- Liz looked amazing in her costume! I almost had to rewind some of her scenes. YESSH!!
- Glad Vis is gonna be back soon. Love Paul Bettany as him.

Overall, I’m happy with how this show turned out. Grief is one hell of a thing to conquer. I’m glad Liz got her closure. That scene with her and Vis is jus so masterfully well done and put together, let alone the acting. I will forever remember that scene.

I can’t wait for what Marvel has in stored for us for the rest of the year. I’m jus glad Marvel is back and we can talk about this in this space.
She’s a selfish scumbag now? That’s a stupid take.

In Hex Vision voice:

If "ignore" and "block" are the same.

And "ignore" is meant to "block."

Why not name it, "block?"

Thus, it is not a "block" button.

It is an "ignore" button.

What say you?

I say hit the damn button
Then we are agreed.

It is not a "block" button, because it is the "ignore" button.
No you missed what I said completely.

A cop can tell you to "stop" or "freeze" and it means the same thing. You should know what they meant.

If someone says hit the block button and you are aware of the ignore button you should know what is meant.

So being literal about the label is just a fruitless endeavor.
No you missed what I said completely.

A cop can tell you to "stop" or "freeze" and it means the same thing. You should know what they meant.

If someone says hit the block button and you are aware of the ignore button you should know what is meant.

So being literal about the label is just a fruitless endeavor.

A fruitless endeavor to you, thankless endeavor to me.

A endeavor nonetheless.

I was looking for "literal."

So in this instance literal meaning is most important.

You should've known what was meant.

Who are you to dictate what I should know?

What if someone did not know what ignore meant and specifically looked for a "block" button.

I guarantee you there is someone on the planet who does not realize they are "synonyms" if you want to get technical.

But what about those individuals?

Wow, I mentioned earlier cold hearts, looks like I brought it up too soon.
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