WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

is there a reason why Rorschach talks like he does, without definite articles like "the?"
Re-read "Fearful Symmetry" and and the attached case file and you'll get a better idea of why he talks like that.
Everyone go see this movie!!!Saw it on monday and still cant get over how great it was!!!!
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

This is one of the few times in my life where I'd be pissed off if I didn't get to see a giant swinging blue penis
In what other occasions will you enjoy a giant blue penis?
Surprised this isn't at the top and nobody has said anyhting after the midnight screening...

I felt the movie was just ok. For the most part it didn't stray from the book what so ever....considering i just read the book over the last 2 days I wasfinding myself a bit bored

Rorscach was still that dude.... the jail scene was pretty good.

@ the lady who wrote that Article Debbie Schlussel or w/e... isshe serious... there are TONS of movies that are more graphic then this.... and besides the movie was rated R for a reason.

Overall it was a good movie but had I read the book a lot earlier I wouldn't have been as bored I feel, since it didn't stray at all....

Was hoping to come out of the theater with the feeling I had after seeing The Dark Knight at its midnight release.. I remember getting out of that ready to gosee it again right away

Can't wait to read what everyone else thinks
Movie was good... but I don't know if it was great or not.

Stylistically I really enjoyed it... but i thought they could've saved some time here and there, as the movie dragged a bit in parts.

Really liked how they incorporated real music into the movie... the opening with Dylan and all the famous scenes was fantastic.

Anyways - the movie felt... big. But I could see a lot of people not familiar with the source material being somewhat bored with this one. I was only vaguelyfamiliar with it, and I enjoyed it, but i didn't get the impression anyone else I went with was really all that impressed. Some scenes here and there hadthe audience captivated, but other stuff was just meh.

Overall it's a success for what they tried to do, in my opinion... but it could've been better I think. Maybe the directors cut will be better,somehow... even though it's going to be much longer, which is one of my biggest complaints with it
we'll see... i may go check this out again in afew weeks, see if i feel any differently about it.
Yeah, the movie felt LONG... probably because my knees started to hurt like hell about halfway into it.. i'm 6'5 so sitting in a tiny theater seat wasrough after ahwile... didn't have that problem with Benjamin Button tho
Damn, if someone with a watchmen avy isn't praising the movie, i don't know if its worth my $10
i jus got back from the midnight showing here in detroit and i gotta say i enjoyed other ppl said it did drag on at some parts and i kept thinking itwas gonna end then it would just keep going lol. i never read the book so i didnt know anything about it going in, only obvious complaint is that it was toolong besides that the fight scenes were sick and the open scene was real sweet
only read 5 chapters. i like the book so far. but im not gonna read the rest until after i see the movie. cuz i dont wanna be like ol boy up top that was boredcuz he knew everything.
Movie was dope as hell to me...I'd see it the comfort of my own home. That %%#! felt like it was 5 hours but it was dope and the action sceneswere top notch. I loved each character and their stories. I didn't read the book before watching so maybe that added to the enjoyment of the film for me.

Definitely worth it.
I read the book but I still enjoyed everything.

Movie was OD long tho. I wanted to play the "wrap it up" music towards the end
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

only read 5 chapters. i like the book so far. but im not gonna read the rest until after i see the movie. cuz i dont wanna be like ol boy up top that was bored cuz he knew everything.

Book is absolutely nuts man...i finished reading it like two days ago.
Movie was good, real good but I'll post more analysis tomorrow since it is 3:30 AM and I am dead tired.
This movie is worth the money, definitely!
Just got back from the movie. Some thoughts:

- I thought there was gonna be more action.
- Rorschach looks like an older Sherminator.
- There should of been more boobs and less... well you know.

never read the comics BTW.
Just got back from the midnight with some Del Taco.

I love how Zack Snyder captured iconic images from the comic straight to the big screen, brilliant. In addition, the majority of the movie is about 95%~ trueto its original form, which is awesome. The character development and their tale of origin, to the endless slow motion fight scenes, amazing.

The Comedian is a funny dude, Rorschach is a straight savage, Silk can get it, Nite Owl is a timid dude, Ozy got some crazy fighting skills yet a genius, andfor Dr. Manhattan, I'm jealous

I read the graphic novel before hand btw and I strongly suggest those who haven't, should. You might feel lost during the movie because there were so manyflashback scenes. This movie is GREAT in terms of true comic adaption with the exception of a different ending,however I can't say that it'll appeal to a more broad based audience who never read or heard of Watchmen. With that said, this movie might take adownturn in accordance to those who critique heavily on a different scale. Otherwise...

Although the movie is 2Hr and 43Min (I think), It didn't feel long. Partly because I was mad eager to see how Snyder is going to turn each page of thecomic to the big screen.

Bravo Mr. Snyder.

I was disappointed for several reasons. Many of the movies's omissions almost tarnished the relevance of the events that occurred as a result of them. Ican go in-deph if necessary...
I'm going to see it in a little while.

I'm worried that the 3 hour running time might make it a tad boring.
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