WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Black Widow isn't a prequel or origin though.

Its just a movie before Infinity War and after Civil War.

Until you see it has a bunch of stuff showing up in present day MCU movies.

Especially for the new Black Widow.

The Spidey movie? Doubtful all of that you're asking happens at all.

Sounds like you've been watching the 90s Spidey cartoon :lol: :pimp:

So Kevin Feige talks about Secret Invasion, I believe it will eventually lead to secret wars
Just watched the finale. I liked it.
The fights were cool, well acted by most (imo, not an expert :lol: ) and it tied up most plot points but left some mystery for other projects and to keep intrigue.
However I still don't get Ralph. I might have missed it but he kept Monica trapped in the room then she figured out he was a fraud. Next thing she escaped and is in town? Ralph get washed or something and I missed it? He lose his powers?
Just watched the finale. I liked it.
The fights were cool, well acted by most (imo, not an expert :lol: ) and it tied up most plot points but left some mystery for other projects and to keep intrigue.
However I still don't get Ralph. I might have missed it but he kept Monica trapped in the room then she figured out he was a fraud. Next thing she escaped and is in town? Ralph get washed or something and I missed it? He lose his powers?
Yeah she got to the magic necklace i'm assuming Agatha was using to control him (and probably give him powers).
Monica could go. Completely unnecessary

the finale was good and really makes AOA even worse. They did her no justice in that movie and reduced her past to 3 lines of dialog. Brought nothing to the character
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So who is the strongest Avenger?

Depends if you just talking MCU heroes or official Avengers.

Officially its Thor especially with Hulk's arm banged up.

Overall, probably still Captain Marvel until Wanda shows better control of her powers.
If Wanda has control of her powers - then would she be?

So Thor is overall of the official Avenger?
If Wanda has control of her powers - then would she be?

So Thor is overall of the official Avenger?
Yeah, Wanda starts mastering magic and she'll basically be Strange on crack.

Of the Avengers Thor is the strongest one left unless the next time we see Hulk he's all new and improved.
So my daughter now asked if Dr. Stranger and Wanda combined their powers - could they actually defeat the Hulk and kill him. :lol:

Clearly she’s not a fan of the Hulk.
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Ashy Vision vs Vision was the best moment of the episode

The finale was a bit weird and confusing at moments but cool overall.

Definitely had questions - mid credit about the kids - what happened to the other Vision?
I mean lower level Wanda already defeated the Hulk. Took control of his mind and made him go beserk to the point he ran away from earth.
That and typical superhero story ending BS. It was rushed.

I was lost with the whole Agatha explaining to Wanda she’s the Scarlett Witch stuff.
Extremely rushed. Couple elements didn’t need to be in the series and amounted to nothing
Definitely had questions - mid credit about the kids - what happened to the other Vision?
Other vision had everything but memories. Harkens back to old visions speech about the nature of grief. New vision was given his memories.

point is she still wants her kids back and their memory, lives if you will, are in her. She’s looking for a way to bring them back
The non movie budget was starting to show

That thought popped into my head when Vis and the kids were watching the witches flying fight. I remember thinking if it were a Marvel movie, they’d probably homage the end of AoU where they were trying to save civilians and soldiers trying to get out just to make the scope and direness feel greater but nope. Just them three huddled together.

I’m cool with what we got but yeah, you mentioning the budget showing jogged my memory.
Just watched the finale. I liked it.
The fights were cool, well acted by most (imo, not an expert :lol: ) and it tied up most plot points but left some mystery for other projects and to keep intrigue.
However I still don't get Ralph. I might have missed it but he kept Monica trapped in the room then she figured out he was a fraud. Next thing she escaped and is in town? Ralph get washed or something and I missed it? He lose his powers?
Ya that’s why I said the Monica scenes have all been cringe and have a “straight to video” feel. Like her going through the hex and getting her powers (really, a car couldn’t get through but you think you can...) or the fact that she was stuck with Ralph for hours and then all of a sudden she body slams him like it wasn’t nothing and takes his necklace. Just like that.
Impossible :rofl:

I don't think you were paying attention. They literally showed us the beekeeper was a SWORD agent trying to sneak in to the town through the sewer system underground. The second he got to the surface he was transformed in to a dude in a beekeeper outfit.

There's no mystery here.

They never confirm who the missing person Woo was looming for but my money is on Ralph.

Wait why would Agatha explain to Wanda why she wanted her power? :lol: Especially after Agatha's flashback clearly showed she broke rules of her coven and was getting her power taken until she flipped and killed her coven and her mom?

From Wanda's perspective and the viewer Agatha is a witch trying to steal her power. Nothing else needs to be defined. This is like wondering why a burglar wants your valuables.

Maybe you forgot Wanda's powers but all she did was transport Agatha back to a terrible memory.

When did Wanda not know anything about her own powers? This entire series showed she actually knows how to do a lot more with her powers than initially shown.

After releasing the town's ppl, taking care of Agatha, and ending the game of pretend with fictional children and fictional Vision she went off to better understand her powers and the whole being the Scarlet Witch. At the end she hears a cry for help indicating that her children may be alive somewhere.

The only time Wanda acknowledged she was a witch was when she flipped the script on Agatha with the you have no power within these runes trick.

You did this you yourself :lol:

1. I did not find the finale "memorable", it was underwhelming to me & the majority of its viewers. It had the opportunity to do something much better. You enjoyed it completely as did many others. Thats the great thing. We all have an opinion. :wink:

2. Yeah I just worded it wrong, I was curious who he ended up being in the Hex or what happened to him after Wanda saw him initially...

3. Most of the MCU villains all had a defined purpose for their deeds. (Thanos, Ultron, Ghost, etc) She ends up being the main villain, but by the end of the episode she is essentially going back to her comic book origins of trying to be a mentor? Im good on all that. Should have just had her be that from the beginning then. :smh:

4. We can agree to disagree about Wanda. In the episode, they made Agatha educate her on a lot of stuff. She didn't know about the Darkhold at all, but somehow she retrieved and is reading it at the end. Agatha kept telling her you are this witch, she emphatically denies it in the street, but then is able to showcase "those" powers at will through her awesome reveal & even during the Rune segment. Personally, just felt a little rushed to me.

5. There is NO reason to cast Evan as "Ralph" (such a waste) & then have Agatha give him the same exact powers as Quicksilver. Its a troll by Feige & I respect it. :lol:

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