Two inches of snow turns Atlanta into the set of the Walking Dead

Did you just join NT today? I'd like to introduce you to blastercombo
Lol... i just started noticing this dude a couple days ago 

now every time I see the RYU logo I know some silly **** bout to follow. 
Just read the entire thread...............very entertaining.  Hope all our ATL NTers are okay. 
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I mean I do understand people not used to it so they panicked or what not.. But these a t L jokes tho.. Stay safe out there
Damn so what happens to all the cars left in the street? Do people just come back and get them at random times? Do they get towed away? I could see the tow truck companies making a killing off of this.
Damn so what happens to all the cars left in the street? Do people just come back and get them at random times? Do they get towed away? I could see the tow truck companies making a killing off of this.

In DC a few years back, cars were abandoned for days following the ice/snow storm. Some leniency is given...but up to a point. Those cars I saw weren't towed, but were accumulating tickets.
these types of problems can be somewhat alleviated by good public transit investments...

it wouldn't have completely avoided but you would have a lot less people on the roads, especially in situations like this 
ATL dont want public transit tho...they love their whips and scared of "certain people" having access to their neighborhoods :smh: ...That area could def benefit from taking some cars off the road via public transportation
Damn so what happens to all the cars left in the street? Do people just come back and get them at random times? Do they get towed away? I could see the tow truck companies making a killing off of this.
They're all going to be towed for free. That's the least of their worries though. You leave cars abandoned on the freeway, you leave it open for theft and there were reports of cars being broken into.
people were already at work man... they were advised that things were ok, it's safe out there 

they didn't see the ice and then be like, **** it, lemme run to the mall lol 

folks wanted to get home, get to their kids.... 

city set them up... said everything was all.... go to work.... schools open.... just another Atlanta January day 

then the swindle came and ****** was hung out to dry 

Thank you.

Dudes acting like peoples day starts off at 12:30pm when the snow started to fall. Um excuse me I was at work at 8am, clear skies and no precipitation until 12:30 dog.

This is an experience no one in ATL will ever pretty sure its a wrap for the Mayor and the Governor

Im from the atlanta area .. i live in montana now

Put it this way... You live up north and at least 3/4 of your snow plows and winter weather type equipment were taken away. Along with your streets covered in ice NOT snow .. how would you fair?

Driving over the smallest amount of snow packs it down so it then becomes slick in addition to sleet/ice. In a region where "snow tires" would be the biggest waste of money and those stil wouldnt help. You see so many cars because everyone was leaving at the same time.on top of the terrible road conditions

Sleet/ice on the roads is not the same thing as snow on the roads. We had some freezing/rain sleet last year in Dallas it was really hard to drive on i was sliding all over the place. 
Im from the atlanta area .. i live in montana now

Put it this way... You live up north and at least 3/4 of your snow plows and winter weather type equipment were taken away. Along with your streets covered in ice NOT snow .. how would you fair?

Driving over the smallest amount of snow packs it down so it then becomes slick in addition to sleet/ice. In a region where "snow tires" would be the biggest waste of money and those stil wouldnt help. You see so many cars because everyone was leaving at the same time.on top of the terrible road conditions


enough with the back and forth about their driving ability. We in the NE have the luxury of be equipped with the materials needed to handle snow. If that was taken away and we had to drive it would be chaous no matter who is behind the wheel. At this point I'm more interested in first hand accounts from ATL members.

If people had to abandoned their cars, and children were left to sleep in schools and some people in stores. How are they making out now? Have parents been able to reach their children? Have ambulances been able to get to those who may have been injured in the many accidents that took place?

Lets focus on the real **** and not who's city is wack for this and wack for that, **** is corny now.
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spiceman80 spiceman80 for those abandoned cars they give you a grace period to go get them off the roads. The crappy part is getting to them, many people left theirs on highways and major roads.

For the kids in schools, I think if you were able to you could have went and got them. I can't speak exactly On how it's going down because I nor none of my friends back home have kids that were stuck.

One woman ended up giving birth on the side of the interstate, she had the baby and everything was alright. Eventually an ambulance got to her. CNN reported that one person died during the chaos (assuming from an accident) and there were over 1000 accidents (I'm sure many were just fender benders)
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Damn so what happens to all the cars left in the street? Do people just come back and get them at random times? Do they get towed away? I could see the tow truck companies making a killing off of this.

They're all going to be towed for free. That's the least of their worries though. You leave cars abandoned on the freeway, you leave it open for theft and there were reports of cars being broken into.

And this as well:
Meanwhile, beleaguered commuters who had to ditch their cars in the snow -- many of them still sleep-deprived and seething two days after some drives stretched into daylong ordeals -- have been asked to show up at one of two locations Thursday.
From there, the National Guard will chauffeur them to where they walked away from their vehicles. They'll also get up to five gallons of gas and, if needed, a jump-start, emergency management spokesman Ken Davis said.

Seems to be fair for the governor and mayor dropping the ball. Or the governor making sure that he is re-elected in November
spiceman80 spiceman80 for those abandoned cars they give you a grace period to go get them off the roads. The crappy part is getting to them, many people left theirs on highways and major roads.

For the kids in schools, I think if you were able to you could have went and got them. I can't speak exactly On how it's going down because I nor none of my friends back home have kids that were stuck.

One woman ended up giving birth on the side of the interstate, she had the baby and everything was alright. Eventually an ambulance got to her. CNN reported that one person died during the chaos (assuming from an accident) and there were over 1000 accidents (I'm sure many were just fender benders)

Respect bro.
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