Three of the kid's that were involved in Sean Taylor's murder Myspace's - SMH x 10

wow these are the bums that took ST's life. This is disgusting. Man had unbelievable potential and it's gone thanks to these goons. I hopethey get what's coming to them. RIP Sean Taylor.
No, that is what that particular killer looks like. I look somewhat like that dude but am far from a killer.
The saddest part is Sean Taylor had already become successful and was only on his way up in his career.....and then his life gets taken away by these kidswhere you can bet not a single one of them would have ever amounted to anything or contributed to the world in any positive way. I say "would have"because now their lives are done. Some people...

Oh, and....that one dude has his football pics on his Myspace page and what looks like a pic of him with his football teammates on a bus. You play the gameyourself and it's probably your dream to make that your career (like most high school athletes), and you murder someone else who made that dream come truefor himself? SMH
No*!@+@%!*@ ... this@!!#+@# fake%+*% gangster thug $@%! with the young black youth needs to chill the %%+$ out ... if this $@%! doesn't make you realizehow@!!#+@# stupid the world is getting then kill yourself ... rap needs to stop with all that*!@+@%!*@, people need to chill with all that racist $@%! and %%+$
I am conflicted (if they do get convicted what they should get. They took a young man's life who had a bright future. It is probably pretty clear that theydidn't mean to kill him just injure him. Too many young kids grow up today wanting to be thugs SMH. What is wrong with this country?
On a side note: Can we get more pics of her?


saw it one of the killers myspace
Damn Man I live in South Florida and they all look alike man. It ain't safe anymore in Miami. Dudes have to keep up their lifestyles with no moneycoming in. So they have to rob and steal to keep the rep up... hope these ******s rot in jail.
Originally Posted by corwinator3407

Originally Posted by goosebear10

if they did it I think the best type of justice would be to turn them over to the ******** players
I like this idea.

true. not even physically hurt them... just let them see how they made the team and the whole nation feel. a couple of the detainees have kids... we shouldlet them know how they would feel if one of their kids died. on one of the dudes pictures it says "my life line" got damn man... they just need tofeel the pain of losing a loved one..
Dude in the second link got a pic of a mugshot of himself, a pic of his son (ironic.) and one comment from someone with the title R.I.P. SEAN I WILL ALWAYSMISS YOU BRO.
Sean Taylor's Father is a beautiful person. ( on the inside)
A black person trying to give back to his community, BY RAISING THEM WELL, NOT BY RAPPING ABOUT SELLING DRUGS, then saying not to do it for a tv special.
YOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOW thats is crazy!! i went to high school with the last dude Taylor!! i don't remember his first name but everyone called him K.T and iactually lived in the town these boys are from.. and believe me they call it Lil Pakistan for a reason...shh is hott down there
MIAMI -- Police said two men and two juveniles arrested Friday in the shooting death of Washington ******** star Sean Taylor went to his home intent on stealing, not killing.

The suspects didn't expect Taylor to be home, said Miami-Dade County police Director Robert Parker, but Taylor was recuperating from a knee injury and had returned to Miami from Washington. When Taylor surprised them, he was shot.

"They were certainly not looking to go there and kill anyone," Parker said. "They were expecting a residence that was not occupied. So murder or shooting someone was not their initial motive."

Police spokeswoman Linda O'Brien identified the four suspects as: Venjah K. Hunte, 20; Eric Rivera Jr., 17; Jason Scott Mitchell, 17; and Charles Kendrick Lee Wardlow, 18. O'Brien said the charges for each had not yet been determined, but "we are talking murder and burglary."





The four were arrested Friday in southwest Florida, about 100 miles from Miami. They will be booked into the Lee County Jail and eventually will be returned to Miami, O'Brien said. She did not have any information on when they would appear in court, their hometowns or if they had attorneys.

Janelle Hall, a spokeswoman for Miami-Dade County jail, said security reasons prevented her from releasing information regarding when the suspects would be transferred to Miami.

The 24-year-old Pro Bowl safety died Tuesday, one day after being shot at his home in an affluent Miami suburb during what officials said appeared to be an attempted burglary.





Police have been investigating a possible link to a Nov. 17 break-in at Taylor's home, during which they said someone pried open a front window, rifled through drawers and left a kitchen knife on a bed.

Authorities said they had more than one confession, but Parker would not elaborate.

"We're looking into whether or not one or more of the individuals had been at the residence before," Parker said.

Family friend Richard Sharpstein said at least one of the suspects was at Taylor's house when his sister recently had a party, but that Taylor did not know the men.

"It's a burglary, and they targeted him for his wealth," said Sharpstein, who's Taylor's former attorney. "It makes his death even more pathetic, unnecessary and just, actually disgusting.''

Sharpstein had not spoken with Taylor's family regarding the arrests, but said he doubted it provided any comfort.

"I know they are just saddened and appalled. The fact that they arrested his killer is no comfort to them," he said. "It probably inflames them more, because it tells them people were trying to steal from him.

"They are murderers. They should be treated like murderers and put in the Miami River and floated away."

The Miami Herald reported on its Web site that Mitchell and Wardlow had connections to Taylor. Mitchell cut Taylor's lawn and did other chores at the house, Mitchell's twin brother, Scottie, told the newspaper. Taylor's sister, Sasha Johnson, dates Wardlow's older cousin Christopher, and Scottie Mitchell told the paper the couple invited Jason Mitchell to Johnson's birthday party within the past two months.

A woman who identified herself as Jason Mitchell's mother told the Naples Daily News her son was at a birthday party at Sean Taylor's home a couple months ago. She also said her son was at home all week and last weekend.

"I don't know where he's at, I don't know why he's being held," she told the Naples paper. "No parent should see this happen to their child."

O'Brien would not confirm the reports when contacted by The Associated Press.

Taylor and longtime girlfriend, Jackie Garcia, were awakened early Monday by loud noises at Taylor's home in an affluent Miami suburb. Taylor grabbed a machete he kept in the bedroom for protection, Sharpstein said. Someone broke through the bedroom door and fired two shots, one missing and one hitting Taylor in the upper leg. Neither the couple's 18-month-old daughter, also named Jackie, nor Garcia were injured.

The bullet damaged the femoral artery in Taylor's leg, causing significant blood loss. Taylor never regained consciousness and died a little more than 24 hours later.

A public viewing for Taylor is scheduled Sunday in Miami, and the entire ******** organization plans to fly to Florida to attend Monday's funeral at Pharmed Arena at Florida International University.

The ******** also announced that fans attending the team's Sunday game will receive a towel with Taylor's No.21 jersey on it and that his name will be displayed prominently in one of the end zones. Snyder said the team will contribute a minimum of $500,000 to a fund to benefit Taylor's daughter.

******** owner Dan Snyder released a statement late Friday acknowledging the arrests.

"This is another step, but not a conclusion, in a very personal and painful tragedy," he said. "I also want to thank everyone who has joined us in mourning the loss of Sean. People from all over the world contacted the ******** to share our grief and offer their prayers for Sean and his family. We will never forget the courage his family, especially Jackie, Pete and Donna, have shown. Their composure has been a source of strength for us all."
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