Unpopular Opinion(s) Thread


Idk how many other pride parades are but I’ve seen actual posts on IG from friends that go to SF Pride where adults are literally walking around with d***s and t**s out with kids not even 20 yards away.

You asked if kids were being taken to "gross drag shows" and I responded to that. People taking kids to adult themed drag shows is fantasy. You are the one who brought up pride parades

IIRC Ron DeSantis floated an idea of targeting parents who take their children to drag shows. In reality, a drag queen reading an age appropriate book at a public library is the "problem" we're talking about

To his credit, DeSantis really is the best at manufacturing these little outrage moments built around social/cultural divides
You asked if kids were being taken to "gross drag shows" and I responded to that. People taking kids to adult themed drag shows is fantasy. You are the one who brought up pride parades

IIRC Ron DeSantis floated an idea of targeting parents who take their children to drag shows. In reality, a drag queen reading an age appropriate book at a public library is the "problem" we're talking about

To his credit, DeSantis really is the best at manufacturing these little outrage moments built around social/cultural divides
My b I thought you quoted my pride parade post
Can anyone explain their specific concerns regarding children being at drag shows?

Bear in mind I don’t consider “it’s not appropriate” to be specific. I’m curious as to what the actual harm is.
I definitely had a Gennaro moment when I made that post 🤣
Can anyone explain their specific concerns regarding children being at drag shows?

Bear in mind I don’t consider “it’s not appropriate” to be specific. I’m curious as to what the actual harm is.

I think it's the belief that being exposed to LGBTQ people and/or cross dressers will make their kids that way or cause them some sort of emotional harm

I have not seen any basis for the opinion that it's not healthy for children to be exposed to that world. Surely this issue has been studied by psychologists
I think it's the belief that being exposed to LGBTQ people and/or cross dressers will make their kids that way or cause them some sort of emotional harm

I have not seen any basis for the opinion that it's not healthy for children to be exposed to that world. Surely this issue has been studied by psychologists
I’m gonna be honest and admit that I’m asking a question that I believe that I already know the answer to. I think the underlying belief is that stuff like this is going to turn kids gay or trans.

I find this amusing because it’s so easy to debunk. All you have to do is ask someone when they made the choice to be heterosexual or cisgendered, because if it was something you had to think through…
Can anyone explain their specific concerns regarding children being at drag shows?

Bear in mind I don’t consider “it’s not appropriate” to be specific. I’m curious as to what the actual harm is.

"A drag show is a form of entertainment performed by drag artists impersonating men or women. Typically, a drag show involves performers singing or lip-synching to songs while performing a pre-planned pantomime or dancing. There might also be some comedy, skits, and audience interaction"

Its nobody else's business what parents do or don't want their kids exposed or not exposed to (within the boundaries of the law).

If someone wants to take their kid to a drag show - who cares?

If someone does not want to take their kid to a drag show - who cares?

Once people start pointing their opinions at each other (especially in the form of DeSantis) it becomes a battle of false flags.

DeSantis and his ilk (as well as the LGBTQ community) have a vested interest in the opinions of the masses.

Neither are as concerned about the masses as they are their own opinions.

Most folks just want decent wages, healthcare, homes, etc. etc. be they gay, straight, black, white, male, female...

Once we realize that we have way more in common than we have in difference - oh what a day that will be.
Social media is the downfall of society. We’ve turned the .01% into mainstream thought discussions. We’re screwed.
Drag story hour seems kinda weird to me but ultimately harmless. Can't say i've met any gay or trans folks that said they were straight until they saw a drag show.
As long as you aren't forcing my kid into a wig and dress I'm good.
The issue I think lies in the sexually suggestive themes such as a sign that says “it won’t lick itself”

Or exposure of body parts.

You’re fine with young children seeing those?

I come in peace
My thing is it literally has no purpose at all, It's not like the average person is even seeing people in drag often (I Live in NYC & am moving around a lot, people in drag are not a common occurrence). Of all the different people you could get to come & read to the children.... they just landed on drag?

The constant push for kids who aren't even Teens to "choose their gender"

None of this **** is adding up
The issue I think lies in the sexually suggestive themes such as a sign that says “it won’t lick itself”

Or exposure of body parts.

You’re fine with young children seeing those?

I come in peace

Please correct me if this isn't accurate but it seems that you're conflating a person in drag doing any activity as being sexually suggestive and by default inappropriate around children

That somehow being in drag is inherently sexual. Is that accurate of what you think? If so why do you think that?
IMO I think it's more "is that appropriate for my child?" than homophobia/fear of turning their children gay or trans
But, again, can you get into specifics with this? What part of these shows would be inherently inappropriate?

To be honest, I initially thought it was a little weird when the recreation department at my job booked a drag performer as an entertainer for a bunch of old people. Then I saw the show and realized it was literally just some dude in a wig, makeup, and a sparkly dress singing some songs, dancing, and doing some funny banter in between. It was truly harmless stuff and the patients couldn’t get enough of it.

At the end of the day, if the kids enjoy it I truly don’t see the harm. Just seems like a lot of pearl-clutching over nothing.
See my post above.

Just saw the post but doesn't really answer what I asked.

If a parent doesn't want their child exposed to something, why do they need to justify it?
Regardless if I agree or not or if it's harmless or not, I don't see why a parent needs to justify, within reason, why they want their child to be not be involved in an activity.
The issue I think lies in the sexually suggestive themes such as a sign that says “it won’t lick itself”

Or exposure of body parts.

You’re fine with young children seeing those?

I come in peace
As long as it's age appropriate reading it's no different than a Shenennae skit to me.
Just saw the post but doesn't really answer what I asked.

If a parent doesn't want their child exposed to something, why do they need to justify it?
Regardless if I agree or not or if it's harmless or not, I don't see why a parent needs to justify, within reason, why they want their child to be not be involved in an activity.
If a parent said "I don't want my child exposed to dodgeball" or "I don't want my child exposed to watercolor painting", would you think that's a little odd? Would you be curious as to the underlying reason why they didn't want their children exposed to those things?

What I'm getting it is there's an underlying reason, and the reason is probably really really stupid considering just about no one will come out and explicitly express their concerns.
Legit question about this, why would a parent need to give a specific concern for them objecting against their children being at a drag show?

I noticed you didn't bring the kids to the drag show this weekend?

Any reason as to why you missed the show?

Well, you see were are a conservative Christian family that doesn't believe in such things...BTW would you and your family like to join us this Sunday for Church?

Ohhh you're one of those huh?

Also let's not get it twisted: at no point did I ever say that parents NEED to justify or give specific reasons why they think it's inappropriate.

I only asked the question for my own curiosity and to get some better insight, because every time I ask the question I get a dance-around or vague non-answers--kind of like what's happening right now.
Please correct me if this isn't accurate but it seems that you're conflating a person in drag doing any activity as being sexually suggestive and by default inappropriate around children

That somehow being in drag is inherently sexual. Is that accurate of what you think? If so why do you think that?
I’ll correct you.

You keep trying to blanket statement this issue and speak as to “what the issue is”, trying to basically get at it being homophobia, and I’m trying to give examples of what I’ve actually seen in photos from drag shows that I believe people (and myself, if the photos are real) are opposing.

I don’t think anyone who is speaking on this being an issue has an issue with their child interacting with or seeing anything LGBTQ+. The issue I’m seeing is the overstepping of sexual innuendo in the sign I saw and the outfits I’ve seen from drag show groups being overly revealing and downright exposing themselves in some situations. As I spoke to before from the pride parades. A lot of these outfits are used at both events.

I’m not saying ALL drag shows have these “issues” present. I’m saying there are drag shows that have these issues present around children, and some parents think that kids shouldn’t be exposed to it.
I’ll correct you.

You keep trying to blanket statement this issue and speak as to “what the issue is”, trying to basically get at it being homophobia, and I’m trying to give examples of what I’ve actually seen in photos from drag shows that I believe people (and myself, if the photos are real) are opposing.

I don’t think anyone who is speaking on this being an issue has an issue with their child interacting with or seeing anything LGBTQ+. The issue I’m seeing is the overstepping of sexual innuendo in the sign I saw and the outfits I’ve seen from drag show groups being overly revealing and downright exposing themselves in some situations. As I spoke to before from the pride parades. A lot of these outfits are used at both events.

I’m not saying ALL drag shows have these “issues” present. I’m saying there are drag shows that have these issues present around children, and some parents think that kids shouldn’t be exposed to it.
I think if you can demonstrate that the drag shows involving kids at schools, as the original comment addressed, have these objectionable things then that's one thing. I've yet to see any evidence of that though.
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