Three of the kid's that were involved in Sean Taylor's murder Myspace's - SMH x 10

Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery


this dude looks scary as hell.

dude looks like DMX in dreads
Wow..i hate to sound like an old grump..but whats goin on with todays youth. In chicago some teenagers were just arrested after goin on a robbing spree andkilling a dude that was literally months away from getting his PhD in Chemistry. i dont want to blame hip hop...cuz its dead horse but this whole culture ofkids growing up nowadays is soo much different from mine(21 yrs old)
Originally Posted by haiti5

Wow..i hate to sound like an old grump..but whats goin on with todays youth. In chicago some teenagers were just arrested after goin on a robbing spree and killing a dude that was literally months away from getting his PhD in Chemistry. i dont want to blame hip hop...cuz its dead horse but this whole culture of kids growing up nowadays is soo much different from mine(21 yrs old)

im thinkin u inya late 20's or 30's when you said "today's youth"
I dont blame hip hop but damn, don't they realize our youth isnt being raised by their parents?
Cant the radio play something worth studying for a change?
That's sad...these kids have kids themselves acting like they have no home training. The myspace comment was ridiculous though. She could have kept that toherself. People love to put their business on Myspace.
Richard Sharpstein Reacts To The Confessions
Richard Sharpstein, Taylor's family friend and lawyer, was trying to escape from the tragedy at the Miami Heat game. I just got off the phone with him.
He said that the word he received from police is that they were waiting to get multiple confessions before going forward on an announcement.

"They were looking for two or three confessions," Sharpstein said. "I don't know whether they got them, but it's horrific, horrible. Andthe fact that some family may have led them there -unwittingly or otherwise - it's terrifying."

Sharpstein said Sean's step sister stayed at this house from time to time and "had access to the house." Sharpstein said the sister left stuff inthe bedroom and when Sean returned to the house this weekend he believed she had thrown a party there over Thanksgiving. "Whether these kids (thesuspects) were there or
not, I don't know, but we're assuming one or more of them were."

"People always said Sean's life led him to this, saying he was violent," Sharpstein said. "But if anything here his openness and generosityled to this crime, which is shocking and horrific. I said all along it was a burglary and it was planned. There are 17, 19, 21-year old pathetic criminalwannabes and they carry a gun like every other dime a dozen jerk in the streets, and they happen to come upon someone they don't expect to be there andthey fire the gun and run like cowards.

"This is a shame, but it's not over and this will be of no solace to the family. If anything it will only make it harder to swallow."
watching the video on that website...i heard the mother say something on the phone about taylor's sister paying them to do that

SMH @ the situation....*plays lupe fiasco's the coolest*
I have tremendous amount of respect for Seans dad after reading some of his comments. These cowards dont deserve to live
It's sad because he trusted one of the guys, invited him to his house and everything.

This all just make me so depressed
Those 4 fool killed Sean Taylor. This is some sad sad #%$+. ST must be hella heated up there after he found out these ppl took his life.
^or some of his old teammates at the U or in Miami growing up, you know at least some of them will be in there
I just don't get it...look at home many lives have been ruined by this garbage. The victims, the criminals, the teammates, the fans...for what? A littlebit of material things. No ones life is worth that much pain to a whole group of people. I can't understand it, life is hard as hell, but people gotta dobetter. RIP Sean Taylor and may strength and peace be with anyone effected by this senseless mess.
LOL at timbaland AND magoo

And where is everybody finding comments from the father?
aat everything. And i know what the mom was trying to say in that vid but the way she said it is gonna be all over the news from now on. "Im sorry forsean's family but what about me? I have kids too?" Media's gonna have a field day spinning that every which way
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