WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

Damnit the Imax near my house is sold out at midnight
. Might have to hitthe non-Imax screen. No biggie tho.
SMH bad reviews FTL.

I'll still catch the movie though, hope I'm not disappointed.
I think it is getting bad reviews because some or most of the critics have not read the book.
I read a few critics say, "do we need this, do we need that in the movie... is it necessary to have that kind of violence, etc..." which were allcrucial scenes and part of the book that may be hard to understand to the casual viewer. I mean they should know since it is a Rated R comic book film,don't be surprised if these things come up from the director of 300.

I guess we'll all be the judge soon enough.
Can't wait Two days! Does someone have a link I don't have the book but I want to at least read or see something before I check it out this friday
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Any widescreen wallpapers?

I think they may have some on the official website and motion comic website.
Damn, I really wish I was in SoCal so we could have set up a meeting like TDK.

Anyways, I'll probably be seeing this on Friday during the afternoon shows.

I honestly have no idea what to expect. I just hope that Snyder spent more time on the story than the action scenes. Seeing the film without the parallel'sof the TotBF will be a small disappointment.

The thing I also loved the most about the Watchmen is the depth that was provided by the 3-4 page materials at the end of each issue (except the 12th ofcourse). It just made the novel so much more dense.
finished reading the graphic novel and wow! it was amazing i loved everything about it
what sucks is i can't catch the midnight show because i have a huge track meet that friday... oh and school
... FML
Just picked up 2 tickets for me and my girl at the Navy Pier Imax on Monday 7pm, for any of you Chicago heads on here. Tickets sold like hot cakes.

This movie is going to do tremendous numbers. My own mother said this movie looks very interesting. This is the same chick who refused to see The Dark Knightbecause she thought "Batman is silly and so are comic book movies. I do not care if Heath Ledger is dead, I am not seeing such a silly movie with a man ina latex costume."
-The Juice
man i keep hearing great reviews about this movie online...

imma def. check it out
Originally Posted by 18key

Damnit the Imax near my house is sold out at midnight
. Might have to hit the non-Imax screen. No biggie tho.
Got my Imax tickets for... 3:45 am
Movie was so sick had a free screening at 7:30 last nite
some people were saying it was to long but i liked it no stone was unturned.

on another note the male nudity to female nudity ratio was off the charts that was not appreciated but other than that go see it!
Well you know going into it that one guy is totally naked the entire time so what did you expect?
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Movie was so sick had a free screening at 7:30 last nite
some people were saying it was to long but i liked it no stone was unturned.

on another note the male nudity to female nudity ratio was off the charts that was not appreciated but other than that go see it!

I wouldn't be surprised but I could have sworn Snyder would shadow that out for the most part, but after hearing Snyder in the interviews, it willdefinitely get a good amount of showtime in the movie.
This is one of the few times in my life where I'd be pissed off if I didn't get to see a giant swinging blue penis
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

This is one of the few times in my life where I'd be pissed off if I didn't get to see a giant swinging blue penis

Just bought the Graphic Novel... going to take a few hours before bed to get through it, in preperation for opening night.
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