*USA Basketball* WOMEN EARN GOLD v. ESP (101-72)! MEN EARN GOLD v. SRB (96-66)!

This team will be very lucky to win gold at this rate. We all said the 2014 squad was the C team, I guess this squad is the F Team. Bumler, Catfish, Bumroezen and Bum Barnes are basically the same player that you don't need more than 1. Beta 35 and Melo are spot up shooters in FIBA that need playmakers to facilitate the offense and get them good shots. K is asking Durant to be a playmaker like Lebby when that's not his game in FIBA. Boogie, like most traditional NBA big men don't do well in FIBA (see Tim Duncan). Myrie's game worked in the world Cup because he rarely played in the same lineup with another scorer so he was able to take shots but he got guy's like Mykal's son good looks in 2014.
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roster full of scorers but no creators.

after 2 games of getting tested,
Coach K & Co. are looking funny in the light.
no Bron or Kidd to help create offense.

this team lives & dies by the 3, & relies heavily on ISO ball.
high PnRs all day.

this team plays like the old Thunder.
Kyrie, KD taking turns like Russ, KD did. SMH

Also, where are the playmakers on Team USA? There are virtually none. Maybe, Coach K should go back to Klay Thompson to start again, and let Paul George be sixth man.

Lowry the only thing close to a playmaker.
id like to see a Lowry / Kyrie backcourt to end the game.
But all the other teams are also flawed and have significantly less talent than the US. For them to lose it would take them playing like absolute **** and the other team being basically perfect. Very unlikely. So, no, maybe their chances of winning gold aren't 100%, but they have to be in the upper 90s.
team usa isn't even fair to the rest of the world

vs nigeria tonigh
US has not been perfect in the exibition, but no way they lose gold in Rio. All the other teams are solid, but cant match up with US.

Spain is waterdown. France is good, dont have enough though. Serbia is also good, but dont have the athleticism to match up (as we saw in 2014 FIBA WC)

Cant wait for RIO to start
To be honest, the only thing that might add drama to the US beating everyone every two years, is the way the qualification process will change for the next WC in 2019 (China) and Olympics in 2020. They are going to switch it up to make it like they do it in soccer, where the qualification process will be first, second and finals before you can get a berth in the WC. Also for example, the winner of the Olympic tournament would get an automatic bid for the WC and vise versa for the Olympics, but not any longer. These qualification rounds and games will be during the NBA season and might throw a monkey wrench when it time to call in players and what not.
When the gap between gold & silver is so massive, I feel like USA should get all 3 medals
Same. Plus the comp isn't what it's been over the past 8 years

2008 was must watch, every game
Laugh it up fellas. I guess I am the only one who would prefer a point guard to not play ISO basketball or facilitate the offense for the best players in the world.

Rajon Rondo > Kyrie for this team.
Yeah they need a guy that will facilitate the offense and another defensive center

Rondo and coach k didnt work in 2010 and definitely wouldnt work now. A couple of times when coach k was calling plays from the sideline rondo picked up his dribble (got the play), then started dribbling again a few times. Of course dbl dribbling was called. The day before he was cut, there was a "family emergency".
If they just stopped gambling on defense and moved their feet they would be better.
I remember this same type of overconfidence that the US would flip the switch back when they got the bronze

Also can I get a vine of this drive and kick :nerd:

I honestly think Jeremy Lin can run this USA offense. Someone that can drive to the basket, put pressure on the D, and kick out to the shooters like Tedosic was doing.

Rondo and coach k didnt work in 2010 and definitely wouldnt work now. A couple of times when coach k was calling plays from the sideline rondo picked up his dribble (got the play), then started dribbling again a few times. Of course dbl dribbling was called. The day before he was cut, there was a "family emergency".
They don't necessarily need Rondo. Wall hell even Rose would work on this team right now.
I don't think its the personnel that's the problem with the team. Its line up management and game planning.
Ya'll been talking about how boring these games been and how ya'll wish they were competitive. Ya'll get them...and now there's all these problems with Team USA 
Didn't catch the 2nd half but... wow when I saw the score.  This is what makes you appreciate guys like LBJ, Kobe, Kidd, CP3...those guys are alphas/coaches out on the court.  I don't see that guy for this team.  Draymond has that voice and intensity but isn't that guy...Kyrie is great but he's a one on one guy.  Melo is a beast in international play but isn't a leader and KD just doesn't seem like the leader type.  Klay is probably enjoying Brazil's attractions, Cousins is a headcase, DJ was getting frustrated in the first half, PG is cool lol, Jimmy can't shoot consistently, Demar and Kyle don't strike me as international players, Harrison left his jumper in 2014...I'm probably forgetting others lol.  
Ya'll been talking about how boring these games been and how ya'll wish they were competitive. Ya'll get them...and now there's all these problems with Team USA 
The last two games have been fun to watch from an entertainment/basketball standpoint...from a US perspective it's been bad lol.  
Damn. And Canada couldn't be in there to test these guys. |I

Wiggins should of played in the daggone qualifier. :smh:


it's clear to me from watching this tournament that Team Canada will NEVER seriously threaten Team USA and will likely never beat high level European team in a game that matters.

Team USA would make lightwork of Canada.
That wont work in the international game. International teams rely heavily on bigs and constant motion on the perimeter. Going small will kill us.
If the roster had more versatility it would. Which is why I don't understand why they opted for size rather than versatility and speed. The 08,10 and 12 teams were small for international standards.
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Those teams had much better perimeter defenders though. When the opposing guards and forwards cant penetrate because lebron, wade, kobe, kidd are guarding you it makes a huge difference.
Buc em was right

The competition IMO still isn't as good as it's been in the past, this USA team has no cohesion since most of them it's the first time playing with each other
Those teams had much better perimeter defenders though. When the opposing guards and forwards cant penetrate because lebron, wade, kobe, kidd are guarding you it makes a huge difference.

Youre forgetting Westbrook harassing opposing guards full court
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