Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Yeah sadly I am getting close to 100% in believing that Christianity and Islam is man made. Not that I disagree or look down on it, but I am over it due to the amount of fake people claiming to be born again, or religious whom all still sin day in and day out.

I am going to try and educate myself more on Buddhism where the teachings were from a man whom didn't think of himself as a God.
Check out quetzacoatl.
Why do you specifically need any teachings? Why can't you just do what you know is right? I do understand these teachings are guides that can help people. They just confuse me more, and I just go with what I as a young adult understand is morally right. 

I think one reason Christianity and Islam have big/ardent following other than the conquests of areas and conversions 
 (which obviously is the main reason they have the biggest following) is because they are in general based on one book. There are factions in each religion, but in general they get their ideas from one book. That's a very very easy follow for most people. Also both religions claim God wants it this way, this is his words, follow it or else. That's MUCH easier to follow than religions like Buddhism, and Hinduism, which have so many different, texts, books, beliefs, and ideas. Also because of all the differing ideas in these religions, people aren't going to follow them because it's like, "Uhhhh why should I follow an ideology with so many thought processes." But in my opinion, that's what makes humans slightly more powerful than a chimp or animal. Our ability to think a little bit higher, which should cause different thought processes, beliefs, etc. I appreciate differing opinions etc, because almost nothing in this world is black and white, there's a lot of gray area. 
Why can't we go to Jesus' grave? Ska you asked and I missed it. Sorry. He's not dead.
I know that. I mean, I don't believe that, but I know that that's the answer.

So stay with me on this one for a second.

Just put yourself in the shoes of someone trying to look at things from a logical perspective instead of a faith-based spiritual one... because when you're trying to find critical answers to a scientific world, faith has no business in the discussion.

So coming from a scientific perspective, say I'm John Doe, and I'm starting to buy into the things I've heard about this Jesus, but some of it sounds a little ridiculous. A little. Like, I don't know, just not completely buying it.

So I ask about his grave, since we're talking about a guy from centuries ago, and the response to me "Oh, you can't visit his grave."

Wait, I can't visit his grave? I was told he was murdered. I was told he was crucified, after being tortured. But I can't visit his grave? He was cremated?

"Nah, he was ascended into heaven."

Now see, I'm already having my doubts about this whole story, and you just said... WHAT? What's ascended?

"God took his body up to the skies. Not his spirit, but his actual physical body."

Can you see how, at that point, a person would be like, "Nah, I'm out"?

If that makes sense to you, if it makes sense to you that someone would have trouble digesting that, then encourage your compadres to lay off the abomination, hellbound, 'lost, stupid souls' talk... and I'll encourage my peeps to lay off the "Stupid believers" talk.

Because in the end, you can't prove anything is out there, and I can't prove that nothing is out there. Yes, it makes more sense to me to have the burden of proof laid on the supreme being, and that he needs to show me SOMETHING before I devote my whole life to him... SOMETHING... but that's me. If someone else wants to rely on the faith that he MUST be out there, because he just has to be, hey, that's them. I'm not mad at 'em.

I'm mad at anyone causing harm over their own beliefs, whether their belief is in a higher power or no higher power.

I can't, for ME, I can't accept for myself the answer "He was here. For real. Promise. He was, just like Martin Luther King, just like Ghandi, just like Alexander the Great, all of 'em. He was here... and then his entire body was risen up into the skies, and god took him."

Nah. I'm not... I can't even... no way. Not for me.
Yeah sadly I am getting close to 100% in believing that Christianity and Islam is man made. Not that I disagree or look down on it, but I am over it due to the amount of fake people claiming to be born again, or religious whom all still sin day in and day out.

I am going to try and educate myself more on Buddhism where the teachings were from a man whom didn't think of himself as a God.
Among Buddhist teachings is this: that if a woman is a good enough servant to her man, she has the possibility of being reincarnated as a man in her next life. I have not encountered a religion that has women as equals to men, and this... is a HUGE reason I'm anti-religious (not just anti-Christian, or anti-God, but anti-all of 'em, to sort of answer a question you asked, @RKO2004)
Yeah sadly I am getting close to 100% in believing that Christianity and Islam is man made. Not that I disagree or look down on it, but I am over it due to the amount of fake people claiming to be born again, or religious whom all still sin day in and day out.

I am going to try and educate myself more on Buddhism where the teachings were from a man whom didn't think of himself as a God.
Among Buddhist teachings is this: that if a woman is a good enough servant to her man, she has the possibility of being reincarnated as a man in her next life. I have not encountered a religion that has women as equals to men, and this... is a HUGE reason I'm anti-religious (not just anti-Christian, or anti-God, but anti-all of 'em, to sort of answer a question you asked, @RKO2004)
What specific things regarding woman have you seen in major religions? 
Ska no offense meant at all by this, are you a woman?

Also Ska, you remind me of Mel Gibson on Signs :lol:
Among Buddhist teachings is this: that if a woman is a good enough servant to her man, she has the possibility of being reincarnated as a man in her next life. I have not encountered a religion that has women as equals to men, and this... is a HUGE reason I'm anti-religious (not just anti-Christian, or anti-God, but anti-all of 'em, to sort of answer a question you asked, @RKO2004

This is inaccurate. It is said that while Buddha pointed out the physical weakness of women, he also praised them for their abilities (primarily child birth) and afforded them the same freedoms as men. So much so that religious women were seen as superiors to unreligious men...this can be read in the Rig Veda.

After Buddhism grew in popularity and was interpreted by by people with certain intentions, it was warped into religious men holding dominion over women.

Hermeneutics is a b.
God already has a set path
for everyone. 

Of course we as humans 
want to find our own answers
but that just leads to regressive

He knows you and how you think,
so he molds the path you take so
that you'll always have an opportunity
no matter how big or small the mistake
you've made is.

You come to a point in life
where you just say, 
no matter what Lord
I trust you.

Wait, dont we have free will? How can god have a path for us and we still have free will?

Then you say "God allows you to choose the path"

But how can we choose a path thats already been chosen for us? Wouldn't that mean we have no free will and are just on a preprogrammed course with preprogrammed "choices". So if i go out and murder 100s of people, its what god made me do?

Then you say "thats not god, thats evil. The devil at work"

But again, god has a set path for us, meaning this was suppose to happen according to him, correct?
Wait, dont we have free will? How can god have a path for us and we still have free will?

Then you say "God allows you to choose the path"

But how can we choose a path thats already been chosen for us? Wouldn't that mean we have no free will and are just on a preprogrammed course with preprogrammed "choices". So if i go out and murder 100s of people, its what god made me do?

Then you say "thats not god, thats evil. The devil at work"

But again, god has a set path for us, meaning this was suppose to happen according to him, correct?
If you have a child and you give it the option

to eat veggies or eat cookies

you know it is going to go for the cookies

cuz you know the mind of a child.

As I said God knows us more than 

we know ourselves, he knows our heart

he knows if you are gonna lie or stand for the truth

he knows if you are gonna go to work or continue sleeping.

he knows if you are gonna eat the cereal or eat the pizza.

If God wanted to control us

we'd be praising him day and night

and following all is commandments.

We all have free will to do as we please

but, it doesn't mean God cannot read us.
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Then if he knows us more than we know ourselves, then wouldnt our fte be predetermined? He already knows our heart right?
Among Buddhist teachings is this: that if a woman is a good enough servant to her man, she has the possibility of being reincarnated as a man in her next life. I have not encountered a religion that has women as equals to men, and this... is a HUGE reason I'm anti-religious (not just anti-Christian, or anti-God, but anti-all of 'em, to sort of answer a question you asked, @RKO2004


Why do you specifically need any teachings? Why can't you just do what you know is right? I do understand these teachings are guides that can help people. They just confuse me more, and I just go with what I as a young adult understand is morally right. 

To be a better person and to be educated for the most part. I mean I know right or wrong just based of good ol common sense, but why not expand your mind? Like for example, I am in awe at Buddhist monk's power of discipline. I was in little Saigon, Orange County, CA a few weeks back and witness a monk standing outside a mall in about 80-90 degree weather. Not moving, not speaking. Just standing there with a box for people to contribute. Dude was just standing there all day and you can tell he was there the whole day cause he was standing on cement with bare feet and his feet were swollen red. He just stood there with a blank stare and not grimacing or showing any pain. Truly impressive! That type of mind over body power is something I would like to understand and possess.
Then if he knows us more than we know ourselves, then wouldnt our fte be predetermined? He already knows our heart right?

Multiple scriptures say he had already

predestined the things he would do

for humanity, sending his Son to die 

for us, the Flood.

The Lord doesn't lie

especially when he said

we have free will.

We walk but he sets

our pavement.

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If gods plan was to kill his son to free us of sin, then didn't his plan fail since everyone sins? Why martyr your son if all you have to is pray and ask for forgiveness? How can a peaceful being put his son thru so much? And seeing that science proves life, how did Jesus come to be if his mom was a virgin?
Cool so if were gonna take it to a historical level lets study the etymology of "Abraham"

Literally meaning transition or change of black people. So historically if anyone was to be he Jews it would be blacks. Again blacks have no history of a Jesus.

And I'm not trying to make this a race thing, but holy bible comes from Helios Bible translating to book of light. God=light=infinite

Black is the physical manifestation of the entire light spectrum, so again we have to asks why would Jesus ever be portrayed as anything that lacks the infinite?

I hope you can see the loop this is creating. Historically the bible doesn't line up, and if it's symbolic then you have to consider it amongst the other mythologies that speak of a Christ story. Once you do that you'll see it's far from the first to do so. And in comparison it's quite an elementary representation of what the Christ is really about.
I like a lot of what you bring up.

Where does the name Abraham translate to "transition" or "change of black people"? Interesting.

Abraham's original name was Abram, which meant a high father. Then was changed to Abraham, meaning a father of many nations.
I've seen you cite verses basically saying people have to be immersed in the spirit to understand what the bible is saying, has it occurred that maybe you could be on the wrong side of the tracks and are misinterpreting what you're saying?

You've been wrong about life before, which is why you were drawn to Christianity in the first place. Whose to say you can't be wrong again?
What I've taken from this topic, and from any Christian I've ever talked to, is that you have to commit to believing the Bible to actually believe the Bible. If you take an honest look and decide the message is not for you, you didn't try hard enough and you're not doing it correctly. 

A lot of Christians seem to have convinced themselves that non-believers just hate god and love sin. Interestingly, it's a lack of empathy. 
I know that. I mean, I don't believe that, but I know that that's the answer.

So stay with me on this one for a second.

Just put yourself in the shoes of someone trying to look at things from a logical perspective instead of a faith-based spiritual one... because when you're trying to find critical answers to a scientific world, faith has no business in the discussion.

So coming from a scientific perspective, say I'm John Doe, and I'm starting to buy into the things I've heard about this Jesus, but some of it sounds a little ridiculous. A little. Like, I don't know, just not completely buying it.

So I ask about his grave, since we're talking about a guy from centuries ago, and the response to me "Oh, you can't visit his grave."

Wait, I can't visit his grave? I was told he was murdered. I was told he was crucified, after being tortured. But I can't visit his grave? He was cremated?

"Nah, he was ascended into heaven."

Now see, I'm already having my doubts about this whole story, and you just said... WHAT? What's ascended?

"God took his body up to the skies. Not his spirit, but his actual physical body."

Can you see how, at that point, a person would be like, "Nah, I'm out"?

If that makes sense to you, if it makes sense to you that someone would have trouble digesting that, then encourage your compadres to lay off the abomination, hellbound, 'lost, stupid souls' talk... and I'll encourage my peeps to lay off the "Stupid believers" talk.

Because in the end, you can't prove anything is out there, and I can't prove that nothing is out there. Yes, it makes more sense to me to have the burden of proof laid on the supreme being, and that he needs to show me SOMETHING before I devote my whole life to him... SOMETHING... but that's me. If someone else wants to rely on the faith that he MUST be out there, because he just has to be, hey, that's them. I'm not mad at 'em.

I'm mad at anyone causing harm over their own beliefs, whether their belief is in a higher power or no higher power.

I can't, for ME, I can't accept for myself the answer "He was here. For real. Promise. He was, just like Martin Luther King, just like Ghandi, just like Alexander the Great, all of 'em. He was here... and then his entire body was risen up into the skies, and god took him."

Nah. I'm not... I can't even... no way. Not for me.

I see where you are coming from. I understand, but for me. It makes sense.

I've had people tell me God/Bible wasn't for them and I have no choice but to respect that. I'm not going to go off "You're going straight to hell. You sinner'.
If gods plan was to kill his son to free us of sin, then didn't his plan fail since everyone sins? Why martyr your son if all you have to is pray and ask for forgiveness? How can a peaceful being put his son thru so much? And seeing that science proves life, how did Jesus come to be if his mom was a virgin?
No, because we are now free from sin because of His death. Because of Adam's sin, sin is in our original nature. Born into it and shaped in iniquity. Because of sin, death entered the scene as sin's price. When Jesus died, He paid that debt for the world. Because our original nature is sin, common sins might I add, it takes something else to help us overcome and truly be free from sin .Now, to really be free from sin, one must repent, be baptized in Jesus name, filled with the holy ghost and live a holy life. Once that happens, then you are no longer a slave to what you see in the mirror because a new you has been birthed that is free from sin.

Why did God do this? Why did He put His son through so much? I ask myself that all the time.

A few of the reasons why Jesus came through a virgin is because 1) a father is connected to their son through their blood  2) to fulfill what was prophesied by Isaiah 3) to continue to prove that with God all things are possible 4) Her barren(unable to conceive) relative Elizabeth was now 6 months pregnant with John, giving her a place of refuge. Somewhere she and Joseph could go who understood that it was God who performed this.
And you believe that?

No one is free from sin. No one. God committed how many murders?

I just don't understand it.
If gods plan was to kill his son to free us of sin, then didn't his plan fail since everyone sins? Why martyr your son if all you have to is pray and ask for forgiveness? How can a peaceful being put his son thru so much? And seeing that science proves life, how did Jesus come to be if his mom was a virgin?
No, because we are now free from sin because of His death. Because of Adam's sin, sin is in our original nature. Born into it and shaped in iniquity. Because of sin, death entered the scene as sin's price. When Jesus died, He paid that debt for the world. Because our original nature is sin, common sins might I add, it takes something else to help us overcome and truly be free from sin .Now, to really be free from sin, one must repent, be baptized in Jesus name, filled with the holy ghost and live a holy life. Once that happens, then you are no longer a slave to what you see in the mirror because a new you has been birthed that is free from sin.

Why did God do this? Why did He put His son through so much? I ask myself that all the time.

A few of the reasons why Jesus came through a virgin is because 1) a father is connected to their son through their blood  2) to fulfill what was prophesied by Isaiah 3) to continue to prove that with God all things are possible 4) Her barren(unable to conceive) relative Elizabeth was now 6 months pregnant with John, giving her a place of refuge. Somewhere she and Joseph could go who understood that it was God who performed this.
I hate to do this, but it's always something on my mind. It's even come up in this thread multiple times. So based on your avy I'm going to assume that's you and you are black. Doesn't it bother you the religion you follow (which I do believe in general teaches good, all my posts can back that up) was forced upon your ancestors. The reason you are a Christian is because people forced it upon your family and destroyed your families original beliefs? Also, doesn't it bother you the bible talks about slavery in an acceptable manner because at that time, slaves were acceptable? 
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