*VIDEO On to the Next One VIDEO* Vol. Weird

When did they premiere this video?!??!?!?!

I was flippin' channels between 11:30 P.M. - 12:15 A.M.
Ill just continue to read. but when i watched the vid, i couldnt help but think of haze and what his thoughts were.
^ Carson Daly's NYE Party on NBC, they premiered it at 12:10 AM EST.


Mickey Mouse/ Monarch programming ... but I digress.

:Insert Kanye Shrug here:

Dudes just don't want to know.
man yalls _s is trippin i like the video...very emo

just shut up and enjoy it

or shut up and dont

But whatever you choose to do, its exactly would Jay new you'd be doing

silly _s
Yall talking about us being sheep and being the shephard and !!%.

Obviously, you a sheep to what people have taught you about this too. So don't try to act all elitist and !!% just cuz we don't believe in the same!!%.

You say it don't effect you, but clearly you take the time to watch his videos and try to find out the meanings of the images you see on screen.

This is the %#** I can't stand about all these conspiracy theorists and %#** about the freemasons. Knowing damn well you were bumping Jay's music orother so called affiliates of freemasons music until that stupid Da Vinci Code blew up in the mainstream and the whole !!% about freemasonry, secret societies,and conspiracy theories started popping up, yall couldn't care less and were throwing up the Roc signs. Oh wait, I guess that's a freemason symbol too.
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI


sexy +%% and yall need to peep that new Sherlock holmes movie !%*$ got the occult and ancient fraternal organizations all through it
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

^ Yeah because your research is enough to fight the forces at bay.....
just admit what your doing is pointless

Die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain....

This s_ become clearer to me day by day.
can someone explain whats so evil about this, and where they see a so-called jesus on a cross or w/e. there ink blots, you see what you wanna see, if your anevil person i guess u'd see something evil
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

This is the %#** I can't stand about all these conspiracy theorists and %#** about the freemasons. Knowing damn well you were bumping Jay's music or other so called affiliates of freemasons music until that stupid Da Vinci Code blew up in the mainstream and the whole !!% about freemasonry, secret societies, and conspiracy theories started popping up, yall couldn't care less and were throwing up the Roc signs. Oh wait, I guess that's a freemason symbol too.
Nah it goes back a lil further than that

when this came out in the 70s it started all the illuminati/freemason rumors you know today whether they be true or not
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Yall talking about us being sheep and being the shephard and !!%.

Obviously, you a sheep to what people have taught you about this too. So don't try to act all elitist and !!% just cuz we don't believe in the same !!%.

You say it don't effect you, but clearly you take the time to watch his videos and try to find out the meanings of the images you see on screen.

This is the %#** I can't stand about all these conspiracy theorists and %#** about the freemasons. Knowing damn well you were bumping Jay's music or other so called affiliates of freemasons music until that stupid Da Vinci Code blew up in the mainstream and the whole !!% about freemasonry, secret societies, and conspiracy theories started popping up, yall couldn't care less and were throwing up the Roc signs. Oh wait, I guess that's a freemason symbol too.
Son...S T F U and go to bed.

I never said that I was anyone's Shepard. How the f_ can a random character on an internet message board could be someone's savior?

Be your own f_n Shepard _!

Like I said, I don't give a f_ what you believe or don't believe. I wasn't talking to you or anyone else specifically. The thread is about thevideo, that's what I was speaking on...you chose to hang on to my testicles.

And we both spent the same time watching the video...the difference is what I saw based off of what I know.....How much time of my life could I have reallydevoted to this when the video just dropped a couple hours ago?! And I just got in the crib not too long ago....As soon as I watched the video I was able topick out the symbols based on the studying that I do.

Smarten up _.

DaVinci Code and Freemasons...go sit somewhere B.

Bottom line....there's mad symbolism in there. The video basically served as a ritual, wrapping up last year and preparing for the new year. Tarot/playingcard, burning of objects associated with Jay's finance, The burning ball traveling to Malkuth, 00 on the girls jersey, the joker symbolism. Its reallayered and works on a couple different levels. Pretty ingenious stuff in there.
The floor and officers represented Sephiroth, and initiation from 0=0 to 5=6 represented the upward ascent from Malkuth to Tiphareth.
The interpretation can go as far or as shallow as your knowledge base.

But don't get mad at me for informing you of it.

If you don't care about that stuff, thats fine. Neither do I.

Take it how you want to take it.
i'll still listen to jay (xcept BP3, that was garbage) but im just tired of seeing all these symbols. Like what the hell they trying to pull?
I would love to be able to watch something and understand the symbolism behind it.

Haze can you point me in the right direction???
I'd recommend starting here.

Its well written, touches on a little bit of everything and serves as a good reference point for branching out into different topics.

jay is the master of riding the wave of a buzz (positive or negative) ...i thought 50cents was good, but this dude right here... LOL

and ya'll dudes are stupid that FreeMasons would such blunt images.... read a book
I just PM'ed you Haze thinking I was early on this....

I'm about to go thru this thread now, but how can anyone deny what they see at 2:12???
This might be Jay's best video ever. No sarcasm.

This is almost exactly what I see in my head when I hear the song. When I saw it was in black and white I was like


As for the rest of the album....
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