Warning, Don't get messed up before a flight.

lol whoa thats wild. I hope i dont "accidentily" Trip on a sandwich like that! Great elaboration tho! Hope your case runs just as smooth haha
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

sorry but i don't believe this ...you were too detailed and FIGHTING someone on a plane is a terrorist offense...you aren't just getting handcuffed to a seat
. how can one be too detailed? that's the best part
It would be more funny if it was more realistic.

Very hard to believe.

Everytime I have taken shrooms I cannot even function right let alone go to an airport get on plane an all that other stuff AND BE ON ACID TOO.

great story.....mushrooms never made me feel like that...no visuals, no voices. Just a huge body buzz.....
Originally Posted by avid Boss

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

sorry but i don't believe this +%$!...you were too detailed and FIGHTING someone on a plane is a terrorist offense...you aren't just getting handcuffed to a seat
For real im sorry, this is a good STORY but I think this would have been in the news or something.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

The airline did not tell press cause they didn't want bad rep or something.

I could be wrong if i am then im sorry that %$@+ happend to you bro. If this is for real you should press charges on that @!%%+ for druging you thas some*$*@**+%. But i still not sure this is real.
Smh at you just fueling the stereotypes of shrooms and acid. Well, I don't really know about acid but from what I've heard you don't actuallyhallucinate 3D objects. Shrooms is even more doubtful but the story was funny.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Pushak513

Sorry my dude but I'm callin BS on this one. Ive done acid and mushrooms a ton of times and in high doses. I never once seen a cartoon character or had evil voices speaking to me. Acid and mushrooms dont make crash bandicoot appear. They simply manipulate what is there. Ex. wood grains will crawl, walls will breath. no pink elephants or mickey mouse. the mushrooms you would have tasted and I doubt she had any liquid acid to drop on your peanut butter which would be a sorry medium for the acid.Im not sayin you didn't have a freak session on the plane but mushrooms and acid are not the likley cuprit. I would suggest goin to the hospital and gettin a blood test to find out what you took.
at the yoga chick for giving anyone something without them knowing.

not to thread jack, but i beg to differ hahahaha.

I know PLENTY of people who have badtripped on another level before, so much so that me and my boys had a standing rule that if you start gettin crazy, you gettin knocked the eff out and no hard feelings in the morning. One of my boys (his first time) licked the tip of the bottle and lost his mind. Granted he has woman-like tolerance, and the stuff wasnt that strong to begin with (some of us took about 18-20 doses in a 20 hour period) but homie absolutely lost it. We were out in the woods camping and he starts trippin out, crying, bawling like a little baby thinkin he gonna die. We were chillin around the fire and he said the devil appeared out of the fire and was comin to get him. After he goin nuts, we tried to get him in the tent thinkin its more of a controlled environment so he can calm down. We open the tent and dude tries to bolt. Im a pretty big dude 5'11 190lb and this cat is probably 5'6 130lb but it took all my strength to hold him from bookin it into the forest. I was like dude chill, da eff is wrong with you? He tells me the lady inside the tent has a knife and is waitin to kill him. There aint no lady in the tent homie! Im holdin onto my boy (no $#%%) while I tell my other friend to get in there and move the sleeping bags around. I tell my boy, hey the lady is gone we got rid of her... he peeks in all freaked out then finally agrees with us that the lady is gone.

Another time (long story, maybe ill get bored and write it out as a new thread) we came across some mean gel caps that just killed it. One dude lost his mind completely... long story short, he turned into a wild animal, pissed on my boys front door, was fwappin in my boys car in the driveway then runnin up and down the street buck naked screamin like a maniac at 4am. Conclusion? We couldnt control dude no more had to call 9-1-1, paramedics, cops, fire truck came. Strapped him up and took him to the hospital to detox. That was the last we ever kicked it with that fool.

Last story. Another first timer. We chillin in my dorm room and realize we aint got no piece to burn out of. I remember I left some papers in my buddys car. I tell him to go get the papers so we can roll one. I explicitly tell him DO... NOT... DRIVE. 5 minutes later we realize dude never came back. I go out to look for him and see his car speeding off. He gets back an hour later and Im pissed as hell cause he had our only papers and we were trippin too hard to think of some macguyver pipe. I ask him why he left and he says "i was walkin to the car and met my friend" I said whos your friend dude its 2am? He says "you know, the guy on the sign... looks like this [mimics the crosswalk sign]. I ask him, wait the crosswalk sign? He says yea, he jumped out of the sign and was like wsup dude. I said wsup dude. Then he said lets go for a drive. I thought dude was off his rocker cause I aint never talked to no inanimate object like that, but for some folks it happens. This kid is 100% trustful too I would bet my life on his honesty and if he sayin it happened like that, I honestly believe in his head it happenedl ike that.
Damn 18-20 doses? That's crazy stuff. You ever feel any fallout from taking so much acid? The main reason I don't want to do it is becausea lot of people don't come out the same and you never know what bunk stuff they put in that tab. 80% of the time it's not really acid. I do knowsomeone that has a low tolerance for drugs and acts like a ****** when we smoke. Dude thought he lost his wallet one time and when he found it he startedkissing it and sticking it in his mouth
. No more smoking with him. Butfor this dude who seems like he's done drugs a few times in his life and can handle himself to freak out the way he did doesn't sound right. Plus, astory like this should've found its way onto the news.
what the heck is going on with you lately. im starting to think nothing ever happens to you

also many of you cats are tripping. shrooms and acid will make you hallucinate like a mutha. or maybe i just always got the hook on the good stuff

instant classic story.
So many quotes, this dude said he jumped up with En Route magazine and hit someone upside their head
OMG im dying

i just realized this is old and got bumped, dont know how i missed this the first time but i thought this just happened, like today and you were going home forthe holidays, regardless the story is hilarious true or false.
This dude tells some tall tales.. LMAO. I was wondering where I recognized that avy from.. this is the same dude who told that tale of Licorice and her pimp.Kind of entertaining, but kind of sad that you would make up all of these stories.
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