WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Did people not know this was going to be LONG?
Seriously. Call me crazy, but I actually felt the movie could've been longer...
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]How was the imax experience? Was it like TDK or that keanu movie? I was disappointed for that1[/color]
usually a movie straying not straying away from the book is a good thing, but I fear Im gonna be bored with the movie the same way I was bored by the book.

ah well, I already have my ticket and this will be my 1st IMAX experience
I caught the midnight showing last night and I was very impressed. I read the novel a while ago when I first found out the movie was being made so it was longenough for me to forget some of the smaller details so it wasn't boring for me. We did get there kinda late cuz we wanted to blaze up before the movie. Ihad to sit second row and being that close for 3 hours kinda made me uncomfortable. Other than that I didn't have any complaints. Ill def catch it againbut at home this time.

I really liked the way Snyder portrayed the movie. I liked how it was pretty much scene for scene with the book. I liked night owls character a lot more in themovie than I did in the book. Rorschach is my all time favorite comic character. I thought he wass jus by reading the book but the movie made it clear.He's just so ruthlelss. The comedian was that dude too. I just really enjoyed this movie A LOT. I recommend it to anyone
am i the only one who read this in the 90s??

needless to say ive been waiting a while for this movie
it looks crack, im just hoping they stay true to rorscachs style of character
Excited for the movie..seeing it sometime this weekend

Avy & Sig check? Can ya'll see them yet, it aint showing up on my computer yet
real good movie.

probably the best super hero flick i've seen. but that aint really sayin much
But was Rorschach really ruthless, though? I consider Ozymandias more ruthless than Rorschach could have ever been.
Ok, here is my block wall of opinion about the movie. I seriously felt the movie was too fast, or at least felt like it was real short.
I remember thinking to myself, "damn, their already in the Antarctic?"
Overall, the movie was really good. Snyder managed to add those slow-mo fight sequences without saturating it.
I also like the fact that he took advantage of the opening scene to show some of the stuff that happened in the book but never seen.
I was also impressed at how he managed to move stuff around to compress it to a 2 hours 50 minute movie.
Snyder also methodically manage to pull off some back story to most characters, not much into detail but for a movie this short (yes I know), I think he didwell.
The soundtrack for this movie will be great as well.

Some stuff that I felt didn't need to be there was the fire rescue, it was pointless and I know Snyder used it to get the story moving but completelyunnecessary.
The time could have been better spent for more story.
I was going to complain about the fighting but there was little of it and I expected there to be a lot since it is Snyder.


One of the things I didn't like is that they didn't show enough hatred for Silk Spectre II toward the Comedian. It pretty much made her story almostpointless.
If they showed her hating him more, as in despising him to hell, then her anger in the end when she found out would have been more believable.
In the book she would get mad and damn the Comedian to hell when his name is mentioned, in the movie he showed a slight hatred, but not much else.
They should have also showed the Comedian talking to her as the first Silk Spectre's memory of him during the funeral scenes, it was an important part ofthe movie that should have been shown to give the audience (that didn't read the book) something to wonder. Make the Comedian more of an a-hole.

Another thing I wish they would have done is have Doc Manhattan actually tell Veidt that "Nothing ever ends" to give that feel of slight insecurityin Veidt.
I wanted to see him left wondering what the hell Doc Manhattan was talking about and second guess himself.

Hollis getting killed, was one thing I wished was there but if they had to cut some other things in the movie for it, then I guess it is more reasonable totake that part out instead.
Hopefully there will be a 3.5 hour directors cut Blu-Ray that shows more background on each character instead of being slightly rushed.

One big change that I like though is the ending. I guess it made more sense to do it that way and have the whole world be attacked instead of the U.S. justgetting pity from the Russian's like in the book.
I guess it is more realistic, because if it only happened in the U.S., then I can see Russia just taking advantage and attack the U.S. anyways.
But then again by putting the blame on Doc Manhattan (in the movie), I guess everyone could blame the U.S. for it as well.
So i don't think they should have blamed it on Doc Manhattan, just make it an unexplained explosion, I guess? Either way, I think it is slightly betterthan the book version.

Well, I could keep going and going about the movie, what I like, what I didn't... but I don't want to scare anymore NTers from the wall of words soI'll stop there.
My finals verdict though, Snyder did a great job and managed to pull off the "unfilmable" comic and managed to do it well.
As a big fan of the book, I wish it would have been like the Lord of the Rings Series but for a 3 hour movie, it was done real well.
I mean it was cool they didn't stray from the book... but it felt like they used the book as the transcript... almost word for word aside from a few swearshere and there.

Spoiler Alert

For example when Silk Spectre was talking about how Jon looks at things and can't remember what they are and he's looking at the bra
EXACTLY like in the book
^^ I think that is a good thing. I actually looked for that. I also wanted them to do Rorschach a word for word monologue on how he talks and everything.
It didn't felt and sound like he did all the time, but at times I was like "HELL YEAH!"

People also cheered like crazy when he said the words in my sig.


And another thing, I wish they made Ozy say, "I supposed I'd have to catch it" talking about the bullet.
I think it would have added more dimension that he has no powers and that he could fight because of how smart he is, and how it was a huge secret.
They should shown the sequence where NOII doubted Ozy.
Great observations, RFX. I was explaining to my friend last night how painful the omission of the Tales of the Black Freighter was. Joe Orlando wasnever mentioned in the movie, and considering he helped conceptualize the psycho-biological monster, I thought that was a huge missing piece of the puzzle. The monster itself would've made the ending far better...
Yeah, I wish they mentioned the Black Freighter at least once or at least showed the book the guy was reading (maybe they did and I missed it).
I think they should have showed more of the news stand too, hopefully in the Directors Cut version?
I don't mind the Director's Cut being 5 hours long and I am not going to lie, we need an extended version of the scene in Archie between NOII and SSII.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Yeah, I wish they mentioned the Black Freighter at least once or at least showed the book the guy was reading (maybe they did and I missed it).
I think they should have showed more of the news stand too, hopefully in the Directors Cut version?
I don't mind the Director's Cut being 5 hours long and I am not going to lie, we need an extended version of the scene in Archie between NOII and SSII.
Man, tell me about it! I was sitting there at the end thinking the movie could've been so much longer... My friends thought I was bugging.

Edit: HTTB, yes, he did...
I was also impressed at how he managed to move stuff around to compress it to a 2 hours 50 minute movie.

its funny because when i went the movie showing started at 12.30 and it was 15.40 when i walked out.

i was like wt.f???
film didnt seen long at all

funny part where dude tries smashin spectre the 1st time round and fails
i was dyin!probably found it so funny because i been there
The way people were talking about the blue penis, I thought a pic was plastered on the wall of the theater but there were plenty of scenes with Doc Manhattanthat it wasn't even visible. It was shown a handful of times and it wasn't such a big deal.
Saw it last night on IMAX. Movie was good but not great. I can appreciate a cerebral movie as much as anyone but I really think the movie is advertised wrongnot reading the book I was expecting more action.

BTW this was the first time I saw a movie in IMAX the clarity is sick
I can see why it won't appeal to the people who hasn't read the book after seeing the movie, it pretty much explains the bad reviews.
I guess that's what makes this not one of the best because if done perfectly, everyone should love it.
It is still real good nonetheless.
I actually preferred that they stick to that.

Just the fact that dude is so powerful that he doesn't even feel the need for clothes was dope. Didn't know if they'd have the balls (
) to havethat in the movie.
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