Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Old laws were passed with the arrival of Jesus on the Earth. Thats one of the reasons the Pharisees and the priests hated him.

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
- Yeshua/ Jesus (matthew 5:18
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Why is it such a big deal to God that people be specifically Christian?

Like, does being a good person not matter if you're not Christian?

Why would the God of the universe, creator of all life care about whether you're Bhuddist or Hindu, as long as you're living your life with the goal of being positive and doing right by others?

If you're a person who has dedicated your life to good, but simply are not Christian, does that make you a bad person?
OP why is Jesus any better than me? He kept talking about how were all Gods children not just him, and that he's just another dude?
He is the Unique Son of God. The reason Christians are called children of God is because we have Christ in our hearts.

He only finds us righteous through our acceptance of Jesus Christ.
I grew up in the church, but I'm not rocking with religion anymore. I think itz more to it than just believing in a man that died for your sins..I feel like life and the universe are too complex for it to be that simple.

But more power to u op for speaking up for what u believe in..
Don't you think we overlook the simple things way too much? God has given us great imaginations, just proof of our intelligent design. Yet we only use our minds to spit at God and his laws, and strive for our own pleasures in the sand called carnal life.

I speak the truth homie, its more real than anything in life..
Did you really just say the earth is 6000 years old because it says so in a book? Well..I guess all of the evidence stating otherwise is just wrong :rolleyes
Ether you're extremely gullible or purposely turning your head to anything that contradicts the bible.

But my question is if the god you believe in is omniscient and omnipotent, why "create" a species knowing it will not be how you want and send them to hell by default..UNLESS they believe in a human version of himself (who also needs money and your personal freedoms) ? Seem's like a very unjust system bro
OP are zombies real?

OP are we using enough force in non Christian parts of the world to bring the truth and light to them? Should we be using more since they seem to be so stuck in their Islam and Buddhism and whatnot?
OP if we were to come into contact with beings from other planets, how would that fit into the narrative of the Bible?
We are all going to die, whether we claim a religion or believe we don't. But what makes Christians different is we have accepted the gift of eternal life
through the Son Of God.

You're brainwashed b, you're living your life based off a book that you have no actual proof who it was written by

For what?

We all have a devil and god within us, its called a conscience,

Your conscience got you believing being a "born again christian" makes you a better person than "living the life of hypocrisy" that you were formely living, so according to my religion you were living your whole life with a guilty conscience aka the son of satan :smh:
Do you plan to go into priesthood? 

Have you ever experienced psychedelics? 

And lastly, the question we all know the answer to (although it seems most white christians don't...) Was that dude they call Jesus black, brown, or white? 
Nope. I am not religious.

Haven't tried drugs before.

He was Jewish. So you can speculate, but it is another carnal hole.
So God says one thing, His son comes and says "never mind that'? Give me contextual, untwisted scripture for that please. (For sake of your argument, dont use Matthew 5:17 )
I'll leave it at this.  If you want to condemn for eating shrimp, then I can't stop you. 

If you seriously want an answer other than what I have brought you, I will research and get back to you. aight?
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