Three of the kid's that were involved in Sean Taylor's murder Myspace's - SMH x 10

lol @ ol girl leaving a comment saying "it was crazy seeing you on the news, why yall do it?" something like he gon hit her back on hermyspace page talkin bout it

I had no idea there were so many ignorant myspace pages...scary

lil boosie
what a small world one of those dudes.. shoot maybe all of them are cool with my friends ex.
lol @ ol girl leaving a comment saying "it was crazy seeing you on the news, why yall do it?" something like he gon hit her back on her myspace page talkin bout it


how you just gonna be like "yo, whats good my dude, why you kill sean taylor? like, whats really good with this murder? get at me..."
^ People leaving the police clues/evidence of their guilt with them comments

Edit: ^^ Didn't know that..
Thanks for the links, I wanted to show them to my boys. But yeah, they won't be checking them anytime soon, they are all going down for burglary, but maybeone of them for murder. This is sad, rest in paradise Taylor.

They are bum status though.
Thanks for the links, I wanted to show them to my boys. But yeah, they won't be checking them anytime soon, they are all going down for burglary, but maybe one of them for murder. This is sad, rest in paradise Taylor.
Wrong, they all going for murder. They were in a robbery where someone died, THEY ALL GO DOWN..Watch the first 48
Just heard on DC Fox News that it is actually 4 SUSPECTS of them. Oh, and smh at ya'll convicting these guys without knowing all the details. What happendto being innocent until proven guilty?
on one of the myspace comments a girl says "*FREE MY BRO C-DUB && ERIC RIVERA"

Rivera? Latino? 4th suspect?
Thanks for the links, I wanted to show them to my boys. But yeah, they won't be checking them anytime soon, they are all going down for burglary, but maybe one of them for murder.

Actually, they've ALL been charged with murder according to breaking news reports in Miami. Doesn't surprise me, as there are legaldoctrines that indicate you don't have to be the one pulling the trigger to be charged with the murder; felony murder statues, accomplice theory, etc.

What's these guys relationship with Taylor?
Supposedly no real relation, they heard someone bragging about how wealthy Taylor was, ended up at a birthday party at his house and apparentlysaw some things they liked. Supposedly they weren't expecting anyone to be in the house.
like i said, they already confessed to doing it earlier today. it was them.
Yea maybe they did confess, but I still don't have all the details SO im not jumping to conclusions. You never know maybe they weren'tread their Miranda rights or maybe the confession was forced.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

btw these are their pictures:


so basically we got ugly%### mophead, Antwon Fisher, Ray J, and Lil wayne

wow...looking at those pages just made me
at education these days. everyones thuggin' sellin bricks andkillin' people.

its a cold world.
just like sircharles said..'once you made it, the hood gets jealous.'
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