Unpopular Opinion(s) Thread

But, again, can you get into specifics with this?
Not at all. It's pretty obvious to most, see below.
I don’t think anyone who is speaking on this being an issue has an issue with their child interacting with or seeing anything LGBTQ+. The issue I’m seeing is the overstepping of sexual innuendo in the sign I saw and the outfits I’ve seen from drag show groups being overly revealing and downright exposing themselves in some situations. As I spoke to before from the pride parades. A lot of these outfits are used at both events.

I’m not saying ALL drag shows have these “issues” present. I’m saying there are drag shows that have these issues present around children, and some parents think that kids shouldn’t be exposed to it.
I think if you can demonstrate that the drag shows involving kids at schools, as the original comment addressed, have these objectionable things then that's one thing. I've yet to see any evidence of that though.
I’ll have to go back to see where schools were mentioned :lol:

I was just speaking in general on the whole thing, not specifically with anything at schools.
I’ll have to go back to see where schools were mentioned :lol:

I was just speaking in general on the whole thing, not specifically with anything at schools.
Nah I get you, and I know that pride parades can get wild. I wouldn't consider them to be family or kid-friendly events. :lol:

I'm talking specifically about the ones at schools which usually involve a drag performer singing songs or reading stories.

This is the group in question which sparked a lot of the recent outrage:

Seems fairly benign to me.
Nah I get you, and I know that pride parades can get wild. I wouldn't consider them to be family or kid-friendly events. :lol:

I'm talking specifically about the ones at schools which usually involve a drag performer singing songs or reading stories.

This is the group in question which sparked a lot of the recent outrage:

Seems fairly benign to me.
Ah okay. I see no issue here myself. :lol:
I’ll correct you.

You keep trying to blanket statement this issue and speak as to “what the issue is”, trying to basically get at it being homophobia, and I’m trying to give examples of what I’ve actually seen in photos from drag shows that I believe people (and myself, if the photos are real) are opposing.

I don’t think anyone who is speaking on this being an issue has an issue with their child interacting with or seeing anything LGBTQ+. The issue I’m seeing is the overstepping of sexual innuendo in the sign I saw and the outfits I’ve seen from drag show groups being overly revealing and downright exposing themselves in some situations. As I spoke to before from the pride parades. A lot of these outfits are used at both events.

I’m not saying ALL drag shows have these “issues” present. I’m saying there are drag shows that have these issues present around children, and some parents think that kids shouldn’t be exposed to it.

Only speaking to why it's part of a national discussion, not on any particular person's motives or thoughts

I will take your word for it as I haven't seen such pictures (might want to get that algorithm checked). I would certainly question the motives of the people posting and reposting those pictures however

Most would agree that kids shouldn't be subject to overtly sexual themes or adult themed shows and no one is forcing anyone else's kids to be

As for kids being exposed to adults in revealing clothing well, hopefully they never go to a public beach or swimming pool

Appreciate the clarification though, I think we're mostly in agreeance
If a parent said "I don't want my child exposed to dodgeball" or "I don't want my child exposed to watercolor painting", would you think that's a little odd? Would you be curious as to the underlying reason why they didn't want their children exposed to those things?

What I'm getting it is there's an underlying reason, and the reason is probably really really stupid considering just about no one will come out and explicitly express their concerns.

I might be curious as to why they don't allow them but outside of them stating "I don't want my child involved", I'm owed no other explanation. Interesting you picked dodgeball as that actually has been removed from gym class due to parents concerns for safety.

What I'm getting at ultimately is, how a parent chooses to raise their child should be their decision without need to justify or explain specific concerns for why they object to an activity, within reason. This isn't a discuss on vaccines or such, this is a completely voluntary activity that I'm pretty sure is overblown by some media, but a parent has a right to decide what their child is exposed to.
I might be curious as to why they don't allow them but outside of them stating "I don't want my child involved", I'm owed no other explanation. Interesting you picked dodgeball as that actually has been removed from gym class due to parents concerns for safety.

What I'm getting at ultimately is, how a parent chooses to raise their child should be their decision without need to justify or explain specific concerns for why they object to an activity, within reason. This isn't a discuss on vaccines or such, this is a completely voluntary activity that I'm pretty sure is overblown by some media, but a parent has a right to decide what their child is exposed to.
And what I got at in one of my other posts is that I never said parents need to give specific concerns and that I was only asking people here out of my own curiosity, so your question was a bit of an irrelevant strawman.
And what I got at in one of my other posts is that I never said parents need to give specific concerns and that I was only asking people here out of my own curiosity, so your question was a bit of an irrelevant strawman.

Not sure how it's a strawman argument.

You asked can someone give their specific concern and you don't consider "I dont think it's appropriate" to be specific, I asked why would a further justification be needed if one just doesn't consider it appropriate just because you don't find that specific enough? Seems your fishing for a specific answer.
Not sure how it's a strawman argument.

You asked can someone give their specific concern and you don't consider "I dont think it's appropriate" to be specific, I asked why would a further justification be needed if one just doesn't consider it appropriate just because you don't find that specific enough? Seems your fishing for a specific answer.
1. You specifically brought up parents when I didn't mention parents.

2. If by "fishing for a specific answer" you mean "asking someone to explain what exactly they think is inappropriate about it" then yes, I am fishing for a specific answer.
1. You specifically brought up parents when I didn't mention parents.

2. If by "fishing for a specific answer" you mean "asking someone to explain what exactly they think is inappropriate about it" then yes, I am fishing for a specific answer.

So mentioning parents when the topic was people's concerns about children at drag shows is a strawman argument? So a parent/child relationship was not implied in that discuss? That's a little ridiculous if I say so.
Cats gotta understand, you might be enlightened about drag shows but people hopping off the boat from a different culture don't tolerate that around their kids.
Cats gotta understand, you might be enlightened about drag shows but people hopping off the boat from a different culture don't tolerate that around their kids.
This might come off the wrong way, but if you're immigrating to a country do you really think it's reasonable to impose your beliefs and culture onto its citizens?

It used to kill me watching episodes of 90 Day Fiance with my girlfriend where Americans would go to countries like Jordan and expect to be their little-old American selves and think that everyone would just accept it and accommodate them. It just seems delusional to think that the native population should give a **** and bend over backwards for a belief system that isn't in alignment with theirs.

If they can't tolerate the culture of where they moved to they either need to homeschool and insulate themselves or they need to die mad.
On a smaller scale, Gentrifiers are allowed to come into preexisting communities and cry/complain/call police on things that existed long before they moved into those areas.

Different, yes but the point is folks are able to get away with it often.
On a smaller scale, Gentrifiers are allowed to come into preexisting communities and cry/complain/call police on things that existed long before they moved into those areas.

Different, yes but the point is folks are able to get away with it often.
Yeah, and that's wrong too if it's over something inconsequential.

Not gonna sit here and defend busybodies or Karens.
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