WAR: Obama OKs 17,000 more troops for Afghanistan...

dont let these guys get to you, Iraq was BS hes going where GWB shoulda gone in the first place. Good, get Bin Laden!!!!!!!
This thread is proof that many Americans are completely uninformed about the people that they put into power. We really need to get a lot more politicallyactive and aware of what is going on in our country. We need to know the candidates views on topics before we run to the polls and vote for someone based onrace, religion, and not remain completely ignorant to their plans for the future of our nation.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

This thread is proof that many Americans are completely uninformed about the people that they put into power. We really need to get a lot more politically active and aware of what is going on in our country. We need to know the candidates views on topics before we run to the polls and vote for someone based on race, religion, and not remain completely ignorant to their plans for the future of our nation.
what in the blue hell are you talking about? When I voted I was actually 100% sure troops would be increased in Afghanistan. Everyone should havesaw it coming. Why you ask? Because Obama said it hundreds of times on the campaign.
Neither Obama supporter or Mccain supporters should be surprised...he clearly stated this in his debate,
i believe it was the last one... I think he said he wanted Bin Laden dead.. correct me if i'm wrong
I hop your brother goes and gives the ultimate sacrifice. Then maybe u will know how ppl feel. How dare you criticize the "l" this pres has takenwhile your lips clinged upon the past eight years ' penis.

I hope your brother wins a medal of honor
Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

I hop your brother goes and gives the ultimate sacrifice. Then maybe u will know how ppl feel. How dare you criticize the "l" this pres has taken while your lips clinged upon the past eight years ' penis.

I hope your brother wins a medal of honor

Uncalled for.

Dudes wishing death on others is what's not poppin'. I'm all for Obama to do well as a president, but that's taking it a bit too far.
I am always against escalation and war, but I want to know what Obama hopes to accomplish by sending tens of thousands more Americans into Afghanistan.

If the Soviets and United States under GWB couldn't "subdue" Afghanistan or secure any comprehensive authority over hostile regions, how canObama reconcile his rhetoric of diplomacy as the solution to solving the instability and this escalation?

This does not forebode well.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

actually i was on the task force to go out to afghan, but i got canked I have a year left, I doubt i will go though, I will be doing other things instead of hittin afghan up. I wouldnt mind though
That deployment wouldn't be bad at all, the landlines/over-the-air connections are better out there minusall the sandstorms and open terrain

My dudes tell me its a pretty nice setup, if I got deployed to Afghanistan it might be fun, but then again..Iraq wasn'tthat bad..FREE rubbers ftw
I'm glad Tbone is seemingly against this, but I just hope he would have had the same reaction had it been McCain doing the same thing.
Some people in this post are getting entirely out of control. Regardless of your opinions or feelings on the issue, does wishing death on people's familymembers really make things that much better?
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Some people in this post are getting entirely out of control. Regardless of your opinions or feelings on the issue, does wishing death on people's family members really make things that much better?

Word...ban that dude.
News Flash: We are never going to leave the region. Ever.

Permanent US settlement coming soon.......stay tuned.
Originally Posted by Supafly122

Neither Obama supporter or Mccain supporters should be surprised...he clearly stated this in his debate,
i believe it was the last one... I think he said he wanted Bin Laden dead.. correct me if i'm wrong
bin laden is dead. hes been dead for some time now.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

News Flash: We are never going to leave the region. Ever.

Permanent US settlement coming soon.......stay tuned.
of course

we're going to keep troops present there like all the other countries that we attacked....
Bin Laden's been dead...someone tell me how the dude could've survived until 2009 when he was having major health problems back in the earlymillennium. There's no way they could get him good healthcare with him having to go into hiding and everyone looking for him..

By the way..I bet 3 more pages we'll have someone saying Saddam's death was staged or some +%#$ like that. NT'ers can be so ridiculous at times
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