Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Don't wanna make this a battle of the wits. If you got peace and love in your that's all that matters.

Like I said man just check out the people who put the bible together and then compare it to stories that came before it. If you feel the same at least you learned some world history and have a better understanding of how the lords word came to be.
True my friend

I will do some researching

God bless ya.
Just caught the last part, about having a question about he scripture. I posted this earlier:

Galatians 4:20-24

22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.

23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.

24 Which things are an ALLEGORY: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

Main Entry: al·le·go·ry
Pronunciation: \ˈa-lə-ˌgȯr-ē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural al·le·go·ries
Etymology: Middle English allegorie, from Latin allegoria, from Greek allēgoria, from allēgorein to speak figuratively, from allos other + -ēgorein to speak publicly, from agora assembly — more at else, agora
Date: 14th century
1 : the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence ; also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression 2 : a symbolic representation : emblem 2

So this how I look at it, either the bible is symbol or historical. Time and time again it's been proven that the bible is historically inaccurate.

So the possibility for it to be an allegory exists. It tells you clear is day that Abraham and his family is allegorical, hence anything after is allegorical. Jesus included.

I've seen you cite verses basically saying people have to be immersed in the spirit to understand what the bible is saying, has it occurred that maybe you could be on the wrong side of the tracks and are misinterpreting what you're saying?

You've been wrong about life before, which is why you were drawn to Christianity in the first place. Whose to say you can't be wrong again?
And obviously slightly joking, but also slightly serious, if heaven is going to allow guys who believe god is siding with Israel bangbang, guys who post pictures of steering wheels and construction sites, and guys answering I feel legitimate, respectful questions with lines that basically say don't question anything, then I don't think it's the spot for me. Am I the only one who sees the irony in some of these guys? 

And to the guys who have been respectful and don't like the mocking of religion, I feel you guys. But questioning is never a bad thing when done in a respectful manner, which I feel like a lot of people in here are doing. We're taught from a young age, through our parents and life experiences, never trust things blindly without making sure and being careful. Always question. Don't trust strangers, even don't trust your friends all the time. Yet, the only thing that we can accept blindly is religion. That's what was always interesting to me. 
Just say names my friend

We all know the people you refer to.

It is only God who can judge who gets in.

With that being said everyone should be fearful

Cuz thats the toughest judge you will ever be

sentenced by.

I could be the most PC,

charity friendly, bloke 

but if I don't know him.

Then I am not coming into

his Home, cuz I am still a sinner.

God loves those who love him 

enough to obey his commands

and fear him enough to turn from 

their flesh

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23

Of course no one is perfect.
So a person who isn't charity friendly, is rude, not that caring, somewhat selfish etc, but attempts to follow Christianity to the best of his abilities has a better shot of entering his home than a person who doesn't follow Christianity or follows another religion, but is caring, does a lot for others etc? Because there are plenty of people like both these groups that I have described. 

We'll have to respectfully disagree on how that makes sense. 
So a person who isn't charity friendly, is rude, not that caring, somewhat selfish etc, but attempts to follow Christianity to the best of his abilities has a better shot of entering his home than a person who doesn't follow Christianity or follows another religion, but is caring, does a lot for others etc? Because there are plenty of people like both these groups that I have described. 

We'll have to respectfully disagree on how that makes sense. 
Thank God you're not the judge.
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So a person who isn't charity friendly, is rude, not that caring, somewhat selfish etc, but attempts to follow Christianity to the best of his abilities has a better shot of entering his home than a person who doesn't follow Christianity or follows another religion, but is caring, does a lot for others etc? Because there are plenty of people like both these groups that I have described. 

We'll have to respectfully disagree on how that makes sense. 
Thank God your not the judge.
 That was a good one. But that makes sense to you? How does that make sense? 
I think he meant why they never 'received Jesus'
Yeah sorry. Yes they had spirituality beliefs but not a prophet like Jesus or Muhammad.
It's simple to me at least. They were an ocean away from where those two religions originated. Native Americans made their own religions. Hence, one of the reasons I believe it's man made. If God had a vision on how to worship him why wouldn't he send it to the rest of the world and not one small area. 

Also why would such a nice guy want so much worship? This is a basic question I feel like I've heard a lot. 
It's simple to me at least. They were an ocean away from where those two religions originated. Native Americans made their own religions. Hence, one of the reasons I believe it's man made. If God had a vision on how to worship him why wouldn't he send it to the rest of the world and not one small area. 

Also why would such a nice guy want so much worship? This is a basic question I feel like I've heard a lot. 

Check out quetzacoatl. It's the same thing as Christ for native Americans/Aztec/Mayans
Once you get past Christian dogma you'll see we've all gave ourselves a chance at redemption so to speak. Certain people who put the bible together made it an exoteric concept so they could benefit from it financially. To lose people in translation they gave them pieces of the pie known as Christianity to keep them settled and satisfied.
If you don't think this is about money, see the Vatican, see the Jews, etc.

Not sure what your knowledge on this is so I figured id give a general concept of what's going on
So a person who isn't charity friendly, is rude, not that caring, somewhat selfish etc, but attempts to follow Christianity to the best of his abilities has a better shot of entering his home than a person who doesn't follow Christianity or follows another religion, but is caring, does a lot for others etc? Because there are plenty of people like both these groups that I have described. 

We'll have to respectfully disagree on how that makes sense. 

A person who is truly trying to be a follower of Christ won't have those problems mentioned after a while.
 That was a good one. But that makes sense to you? How does that make sense? 
Well, at least I still have my humor.

Let me give some sense into the meaning

of this thread.

When I was growing up as a boy

in church, my pastor would preach the Truth

that is damnation and the falsehood of

all other beliefs.

I use to think he was the mean pastor

compared to the other pastors that

preached about love and forgiveness

all Sundays.

It's only through this pastor 

and pastors alike

was I aware of my sins, and 

aware of what I was missing.

Like a mothers who 

discipline their children, kids think their

mom is mean until they grow up

and see the love in their action.

We like to think  the people

who are PC about our beliefs

and sugar coating are the ones 

who have it best out for us. 

But, it takes love for someone

to go out of their way to correct

your wrongs.

The Truth won't always tickle your ears.
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Just caught the last part, about having a question about he scripture. I posted this earlier:

Galatians 4:20-24

22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.

23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.

24 Which things are an ALLEGORY: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

Main Entry: al·le·go·ry
Pronunciation: \ˈa-lə-ˌgȯr-ē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural al·le·go·ries
Etymology: Middle English allegorie, from Latin allegoria, from Greek allēgoria, from allēgorein to speak figuratively, from allos other + -ēgorein to speak publicly, from agora assembly — more at else, agora
Date: 14th century
1 : the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence ; also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression 2 : a symbolic representation : emblem 2

So this how I look at it, either the bible is symbol or historical. Time and time again it's been proven that the bible is historically inaccurate.

So the possibility for it to be an allegory exists. It tells you clear is day that Abraham and his family is allegorical, hence anything after is allegorical. Jesus included.

I've seen you cite verses basically saying people have to be immersed in the spirit to understand what the bible is saying, has it occurred that maybe you could be on the wrong side of the tracks and are misinterpreting what you're saying?

You've been wrong about life before, which is why you were drawn to Christianity in the first place. Whose to say you can't be wrong again?
It's both symbolic and historical. The 2 sons and mothers represent the 2 different dispensations. Hagar and Ishmael representing the flesh, Sarah and Isaac representing the promise that was made to Abraham. The flesh represent being bound by the law that was given on Mt. Sinai. The promise representing the freedom from being bound by the law to those who have received the promise of the Holy Ghost.
It's both symbolic and historical. The 2 sons and mothers represent the 2 different dispensations. Hagar and Ishmael representing the flesh, Sarah and Isaac representing the promise that was made to Abraham. The flesh represent being bound by the law that was given on Mt. Sinai. The promise representing the freedom from being bound by the law to those who have received the promise of the Holy Ghost.
I have no idea what you mean by 'my ppl', but if you're talking about Christians, my response is this: Just because you're not aware of it doesn't make it false.

Whenever you're ready to ask w/ an open mind how your religion does in fact denigrate women, we're ready to answer, bro.

For real.

If you meant something else by 'my ppl', then nevermind this response. 
I'm born christian soon and live orthodox so I mean my ppl by the ethnicity of my ppl who majority follow this certain orthodox religion
I pm"d op and
Op just flat out told me my religion is an attempt to bribe god and all religion is but he's christian.. Is that not a religion? Is he saying he's bribing god?? I don't understand how someone with similar beliefs telling me my religion is an.attempt to bribe god..I was with him.up until that point

And if I may, I'd like to give my response to your issue w/ OP: you mentioned that you and him have similar beliefs.

My take? Clearly you don't have similar beliefs as him, so just... well... do what you're doing. Part ways. No harm, no foul. Just not eye-to-eye, and there's nothing wrong w/ that.

See, me, I'm an atheist. But I would NEVER IN MY LIFE tell someone to stop believing in god, or that they're an idiot for believing. Nah, do you. My issue comes in when one of 3 things happen, and ONLY when one of those 3 things happen:

- when I see that someone's belief is causing harm (mental or physical) to someone else

- when someone is trying to make a fool of me for believing different than them

- when my opinion is asked

So you and OP ain't on the same page. No biggie. 
It's simple to me at least. They were an ocean away from where those two religions originated. Native Americans made their own religions. Hence, one of the reasons I believe it's man made. If God had a vision on how to worship him why wouldn't he send it to the rest of the world and not one small area. 

Also why would such a nice guy want so much worship? This is a basic question I feel like I've heard a lot. 
Check out quetzacoatl. It's the same thing as Christ for native Americans/Aztec/Mayans
Once you get past Christian dogma you'll see we've all gave ourselves a chance at redemption so to speak. Certain people who put the bible together made it an exoteric concept so they could benefit from it financially. To lose people in translation they gave them pieces of the pie known as Christianity to keep them settled and satisfied.
If you don't think this is about money, see the Vatican, see the Jews, etc.

Not sure what your knowledge on this is so I figured id give a general concept of what's going on
Wait I don't get it. Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me, not even sure 

So a person who isn't charity friendly, is rude, not that caring, somewhat selfish etc, but attempts to follow Christianity to the best of his abilities has a better shot of entering his home than a person who doesn't follow Christianity or follows another religion, but is caring, does a lot for others etc? Because there are plenty of people like both these groups that I have described. 

We'll have to respectfully disagree on how that makes sense. 
A person who is truly trying to be a follower of Christ won't have those problems mentioned after a while.
I actually totally agree. That's true. But a person who follows Christ won't be accepting of homosexuals, or accepting of other beliefs on matters such as religion. But the other person can be accepting of homosexuals and have no opinion on what belief system is true or better. At least in my eyes the second person is a more accepting, caring, and open person. Why would he or she not be able to enter heaven, but the other individual would? Sounds totally wrong and backwards to me, but I think the one thing we can all agree on is who are any of us to judge
Yeah sadly I am getting close to 100% in believing that Christianity and Islam is man made. Not that I disagree or look down on it, but I am over it due to the amount of fake people claiming to be born again, or religious whom all still sin day in and day out.

I am going to try and educate myself more on Buddhism where the teachings were from a man whom didn't think of himself as a God.

Check out quetzacoatl.

It's both symbolic and historical. The 2 sons and mothers represent the 2 different dispensations. Hagar and Ishmael representing the flesh, Sarah and Isaac representing the promise that was made to Abraham. The flesh represent being bound by the law that was given on Mt. Sinai. The promise representing the freedom from being bound by the law to those who have received the promise of the Holy Ghost.

Cool so if were gonna take it to a historical level lets study the etymology of "Abraham"

Literally meaning transition or change of black people. So historically if anyone was to be he Jews it would be blacks. Again blacks have no history of a Jesus.

And I'm not trying to make this a race thing, but holy bible comes from Helios Bible translating to book of light. God=light=infinite

Black is the physical manifestation of the entire light spectrum, so again we have to asks why would Jesus ever be portrayed as anything that lacks the infinite?

I hope you can see the loop this is creating. Historically the bible doesn't line up, and if it's symbolic then you have to consider it amongst the other mythologies that speak of a Christ story. Once you do that you'll see it's far from the first to do so. And in comparison it's quite an elementary representation of what the Christ is really about.
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