Three of the kid's that were involved in Sean Taylor's murder Myspace's - SMH x 10

at all of this...........

Friends of the murderers got rip ST and stuff in their names
.........once they get inthat'll be it for them
Originally Posted by jefffort5

watching the video on that website...i heard the mother say something on the phone about taylor's sister paying them to do that

SMH @ the situation....*plays lupe fiasco's the coolest*

link ? or more info. if that is true it's even more.
at these dudes.........BTW I strongly disapprove of young kids getting their hands on guns for reasons like this.....and there should bestricter gun laws.....
This is a truly vile event. Just all out recklessness and ignorance. And they're not even past the legal drinking age! Mainstream America sees this and itonly helps to confirm their fears, suspicions and even their racism. It's a sad condition for a lot of young minorities who see no alternative to their wayof behaving & relating to others. Then there's the decent people who try to live their lives in a respectable, hardworking & conscientious mannerwho get lumped in with the rest of this scumbag subculture that does everything it can to keep people frightened and mentally enslaved.
This is all just too much for me. Something new happens every single day now and it just appears that their really isn't any hope.

My heart honestly just hurts for this world right now.

Man, I was very sad about ST, but now I can't even express the amount of SMH, I'm doing.....

This is just getting out of hand....

When I got locked up a few weeks ago, (DUI) there was this 17 year old kid in there, and he was in for burglary he said he had a daughter, and I'm justlooking at him like.... wow this generation is so out of control.

What makes it even worse in my now days....ITS NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS IT USE TO BE.

Like they not growing up in the crack era, they not growing up in the race era, I really have to credit this behavior to a couple things....

Bad economic structure in our country, its really hard out here to get jobs and make an honest living....compared to like 10 years ago, when Jobs waseverywhere (I just watched MJ's dvd, and Bill Clinton saying he created 6 million jobs)

Young parents.... all these "kids having kids" its to the point now that, these kids are running wild cuz they parents aren't educated enough toteach them nothing, cuz they didn't learn nothing.... when I meet a girl and she is 21 and her mom is 36 and they BOTH talkin to me about how"real" Jeezy is......I wanted to throw up.

And I always defended Hip Hop in these type of situations...but I will say this....
When I was growing up, the rappers talked about the stuff we saw (drugs, violence etc...) but they had a balance, I never got the impression from Pac and Bigthat, it was cool for me to do what they rapped about..... and it was a lot more relevant at the time they was rapping about it....

Now these dumb@!#% kids, (since these kids were from miami) hear, Rick Ross, Trick Daddy, DJ Khaled..."I'm so hood" and "the port ofmiami" "brown paper bag" Lil Wayne "Duffle Bag Boy"
they really are buying into that image.....
And from that perspective, I think those Hip Hop artist are morally responsible to educate their youth.....
Its becoming more increasingly obvious that once an artist makes it big from a certain region....he is looked at as the "Leader" or"spokesperson" for that area....
You associate Rick Ross with "The REAL Miami" and TI "King of the South...or Atlanta" and to watch TI get caught with army guns......thatsends the wrong message. Cuz these kids are not from the same cloth we came from were are parents were educated enough to sit us down and explain what'sgoing on.

Even though TI raps about the pitfalls of the negative side, his actions are speaking louder than his words....

And for that I will say, they need to do a better job of authorizing balance in their music.....I'm not saying they need to be saints and rap about backpack stuff, but this dumb@!#% generation needs a better understanding of what you say.
Last week My mom said that she thinks the girlfriend has something to do with it because Sean beat up on her... so she wanted some dude to come in and scarehim. I don't think she wanted them to kill him. Its all fishy. On a cultural note BET influences these goons more than anything and this is so sad in theblack community
RIP to Sean....the fact that you gut dummies leaving messages like that on dude's myspace is JUST as troubling. I mean you got kids, and I mean KIDS withlittle to no regard for their lives or anyone elses. It's a shame. To rob a man of raising his daughter, fulfilling his promise in the NFL, and being agreat husband over a botched robbery? C'mon, these are no more than some fugazi thugs who got scared when they saw a big dude come out of a bedroom withthe Machete. I would almost gurantee that the shooter and whoever else was in the house started panicking and blindly shot twice. Straight up cowards. Themedia owes Sean Taylor's family an apology (they won't get it), for painting a picture of a man who they labeled a "thug." He was the EXACTopposite of what people said he was. The fact that the media can't respect someone's wishes for privacy, and continued to bring up his past ispathetic. He made some mistakes as a 21-22 year old, but honestly WHO HASN'T at that age slipped up? Like most young men in their early 20's you gothrough a maturation process. Rather than focusing on the man that Sean Taylor became, there was almost more of a focus on who they THOUGHT he was. I am gladthat there is come closure coming to this case with his funeral looming. Sean Taylor deserves to be buried without a cloud of question hanging over what shouldbe a celebration of his life. I am very troubled at the circumstances of his murder, because of how everything went down. These kids were trying to stealanother man's money and flaunt it like it was their own. A HARD WORKING man at that. There is such an emphasis on TV, Music, etc on getting that $.It's got these kids brainwashed to the point that their judgement is clouded. There is really no such thing as "easy money." Sean Taylor workedfor his, and to have everything taken away is disheartning. They will all have a long time to think about what they have done when they are sitting in theircells. No apology is going to bring Sean Taylor back. These cowards should get what they deserve.

Last week My mom said that she thinks the girlfriend has something to do with it because Sean beat up on her.

As if Sean Taylor's name hasn't been dragged through the mud enough this week, you come in and tellin' lies on the man 2 days before his funeral. C'mon now...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

RIP to Sean....the fact that you gut dummies leaving messages like that on dude's myspace is JUST as troubling. I mean you got kids, and I mean KIDS with little to no regard for their lives or anyone elses. It's a shame. To rob a man of raising his daughter, fulfilling his promise in the NFL, and being a great husband over a botched robbery? C'mon, these are no more than some fugazi thugs who got scared when they saw a big dude come out of a bedroom with the Machete. I would almost gurantee that the shooter and whoever else was in the house started panicking and blindly shot twice. Straight up cowards. The media owes Sean Taylor's family an apology (they won't get it), for painting a picture of a man who they labeled a "thug." He was the EXACT opposite of what people said he was. The fact that the media can't respect someone's wishes for privacy, and continued to bring up his past is pathetic. He made some mistakes as a 21-22 year old, but honestly WHO HASN'T at that age slipped up? Like most young men in their early 20's you go through a maturation process. Rather than focusing on the man that Sean Taylor became, there was almost more of a focus on who they THOUGHT he was. I am glad that there is come closure coming to this case with his funeral looming. Sean Taylor deserves to be buried without a cloud of question hanging over what should be a celebration of his life. I am very troubled at the circumstances of his murder, because of how everything went down. These kids were trying to steal another man's money and flaunt it like it was their own. A HARD WORKING man at that. There is such an emphasis on TV, Music, etc on getting that $. It's got these kids brainwashed to the point that their judgement is clouded. There is really no such thing as "easy money." Sean Taylor worked for his, and to have everything taken away is disheartning. They will all have a long time to think about what they have done when they are sitting in their cells. No apology is going to bring Sean Taylor back. These cowards should get what they deserve.

Last week My mom said that she thinks the girlfriend has something to do with it because Sean beat up on her.

As if Sean Taylor's name hasn't been dragged through the mud enough this week, you come in and tellin' lies on the man 2 days before his funeral. C'mon now...

its far from nonsense, but I agree with you people have made mistakes and have corrected them and become better people, and he their is no reason for himto be dead today.
thats a shame.. RIP Sean Taylor..
like the one dude from the ******** said, Taylor will be the 12th man on the field every sunday
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

Man, I was very sad about ST, but now I can't even express the amount of SMH, I'm doing.....

This is just getting out of hand....

When I got locked up a few weeks ago, (DUI) there was this 17 year old kid in there, and he was in for burglary he said he had a daughter, and I'm just looking at him like.... wow this generation is so out of control.

What makes it even worse in my now days....ITS NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS IT USE TO BE.

Like they not growing up in the crack era, they not growing up in the race era, I really have to credit this behavior to a couple things....

Bad economic structure in our country, its really hard out here to get jobs and make an honest living....compared to like 10 years ago, when Jobs was everywhere (I just watched MJ's dvd, and Bill Clinton saying he created 6 million jobs)

Young parents.... all these "kids having kids" its to the point now that, these kids are running wild cuz they parents aren't educated enough to teach them nothing, cuz they didn't learn nothing.... when I meet a girl and she is 21 and her mom is 36 and they BOTH talkin to me about how "real" Jeezy is......I wanted to throw up.

And I always defended Hip Hop in these type of situations...but I will say this....
When I was growing up, the rappers talked about the stuff we saw (drugs, violence etc...) but they had a balance, I never got the impression from Pac and Big that, it was cool for me to do what they rapped about..... and it was a lot more relevant at the time they was rapping about it....

Now these dumb@!#% kids, (since these kids were from miami) hear, Rick Ross, Trick Daddy, DJ Khaled..."I'm so hood" and "the port of miami" "brown paper bag" Lil Wayne "Duffle Bag Boy"
they really are buying into that image.....
And from that perspective, I think those Hip Hop artist are morally responsible to educate their youth.....
Its becoming more increasingly obvious that once an artist makes it big from a certain region....he is looked at as the "Leader" or "spokesperson" for that area....
You associate Rick Ross with "The REAL Miami" and TI "King of the South...or Atlanta" and to watch TI get caught with army guns......that sends the wrong message. Cuz these kids are not from the same cloth we came from were are parents were educated enough to sit us down and explain what's going on.

Even though TI raps about the pitfalls of the negative side, his actions are speaking louder than his words....

And for that I will say, they need to do a better job of authorizing balance in their music.....I'm not saying they need to be saints and rap about back pack stuff, but this dumb@!#% generation needs a better understanding of what you say.

Now these dumb@!#% kids, (since these kids were from miami) hear, Rick Ross, Trick Daddy, DJ Khaled..."I'm so hood" and "the port of miami" "brown paper bag" Lil Wayne "Duffle Bag Boy"
they really are buying into that image.....
And from that perspective, I think those Hip Hop artist are morally responsible to educate their youth.....
Its becoming more increasingly obvious that once an artist makes it big from a certain region....he is looked at as the "Leader" or "spokesperson" for that area....
You associate Rick Ross with "The REAL Miami" and TI "King of the South...or Atlanta" and to watch TI get caught with army guns......that sends the wrong message. Cuz these kids are not from the same cloth we came from were are parents were educated enough to sit us down and explain what's going on.

Even though TI raps about the pitfalls of the negative side, his actions are speaking louder than his words....

And for that I will say, they need to do a better job of authorizing balance in their music.....I'm not saying they need to be saints and rap about back pack stuff, but this dumb@!#% generation needs a better understanding of what you say.

Well said bro.....some of the best thoughts I have read on NT in a LONG time.....
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