WAR: Obama OKs 17,000 more troops for Afghanistan...

For the sake of our Troops, my brother, and the 100 or so familes of the kids i watch, i hope this decision is to add more reinforcements to insure the safetyof the troops. Hopefully in due time, everything is taken care of and we can get the F!!! out of these foreign lands and Work on our home country.
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

what? everyone's "SAVIOR" Barack isn't doing what he said he going to do?

He said he was going to get troops out of Iraq.

"Mission Accomplished"...right?
like people said he is doing what he said he will do (less troops in Iraq more in Afghanistan). This is necessary Osama Bin Ladin is still alive and when wecould have won the war and have been out by now we took our eyes off the ball and started Iraq. We are undermanned and under equipped to win that war so all inall it is the right decision. Also whoever said it is a stepping stone to Iran that's false.. If you cracked the newspaper Obama is trying to get Iran onour side for the war in Afghanistan (most likely won't work but we do share a common enemy).

And also to TBone man we have disagreements and I think you are fundamental wrong on your views but man my prayers are with you and your fam and with everyonewho has to go..

But back to normal disagreement TBone, Obama approval 65% disapproval 25%, Democratic Congress at 43% approval, Republican congress at 19% approval, 67%approve of Obama's handling of the economy, over 50% since Nov. 4th say they are more likely to believe Obama can handle the federal government and improvethe economy, also support for the stimulus bill is at 59%
they not there on the hunt for bin laden, they not in iraq because there were weapons of mass destructions. we are in the middle east for their NATURALRESOURCES.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by theone2401


Based on UNODC data, there has been more opium poppy cultivation in each of the past four growing seasons (2004-2007), than in any one year during Taliban rule. Also, more land is now used for opium in Afghanistan, than for coca cultivation in Latin America. In 2007, 93% of the opiates on the world market originated in Afghanistan.[sup][1][/sup] This amounts to an export value of about $4 billion, with a quarter being earned by opium farmers and the rest going to district officials, insurgents, warlords and drug traffickers[sup][2][/sup]. AKA the (CIA)
This is Iran/Contra part 2 wake up people.

Bin Laden?

The Taliban may have been terrible people but they were strictly against opium and other drugs.

Heroin has been on the rise in use since our occupation.

It's as high as it has been in 30 years.

Don't see your point here.

Are you saying that the Taliban shouldn't have been removed because they were keeping opium production down?
This is a good move by Obama. He's been saying this all along, and this is where we should have been for the past six years. The Taliban has only beenregaining power and have already just recently struck inside Kabul. We need to find the real perpetrators of September 11, and not the terrorists we created inIraq by invading and destroying that country.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

This is a good move by Obama. He's been saying this all along, and this is where we should have been for the past six years. The Taliban has only been regaining power and have already just recently struck inside Kabul. We need to find the real perpetrators of September 11, and not the terrorists we created in Iraq by invading and destroying that country.

Ok buddy.
Obama is looking for Afghanistan to surrender to terrorism, as the country is a base of threat to us. The operation in Iraq has turned chaotic for the primaryreason to bring soldiers back.

The number of troops outgoing to Afghan. is to ensure trap style isolation amongst terrorist. Good move, looks successful.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

We can't remove troops from Afghanistan when we never got the job done there in the first place. The violence has only increased in the last couple of months and it will continue to increase. The Taliban and al Qaeda take refuge in those mountains that they have dug out tunnels in. More civilians are dying and big *## Osama Bin Laden is still on the run. I hope none of my friends nor I get deployed, but the jobs has got to be completed and the cats that are already a year + into their tours, need to reset.

Dom, you got your orders yet?
actually i was on the task force to go out to afghan, but i got canked I have a year left, I doubt i will go though, I will be doing other thingsinstead of hittin afghan up. I wouldnt mind though
Afghanistan, again? Someone take me from under my rock. I thought we controlled Afghanistan(or atleast tried) We going back in? Where the hell we been fightingthe last 8 years?
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Afghanistan, again? Someone take me from under my rock. I thought we controlled Afghanistan(or atleast tried) We going back in? Where the hell we been fighting the last 8 years?

Pakistan wanted more control, they got it...Pakistan got upset because we are bombing the hell of the mountains...Pakistan voted in a corrput Gov't whostruck a deal with the Taliban a couple of days ago.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

This is a good move by Obama. He's been saying this all along, and this is where we should have been for the past six years. The Taliban has only been regaining power and have already just recently struck inside Kabul. We need to find the real perpetrators of September 11, and not the terrorists we created in Iraq by invading and destroying that country.

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Afghanistan, again? Someone take me from under my rock. I thought we controlled Afghanistan(or atleast tried) We going back in? Where the hell we been fighting the last 8 years?

Pakistan wanted more control, they got it...Pakistan got upset because we are bombing the hell of the mountains...Pakistan voted in a corrput Gov't who struck a deal with the Taliban a couple of days ago.
hey we want peace. To win you must win the hearts and minds of the people. You must be referring to the recent judgement in Swat. For the past 20years the people of Swat wanted to get rid of the slow secular justice system because simply put it wasnt working. They now have it and according to reportscoming in Taliban now after Islamic law is being enforced they giving in and handing over their arms so this is a nonviolent and diplomatic victory. Howeverpeople in the United states are undermining the peace efforts. US missile strikes in Pakistan are killing more women and children than they are killingmilitants. This is counterproductive and only strengthening the enemy cause. The fact is you cannot defeat the Taliban movement with more violence it will onlyadd to their cause and that cause is bringing Pakistan to its knees because of supporting the United States. 96% of the country hates their government forhelping the US in this entire war
edit: also the Pakistan army is fighting this war in their own territory for the United States. They are fighting the US's war. They are fighting thisscourge in their cities and is a much bigger threat to them. Also about the missile strikes lets talk hypothetically say this is the case in the US andPakistan sends a missile and this missile targets "militants" but kills mostly american children and women, what would you say if your home wasdestroyed with all of your family but the other country says everyone killed were terrorists?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

This is a good move by Obama. He's been saying this all along, and this is where we should have been for the past six years. The Taliban has only been regaining power and have already just recently struck inside Kabul. We need to find the real perpetrators of September 11, and not the terrorists we created in Iraq by invading and destroying that country.
We have.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Afghanistan, again? Someone take me from under my rock. I thought we controlled Afghanistan(or atleast tried) We going back in? Where the hell we been fighting the last 8 years?

Pakistan wanted more control, they got it...Pakistan got upset because we are bombing the hell of the mountains...Pakistan voted in a corrput Gov't who struck a deal with the Taliban a couple of days ago.
hey we want peace. To win you must win the hearts and minds of the people. You must be referring to the recent judgement in Swat. For the past 20 years the people of Swat wanted to get rid of the slow secular justice system because simply put it wasnt working. They now have it and according to reports coming in Taliban now after Islamic law is being enforced they giving in and handing over their arms so this is a nonviolent and diplomatic victory. However people in the United states are undermining the peace efforts. US missile strikes in Pakistan are killing more women and children than they are killing militants. This is counterproductive and only strengthening the enemy cause. The fact is you cannot defeat the Taliban movement with more violence it will only add to their cause and that cause is bringing Pakistan to its knees because of supporting the United States. 96% of the country hates their government for helping the US in this entire war
edit: also the Pakistan army is fighting this war in their own territory for the United States. They are fighting the US's war. They are fighting this scourge in their cities and is a much bigger threat to them. Also about the missile strikes lets talk hypothetically say this is the case in the US and Pakistan sends a missile and this missile targets "militants" but kills mostly american children and women, what would you say if your home was destroyed with all of your family but the other country says everyone killed were terrorists?

These militants are hiding with in civilians homes. The Taliban doesnt know what "Peace" is. The Taliban is trying to implement Sharia Law inPakistan, they just blew up dozens of schools for women and children.
Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by theone2401


Based on UNODC data, there has been more opium poppy cultivation in each of the past four growing seasons (2004-2007), than in any one year during Taliban rule. Also, more land is now used for opium in Afghanistan, than for coca cultivation in Latin America. In 2007, 93% of the opiates on the world market originated in Afghanistan.[sup][1][/sup] This amounts to an export value of about $4 billion, with a quarter being earned by opium farmers and the rest going to district officials, insurgents, warlords and drug traffickers[sup][2][/sup]. AKA the (CIA)
This is Iran/Contra part 2 wake up people.

Bin Laden?

The Taliban may have been terrible people but they were strictly against opium and other drugs.

Heroin has been on the rise in use since our occupation.

It's as high as it has been in 30 years.

Don't see your point here.

Are you saying that the Taliban shouldn't have been removed because they were keeping opium production down?

No I'm not saying that.

The things we have to look at are the patterns.

Saddam Hussein refused to sell the oil fields to big oil companies.

Taliban in power reduces the amount of opium coming out of the region. A lot of which are not only used for big pharmaceutical companies, but also the streetmarket.

Since we have launched our occupation in Afghanistan, it has become the supplier of 95% of the worlds opiates.

Isn't it a little odd that we have spend billions on our war on drugs domestically, but at the same time we have theopportunity to take away 95% of the worlds heroin, but refuse to do anything about it?

Food for thought gentlemen. Food for thought.
Originally Posted by NINE to FIVE

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

This is a good move by Obama. He's been saying this all along, and this is where we should have been for the past six years. The Taliban has only been regaining power and have already just recently struck inside Kabul. We need to find the real perpetrators of September 11, and not the terrorists we created in Iraq by invading and destroying that country.
We have.
You misunderstood me. I meant that our focus should have been Afghanistan for the past six years.

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

This is a good move by Obama. He's been saying this all along, and this is where we should have been for the past six years. The Taliban has only been regaining power and have already just recently struck inside Kabul. We need to find the real perpetrators of September 11, and not the terrorists we created in Iraq by invading and destroying that country.

Ok buddy.

I don't understand why that is funny. There was no sign of Al Qaeda in Iraq before we invaded. Saddam Hussein, along with a number of otherleaders in the Middle East wanted nothing to do with Bin Laden. Its actually more laughable to think that there was terrorism in Iraq under Hussein, because hehad that country in order for a very long time. Albeit by very brutal, inhumane methods, but in order.

Afghanistan, again? Someone take me from under my rock. I thought we controlled Afghanistan(or atleast tried) We going back in? Where the hell we been fighting the last 8 years?
We've actually almost lost all control of Afghanistan because of the war in Iraq stretching our troops too thin.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Afghanistan, again? Someone take me from under my rock. I thought we controlled Afghanistan(or atleast tried) We going back in? Where the hell we been fighting the last 8 years?

Pakistan wanted more control, they got it...Pakistan got upset because we are bombing the hell of the mountains...Pakistan voted in a corrput Gov't who struck a deal with the Taliban a couple of days ago.
hey we want peace. To win you must win the hearts and minds of the people. You must be referring to the recent judgement in Swat. For the past 20 years the people of Swat wanted to get rid of the slow secular justice system because simply put it wasnt working. They now have it and according to reports coming in Taliban now after Islamic law is being enforced they giving in and handing over their arms so this is a nonviolent and diplomatic victory. However people in the United states are undermining the peace efforts. US missile strikes in Pakistan are killing more women and children than they are killing militants. This is counterproductive and only strengthening the enemy cause. The fact is you cannot defeat the Taliban movement with more violence it will only add to their cause and that cause is bringing Pakistan to its knees because of supporting the United States. 96% of the country hates their government for helping the US in this entire war
edit: also the Pakistan army is fighting this war in their own territory for the United States. They are fighting the US's war. They are fighting this scourge in their cities and is a much bigger threat to them. Also about the missile strikes lets talk hypothetically say this is the case in the US and Pakistan sends a missile and this missile targets "militants" but kills mostly american children and women, what would you say if your home was destroyed with all of your family but the other country says everyone killed were terrorists?

These militants are hiding with in civilians homes. The Taliban doesnt know what "Peace" is. The Taliban is trying to implement Sharia Law in Pakistan, they just blew up dozens of schools for women and children.
ok. The civilian population of Swat have wanted Sharia law for 20 years as I have explained above. Sharialaw was supposed to be enforced in that region many years ago and it was signed into law many years ago by both Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and PrimeMinister Nawaz Sharif as they saw the civilian population does not want a secular justice system. However it was never enforced or implemented due tocomplications such as Swat becoming a tourist hotspot and Musharraf taking over and being secular. But then the Taliban came in after the US invasion andcomplicated everything. But Musharraf believed that sharia should never be implemented anywhere in the country. This enforcement of sharia law by the government will not be extreme as the taliban did when they were in power in afghanistan. And the Taliban in swatare laying down their arms.
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